This game is literally "what if we put Metal Slug and Monster Hunter together?" and I love everything about it.
ITT shill a game nobody else on Sup Forums knows about or ever talks about
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The game is literally "what if we put Metal Slug and Monster Hunter together but made it boring?"
It's a blatant homage to Metal Slug in so many ways that it's kind of difficult to not draw parallels.
Sad but true.
I'm almost 20 hours in and I've been having fun the whole time, when does it get boring?
When you realize THE GRIND NEVER STOPS
it was fun with a friend
I don't see how that's a bad thing
>"what if we put Metal Slug and Monster Hunter together?"
It's neither
The game doesn't play anything like Metal Slug nor does it have engaging boss fights like a Monster Hunter game
I got this in a bundle and that's pretty much exactly what told my friend to get her to buy it. We both love Monster Hunter to death and for a time we got sucked into this.
Are the Devs posting this?
Your game is terrible and long dead
It's nothing like metal slug or monster hunter, that would an insult
I would love to shill this game just for the multiplayer alone
But Capcom shut down the online servers and the only way to play it is through tunneling programs like Hamachi where the game gets buggy and everything does double damage.
Still fun though
I've shilled for SteamWorld Heist in the past when it was still fairly new. I had a ton of fun with it but never see any threads for the game and when I'd make one myself it always just dies with no activity. But now it's been long enough since I played that I can't think of what to say about it with others who's already played it.
Too bad those awesome pixel graphics were wasted on a mediocre game
Got it with a humble bundle but uninstalled after 20 minutes. Maybe because I played with kb + m but controls sucked.
>Metal Slug
It's a braindead grind in space but comfy as fuck. Dirt cheap on steam right now.
what if we put Metal Slug and Monster Hutner together?
And didn't add a fucking map that works in telling you were the shit you have to fight is?
Fucking hell man im tired of roaming around the same fucking place for 6 minutes again and again.
>what if we put Metal Slug and Monster Hunter together but took out any sort of engaging gameplay and meaningful progression while leaving the grind intact?
Fuck you OP, this game is the same shit over and over with the only positive being the art style.
I love this game and it has nothing to do with monster hunter fucking retard
It definitively takes a bunch of things from the monster hunter formula, lets not be contrarian for the sake of it
Last game with actual good pixel art,
Wuppo is pretty good. Never saw it being talked about here.
Shilling for a friend.
Hey let's put a shitty reloading mechanic and too many platform to what could be a nice a quick shooter. Don't forget to put craft like EVERYGAME nowaday to slow thing down and make it tedious as fuck
It's fun for like the first 2 hours but it gets repetitive really fast. Played it through the end (not 100%) and it honestly wasn't worth it.
But it does with a big red marker? If you're talking about bosses that decide to move to another point in the map, you can radio one of your dudes to spot him for you, though you can only do this a bunch of times. Usually enough to kill the bastard though.
It's an okay game - I was forced to solo it which is probably how it got boring, but I beat it by manning up to the grind. Corrosive/flame shotguns are literally too good.
>Fucking hell man im tired of roaming around the same fucking place for 6 minutes again and again.
literally monster hunter
Probably my GOTY unless something really amazing comes out this year. Of course Sup Forums would finish the story mode once and bitch about how short it is without even trying arcade mode like a bunch of casual faggots.
looks cool
do i need to play bleed 1 before i play 2?
Nope, can skip it if you want. I didn't even like Bleed 1 until after I played a bunch of 2 and went back to it. There's story references but it's an arcade run and gun, not exactly a story heavy genre.
cool thanks
i'll grab it on sale
The last Worms game is pretty good. Way overpriced though, probably worth 10 bucks.
Starward Rogue is like Binding of Isaac except breadmund and nicalis haven't been shitting on it for years.
>What if metal slug and monster hunter
>monster hunter
Grind is not an issue for munhun players.
37 hours in and same here, I can't get enough of the gun optimization and customization. What's your weapon ?
Loved it. Solid 8/10, on a scale where 1-5 are used numbers, so really good. Missed a little more enemy variety.
Look into Super Time Force Ultra when you're done.
>Super Time Force Ultra
Into the wishlist it goes.
It's probably fun with three friends. Still too tedious in two player mode.
And that's when you realize that the reason it's better with more players is because you have to play less.
>that voice acting?
For what purpose? It wasn't in the earlier versions
The fuck?
This. It's a boring piece of shit and the gameplay and boss fights go out of their way to be more tedious, rather than fun. I don't give a fuck what you think, OP. It has 0 essence of the Metal Slug arcade games. You need more than a military-esque aesthetic to be like Metal Slug.