Pointless Purchases

ITT: All the pointless crap that you've bought due to the attachment to a character.

What have you got on the way anons? Are you proud of your purchase/s

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>pointless purchse
I thought we'd settled on calling these buyfag threads?

have or have ordered

please kill me

Just get a MyFigure account you autis

I have one.
I also have this image.

Out of my current eight orders in the mail or preordered, three are video game related.
Four if you count Ex-Aid

Just this. It's not nearly as hard to explain as your average tiddy waifu figma so I'm fairly happy with it.

>Occupation: Student/Moocher

I mainly support my hobby with birthday/christmas money, and selling stuff.

Why does that knight have such a huge cock

It's a common theme

I paid 10 bucks for this. It's pretty much the only Kasumi Todoh merch Ive ever been able to find.

I wish there where more. KOF is one of those franchises where there's dozens of characters but only the same 6 ever get any shit.

My Mitsuru figure's hair and shirt had a weird film over it that dust just clung to. Apparently older statues get it sometimes.

So while I'm soaking it in soapy water this is how my collection looks for now.

>KoF franchise
>50 characters in the current game
>literally none of them other than kyo and mai will have any merch
But WHY does SNK keep running out of money!?

I mean I understand not making FIGMAS or other higher end merch of the whole roster but you can be making little non possible figures out the ass. Even posters or SOMETHING.

I will never understand this fetish.

What fetish?

>one Vanessa statue in existence
>immediately sold out everywhere on the planet with resales for up to 10x it's original value
>people still pay
>SNK still won't get a clue

can we all agree than nendos need to die

That's why I jumped on my Raiden figure during KOF13. They released a small line of mini figures and actually did more than just Kyo/K/Iori. They really should branch out more with Merch.

Doesn't that have tits. There where actually a couple more Vanessa statues Ive seen. But they're the unpainted build them yourself resin kits (which are probably cheap to put out) and good luck find them

I like nendos

I usually don't like them at all, but when they are of characters whose proportions do not need to be fucked with to be made into Nendoroids, they're pretty solid.

I've never regretted missing a figure as much as this one.

I'll get her eventually though.

I almost bot the Leona one. But Im not really too huge a fan of hers. Kind of regret not grabbing a couple. Now it's like 40 bucks for an obvious bootleg

>Doesn't that have tits.
Yes but I'm not going to post them since I'm fresh off a ban.

Come on man, what fetish?

>Leto Joker
More like Le No.

Oh I have quite a few. No photos though since I'm in the process of moving out and stuff are already packed.

I'll just give you an idea from this screenshot
Yes I'm really bored right

>Akiba's Trip

My nigga. Would buy the shit out of a strip-able Shion statue.

>Akiba's Trip
>Girl Arms
>Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
>Nanae - Win 7
>Strike Witches
>Walkure Romanze

I'm not intimately aware of the content from the other titles but holy fuck, can you fix your shit taste? Why would you throw money away on this shit?

idolm@ster is great though

at least the games used to be. the anime was okay. I havent really ben following the cinderella shit but Rin gives me a boner and if they transfer some of those girls to a proper game I wouldn't be apposed.

I like it more than love live. At least the girls have personalities beyond how much effort the animators put into drawing shiny eyes and pouty lips.

They both get high quality figures of cute girls, that's the important thing.

So there IS another patrician out there, after all.

I'm in too deep. Help

I cannot do this niger.

>I didn't censor the middle fingers
How could I have been so blind?

Pretty much the only reason I don't regret that game. Shame there's no significant merchandise of it or her.

No regrets.

>there will never be any figure of Shion or even Mana, period
>not even lewd or non-lewd Noel from Walkure Romanze

I feel like I should be enjoying my anger but I can't