Opinions about this official art?
Why male party members looks so useless?
Opinions about this official art?
This has to be the same artist that did the EQ art.
>chicks hiding instead of fighting
>paladin comin to fuck that demon up
looks about right
why does diablo look like a jew?
Where the fuck do you live and meet jews like that?
I know you are not from Sup Forums from one simple reason:
Sup Forums LOVES Diablo 2
it have best PVP up to this day
stop with trying to divide Sup Forums and Sup Forums
jews in entertainment are common enemy here
>necro and barb are shit
>sorc and amazon are unstoppable
>nobody plays paladin
That's D2 alright
>paladin in the diablo 2
>fucking anyone shits up
Elem druid was less useless
Hammerdin is one of the only classes in the game capable of hitting unresistable holy damage at levels high enough to 1shot hell Baal with 4 party members. You're a silly banana for implying Paladins aren't the obvious best class in the game.
It turned me on when I saw it when I was younger desu
You like when a strong and bulky demon dominates silver haired girly males?
those sorc boobies
Paladin literally has the most viable builds out of all characters for PvE and PvP
You absolutely cannot 1 shot baal even with a full invetory of GCs but you can 2 or 3 shot him.
When I ran with a bot doing a few Hell Baal runs, I will admit that he was attacking so fast that it seemed like it was a 1shot. The concept of it being a 2 or 3 shot eluded me when the fact remained that within a single 1 second window, he went from full to dead.
>women hide while men get slaughtered for their benefit
world history
>Barb dead from ww'ing through iron maiden skeles.
>Sorc and necro mana burned and useless.
>Zon is newfag who can't into dodge/avoid and probably has 5% block.
>Generic hdin dicking around with rare drops and about to wreck Diablo using smite with 1 point in it.
I love posts like this. You know, where everything the person is saying is both funny and correct- and you can visualize it easily in your head?
>>Generic hdin dicking around with rare drops and about to wreck Diablo using smite with 1 point in it.
>white bois getting BTFO
>white wimminz staying away from white losers
>the BBC himself is on his way to breed some white out of this world
Blizzard confirmed for C.U.C.K.
Useless? One's doing shit while the other is coming to do shit.
The women are hiding.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>paladin coming in to deliver the BBC
Post more Keith Parkinson
>that paladin
Those are some sexy af rocks.
>men are fighting while the women are cowering
I never noticed but it's pretty clear that the amazon isn't wearing anything under her loin cloth in that image.
Firiona Vie for sure
This image is quite right dead barb as always necro doing the real work sorcerer and amazon being shit classes while cowering away from Diablo. Paladin doing shit.
I miss classic nerd fantasy art like this. Looks like a D&D box cover.
>Implying that summon nec isn't getting wrecked now that all his skeles are lying on the floor.
>Blizzard will never be not dogshit again
Hurts bad, man
Yet it is the necromancer that everyone wants and cries about.
So how did the supposed best class in the game get overshadowed by a coward who doesn't even do his own fighting?
Blizzard are dogshit, and they will stay that way. Meaning we wont get another game anywhere near Diablo 2 in quality again.
Doesn't help that they appeal to the F2P chinese market now
Digital art is cancer.
Diablo 2 was the game that started so much shitty trends in video gaming. Loot hunting, boss raiding, etc.
To be fair, Diablo 1 and 2 were not developed by Blizzard proper. It was Condor aka Blizzard North after acquisition and they never had much to do with the main branch creatively.
>Meaning we wont get another game anywhere near Diablo 2 in quality again.
We already got diablo 3
And how did things go for the Diablo 1 and 2 them when they left Blizzard? They made Hellgate London
And do I need to say more?
Caster shouldn't have got that close. He deserves it.
You mean one of the guys.
good god. what happened there? nothing in the bottom image looks like it belongs there and it seems characters were just copy-pasted from elsewhere.
>male party members actually fighting the demon.
>female just fucking hiding.
you got it the other way around OP. try again.
That's not how they marked the game
Everquest came out 1 year before Diablo 2 and had all those shitty trends you mentioned and then some.
You could directly trace the shit state of MMOs today to Everquest and its forums.
