History Revisionism: Does it have a place in vidya?

Just got done playing some of the CTE of the french DLC, and it just seems like the barrage of PC garbage DICE is cramming down people's throat has no end in sight.

about 1% to 2% of the armed forces who fought in WWI were black and yet DICE insist on making 2/4 of the entire armies black in this game. It's a such a shame really, because it's such a fantastic game otherwise.

When the fuck is this trend going to crash and burn?

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I think it's disrespectful in a way, but I wouldn't get so worked up about it.

This, pretty much.

Some have argued that even using WWI as the setting for the game was quite disrespectful.

Sup Forums only cares about history when it involves niggers.

How can you still be mad about this?

Play or don't play aight?

The game has been out now for quite a while.

And at least the iron armor wearing support class isn't Zarya level butch gal helping puny weak male soldiers when they are out of ammo or need fire "support"

it is disrespectful and revisionism doesn't have a place anywhere. this sort of shit will never stop as long as consumers exist and they don't care about any of this.

then again it's just a video game. personally i thought BF1 looked pretty fun until i found out they blacked most of the factions.

For some weird reason Origin says I own Battlefield 1 Premium membership. I checked my transaction history and its nowhere there. Why do I have it?

The maps do this all the time and no one ducking cares

But apparently when the west does it its disrespect

One could argue basing any game on an actual conflict is disrespectful but this is a whole different story.

It's honestly like making a game about samurais and having half the characters blonde with blue-eyes. It breaks immersion and honestly just makes zero sense since it doesn't even effect gameplay in anyway

You're not on reddit anymore, son.
You can say fucking here, no one will be offended.

yeah dude
remember that war when any of the infantry and enlistees could hop into any vehicle (including aeroplanes) without being officers or going to flight school
wtf why are 100% of the infantry able to do that when in reality it was only

can't wait for the ww 2 game
>english, french and us are 80% black and 20% jewish
>germany, italy and japan are all blonde blue eyed evil opressors

never forget the 600 billion poor jews who died in auschwitz now go out there and fuck niggerapes dumb goy

It's disgusting and completely disrespectful to the hundreds of thousands of men who fell in that war, also it brainwashes teenage fps kiddies that niggers somehow liberated Europe
This company deserves to crash and burn

>same thread but posted 20mins later

dumb anti/pol/fag

I didn't really notice the player models when I was playing to be honest.

germany, italy and japan are all blonde blue eyed evil opressors

So fucking this. I totally see this happening. Not a single nigger will be on the axis side. Fucking swede cucks

They don't teach WW1 as good versus evil like they do WW2, though maybe it's different in America.

>plausible deniability
The act of there being unrealistic qualities in a video game means that the revision of this real event is okay and Europe has no History(tm) without Africans.
The underlying idea of the game is world war 1, a European war involving European men. Not african men in within the European fronts, they may have been featured in the African theatres in minor skirmishes.

WW1 was the worst war Europe ever saw.

France and the UK combined lost almost 2 million soldiers.

They fought and died for their countries, which at the time were overwhelming white.

To shit on that, erase their identities and cast them as black caricatures is just plain offensive.

Yeah, let's just gloss over the notion that making 2/4 of the playable characters black does not equal making 2/4 of the armies black. The characters represent individuals, not the entirety of their respective militaries. That is, unless you think that every person in the British military looked exactly the same?And I mean exactly the same, as in them all looking like the same person. Lets not forget the fact that an ethnicity doesn't equal a nationality. If that were the case, then there would be such a thing as being ethnically United States of American; there isn't.
And before anyone says "Muh historical accuracy!", the devs said it themselves that historical accuracy wasn't the point. Because if it were, then they wouldn't be able to have as wide a variety of usable weapons as the game does. And the same argument against having so many playable blacks could also be used against having exotic, rarely utilized weapons as prevalent as would be necessary to allow any player to use them. But you aren't complaining about the weapons in your post, are you?

>b-b-but think of the children who could be taught historical inaccuracies

t. people whose only knowledge of history is from playing Civilization and Age of Empires

This, shut up and play your propaganda game dumb goyim.

>History Revisionism: Does it have a place in vidya?


Its a videogame, the point is to not always be realistic.

what's your definition of propaganda?

>ethnicity doesn't equal natinality
This could only come from an American

It's based on a fucking world war. Off yourself.

So is Nazi Zombies whats your point?

Age of Mythology encyclopedia gave me top mark in history class

>your definition
THE definition.
Spreading biased, misleading information to promote your political cause.

>being racist in 2017


How are people are still playing this shit?

video games are the perfect place to float a trial balloon

no one takes them seriously and the screeching monkeys that make up the fan-bases are easily marginalized by others with more productive lives

It's yet another example of the direction public opinion is going; that it's okay to cram in minorities where they thematically shouldn't be because muh racism. Same shit with people crying about The Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance not having black people.

nice argument faggot

I don't care about historical accuracy in video games. The only thing that concerns me are people who take aspects from videogames and other entertainment media seriously and use them as facts in real life discussions.

>talking shit about AoE
Who the fuck let you out of your cage, monkey?

Nothing funnier than seeing Sup Forums triggered. kek I only hope this trend gets worse.

Teenagers who solely play FPS games will assume that this game portrays history accurately. It is a propaganda effort to root multiculturalism in kid's heads.
Lenin said: give me 4 years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. This games producers are doing the exact same thing.

If you're white and spend a single cent on supporting this company you should be put in front of a wall and shot.

