What is this nioh or something??

Yeah mate, I heard it's pretty good. Can't play as a hot chick though, bit bummed about that.



What in the god damn hell are you talking about?


what are Demoman and Manny Pardo doing hanging out together.

where's the joke fuckley?


that car is GIGANTIC

but you can play as a hot dude though

So what, why is skinny Commander suddenly gay?


I'm assuming that it's soldier 76 and someone else, because of torbjorn.

Different character.
Boss man is still straight.

wtf wow at first I thought these two characters were just some classic buddy duo cool bros and I kind of liked their pair even though the whole comic is probably written by an autist and filled with autistic stories and then they go and fucking ruin it by making them a gay interracial couple WTF fucking sickos. Really hope Trump rescinds gay marriage.

>".... okay okay nothing wrong here, i guess i'll stick around to see what the joke is...
>"Is that Torbjorn?"
>"EW FUCK, GROSS! That was supposed to be Morrison and Reyes?!?!"

Why must this autism exist

These people are only hurting themselves



Why is he wearing a shirt with "teh" on it? And what the hell is the joke even?

Bros can still kiss. Just have to say no homo.

Aren't these the same characters from that tranny comic strip? Where the tranny shows his boy pussy and the guy calls him beautiful.

>Waaah waaah someone made a comic that doesn't align with my irrational thinking :(

Go crawl back to your safespace on the other side of the board user, I'm sure you'll be ok there

Yup. The whole comic is that obnoxious "witty" banter and SJW bullshit.



Used to be better before Joph went into his depressive,, I'm a special snowflake, someone love me, state. Before, it used to be about drunken, robo hijinks

Just like Sinfest used to be better when it was just political satire and less sjw, whites and men are ebil nonsense.



is this real? or edited?

I just find it hard to believe you are about to slurp some delicious fish tacos when you get smacked in the face by a greasy braadworst and you are totally cool with it.

Much better.

The flavored stuff is good.

It's real.

Its real.

Why would you think its edited?

my favorite "beer" i had was orange ginger beer

I dunno. I'm into greasy bratwurst. I also don't know the context of the comic, did he not know the bitch was trans before they got naked together?


no he didn't know

I'd post it if I had it, at work. Yeah, they are making out, getting naked, then he says wait, pulls off his panties and says something like "this is the real me" then the real guy looks stunned for a second then smiles and says "You're beautiful". I figured it was just a girl with self esteem issues cause you never see bush or cock.