At least Diablo 2 did loot right, by making effects varied and more than just "+9999 to Damage." I liked how even low level items were viable for high level characters, particularly before 1.10 (looking at you, Frostburns).
not sure about the other classes but for sorc most of the top top tier items always ended up being +sorc skills or +skills, +cast rate, +all res, +mf, +energy (if ES), then your weapon depended on your class because of how the +cold damage weapon worked. that said i love d2 because you actually need to make tradeoffs until you have the best gear in the game, unlike d3 which is a linear progression.. it also had some cool interactions like blizzard sorc benefiting hugely from +cold damage since her passive was -enemy cold resist and not +cold damage, making for huge damage boosts
>I liked how even low level items were viable for high level characters
Mobs limit was 75lvl on hell
Character had +24lvls on top of that
Of course fucking everything was viable, but not because it was good game design
In general, there used to be a lot more variety in item selection before 1.10, because there weren't that many items that were obviously the best and you had to make trade-offs all the time.
That said, even with 1.10 there was still a lot of variety because getting THE BEST set of gear for your char wasn't that easy.
I'd hold hands with that Diablo
true.. how do you feel about runewords?? too strong early/mid game?
1.10 Runewords changed the game a lot, I'd say mostly for the better, but some of them are too good for the cost of making them.
It makes everyone look useless, but it's honestly how imagine the fight going.
>Everyone hides and flees.
>Big Dik Barbarian decided to stand and fight, and dies trying to fight a primeval demon in his loincloth.
>Necromancer tried to gank Diablo with barb, but he was too slow and barb was mortally wounded already, so Diablo juat turned around and is about to literally rip him in half.
>Ranged classes eternally hiding while the men die.
>Women eternally hiding while the men die.
>WE WUZ paladins n'-shiet late as usual picking up gold back in the Chaos Sanctuary.
>Looks like he's going to do something, but he's about to get bodied too because he'll be fighting Diablo alone.
>Ranged sluts will get the last couple hits in after the niggerdin eats shit.
personally, i feel like every single 1-50 hardcore leveling session is exactly the same for a sorc which makes it kinda lame.. you always end up with stealth, lore, ancients pledge, insight, spirit..
This turns me on right now.
>YWN Stride into the room and Smote a giant red deamon while everyone else is slain or hiding.
This is pretty much how pre 1.04 fights went. Barb ate shit instanty.
The pre-nerf Diablo was pretty fucking strong. I'd probably imagine necro casting Iron Maiden in that situation, to at least put the hurt on Diablo.
Yeah, that's kinda my point. Runewords are a good idea and work okay at high levels, but some Runewords are way too easy to make for how good they are.
>not the MVP
What a fucking scrub. Did you even play the game?
Dear god my dick is diamonds. Those colours.
>Barb and Necromancer getting their shit kicked in
>Sorc and Amazon being useless fucks in general
>Paladin coming to carry the party
Accurate. Also, fuck what you were trying to make this thread about, faggot.
And the rest split off to make Guild Wars: Prophecies. One of the best MMO lite games that ever was till GW2 came and shat on it.
except the fact getting more than 80lvl takes forever to grind and hitting 99 takes a lot of dedication and autism
Pally was pretty bad until 1.10.
Diablo was also a lot harder for melee characters before 1.10 (his lightining hose could hit at point blank back then), although in those times it's probably a FoH Pally.
Sorc is definitely the MVP with her Static Field and FO, though.
>strolling in after team charged in and dies/struggles to survive
>buffed to all hell
>one shot inc
>first dibs on loot
>survivors = 2 girls, 1 guy
Paladin knows exactly what he's doing.
>White dude getting pwned
>chicks are hiding in fear
>BBC comes to save the day
>Chicks look at BBC in Awe and Lust
>BBC proceeds to slay demon ass and lay wenches with BBC
t-thanks blizzard
>Art tries to instil sense of dread
>Art is showing that only one man can save them all "probably you the player"
Someone post the anime edit.
Why did they turn Diablo into a woman?
>Friend tells me to buy D2
>finally buy it +LoD for 10€
>"DUUUUDE did you buy Diablo yet?"
>"Yeah just did a few quests I'm like Level 5 or 6"
>"You are like a little baby."
Carrying a new player isn't really a good idea.
Maybe I should try it properly sometime.
TQ was my jam though
We used to make fun of feminists for seeing discrimination in every form of entertainment. Now look at all of you.
>Implying necro isn't about to magic blast Diabolos head clean off after being distracted by womyns
>Barb pretending to be ded from a shallow wound to proper get into the berserk of things
>Amazon and sorc baiting Diablo to initiate the base collapse by destroying the pillar
>Paladin took a piss to come in fresh and get all the glory
>Barb dead from ww'ing through iron maiden skeles
comedy gold every fucking time back in the day. sorc master race
But that's still true
You should ask why Diablo took over a woman because Diablos shape is determined by who is corrupted.
The answer is, who doesn't want to be the little girl?
>All of you
Tune back the hyperbole bud. This is the same shit with "Sup Forums hates x but now they make y and Sup Forums still hates it, hypocrits" threads.
Why is there such a lack of game art in advertising these days? Stuff that just reaches out and grabs you and says "play this shit dude!"
Pre-1.10 was such shit though.
>lightning enchanteds doing a bazillion damage
>machine gun mercenaries
>assassin had all these weird new mechanics that they still hadn't really polished, like kicking with no kick damage, blade skills with no weapon damage and traps with a limit of 3
>druid played as either a buggy paladin or a shitty sorceress
>lightning and chain lightning used attack speed and not cast speed
>100% pierce guided arrow wind force amazons everywhere
>minions were garbage
>baal corpse explodes mercenary corpses, permanently deleting them and all their equipment
>person makes bait discussion thread for diablo
>newfag doesn't recognise it
Lurk moar faggot.
>False advertisement
>NOT in-game who caaaares
Not very sane reactions but they exist.
God I love D2 memes
I mean more traditional stuff, paintings and shit rather than "here we took a couple screenshots in the editor with a couple models and touched it up a bit"
That would require hiring an artist.
smiter also was pretty op pvp and pve due to never fucking missing
This makes me want diablos thick scaled smelly demoncock
>TFW only sorc and necro survived to diablo 3.
My fuckin boy Paladin died doin what he loved, fighting demons.
Pure smiters are shit. The only thing they can consistently kill are zealers, melee druids and stupid sorcs.
v/ts or t/vs are much harder.
Fun fact, this is commissioned art for Super Mario World
FUCK Why did I stop getting my Hdin through NM? I even had just respecced him into a better setup doing like 4k dmg or someshit at the time.
Manuals aren't printed anymore and no one looks at the e-manuals.
If you're lucky they put some shit into a book and sell it with the game as limited editiom
What the fuck are you talking about
Sorc was canonically killed by d2 assassin after second game for being stupid bitch
Barb and druid are implied to die together with their tribes, but no one mentioned anything
Necr confirmed to survive
Just like with barb and druid there nothing about paladin and amazon, but there no reason for them to die
Wait what.
I don't remember much from D3 but I know that they planned the D3 barb was an older D2 barb but scrapped that because "lol too much work"
too hard, people only do easy shit now
Diablo 3 looks like a fucking insect.
>Opinions about this official art?
Perfectly portrays how the game usually played out.
>Barb goes in first and gets wrecked
>necro's summons get killed and he's about to bite it
>amazon and sorc just hide
>motherfucking paladin comes in to save the godamn day
>you'll never see the world where games only got closer to their concept/promotional art as technology advanced
well obviously you need to be smart about it, using charge to get in until you get engima. Getting a grief online, getting your HoZ and Exile.
once you could teleport then stunlock you were a threat to basically anyone.
Oh man, D2 did the elemental damage right
>fire: deal good damage with reasonable min. and max. caps.
>frost: deal ok damage with slows for days making it safer
>lightning: 1-10000000k dmg. Roll the dice bitch.
>Heroes of the Storm uses D2 Diablo
they know they fucked up
well, you could take embarrassing glitchy screenshots if games were ambitious enough that glitches could actually occur and every single scenario wasn't already calculated and dumped out into a look up table to ensure everything goes to plan.