Nazi zombies is fantasy, this is basing off of a real war. Ignorant retards won't believe that zombies actually roamed around during ww2 (I hope), but they will believe in historical inaccuracies. Look at the Kangz movement as an example. See the difference?

9/10 user

kek lol hehe Sup Forums gets triggered hahaha so funny xDDD

shut the fuck up pajeet

>I want video games ruined just to spite people with different political opinions


Is this about that chained door in the french fort DLC that has monsters screaming and shit?

Not that guy, but it's just character models in a FPS game man.

>I don't care about falsifying history!!!111
>it's just a videogame guise xDdd

Are the people of Spain ethnically Spainish, or Iberian?

The thing that bothers me the most is that it's not like they just added a couple black soldiers and called it a day.
They specifically made it a point and celebrated this "diverse" group of soldiers.

Next they'll make a game about some african bushwar and add a bunch of white people for diversity? Unlikely.

Pure faggy swedish multicult propaganda.

Who cares they are not white.

>I don't care about falsifying history!!!111

that's like asking "are asians indian or japanese?"

Both people from the Basque country and Catalans are Spanish. Both Bavarians and Saxons are Germans.

A nigger will never be either of those.

>implying a Zulu/Boer based vidya wouldn't be the shit
Well if the Meme-Henry is anything to go by...


>play as an actual real life group of all black soldiers
>go ape shit about historical revisionism

>play a WW1 game where every other soldier has a fully automatic weapon
>say nothing

Nigga how retarded are you?

>Nazi Zombies
>Kangz movement
>See the difference?
No theyre both fantasy.

>playing a BF game
>in the current year
full retard desu

The difference is that one carries a political agenda, the other is done for gameplay purposes, you drooling mongoloid

>it's not like they just added a couple black soldiers and called it a day
That's exactly what they did. You play as a black American (from a real regiment that was in the war IIRC) for the first five minutes of the campaign. There are no other black characters, just MP player models.

if you are learning history from videogames. Education has failed in more than one way.

Your logic is flawed. DICE aren't representing the ratio of ethnicities in the war. They're adding soldiers that actually fought in it. Ultimately, the ratio of ethnicities comes down to whatever classes everyone picked.

If nobody played scout then the entire battlefield would be white.

If everyone played medic on a British map, then the entire British Army would be Indian Raj.

It's not trying to be historically accurate with regards to ratios because that's up to the player.

I don't bring up the weapon thing because i realize (even though it's horribly inaccurate) that a liberty like that would have to be made for the sake of game-play.

Now, black germans do not in anyway, shape or form effect gameplay and serve no other purpose than to black-wash history.

Spiting retards and reading their whaling on the internet only makes the game better.

I hate when you people talk. You have no knowledge of history, anthropology, ethnic groups, cultural trends in history, genetics, etc. You just find wikipedia articles of extreme outliers (harlem hellfighters, etc) and believe because one example exists in the world these things don't matter.

They do matter. History is a complex thing, context is important in any example, primary sources and establishing the relevance of a given example... all of this is just noise to you, and pseudo-intellectual professional wikipedia-readers like you.

Die. Become dead.

If you go to a shooterino meme game played by 12 year old to learn history you deserve to be lied to

They don't have a dedicated campaign, the first mission involves you playing as several different dudes on both sides and you switch every time you die. Last person is the black guy who narrates the opening of the rest of mini-campaigns they call War Stories.
Seriously you're this guy for five minutes max.

>actual strawman fallacy
>people NEVER EVER talked about the guns!

I could not give less of a fuck about the skin colours of the guys I'm shooting to be honest
It's a battlefield game, it's fuckall realistic either way

The Harlem Hellfighters were a propaganda unit.

french are never in ww2 game for obvious reasons ofc but thats sad

You're retarded
Legitimately retarded

Yeah no you're just a retard.

Is there a specific quote from the developers claiming that the game is promoting a particular political cause? Because being concerned about diversity isn't inherently a political cause; it can be, and largely it is used in that context, but one doesn't always lead to the other.
-People that are politically active might include concerns over diversity (one way or the other) in their platform does not equal diversity as a concept becoming solely a political concept.

So, unless you have some evidence that the devs are 1)pushing a particular political cause or 2)are concerned about diversity from a political perspective (i.e the power, or lack thereof of demographics in a political system), then your claim that the game is propaganda is speculative. If you do have concrete evidence, then I'll concede on the point.

The fact that the Germans in this game have world war two era uniforms, and they went out of their way to make one an american-looking black man, should have clued you into the agenda by now mate.

Decent game though. Shame they had to smear a thin film of shit on it. I don't even care about black people, it's just the pretentiousness that annoys me. They clearly cared more about their agenda than they did about making a good World War I game.

How is he. Its a videogame. Not a simulation. A battlefield game.

You see user it doesn't bother me if the characters are black or white, while it causes great emotional disturbance to the shitfuckers that ruin this board with their asinine offtopic bullshit
So it's a win/win

I'm not the one crying that a game that doesn't attempt to be historically accurate, isn't historically accurate.
That's you my retard friend.

What fucking agenda?

That these people that actually existed, existed?

You are the one who is actually a shitfucker ruining this board. No one cares about your copious feelings or how special it makes you feel in your tummy when you hug niggers on Sup Forums, faggot. No one did in 2006, no one does now.

Im not the one learning history from videogames here bud

No Sup Forums-lite you do not get to play the 'no u' game
That doesn't fly after literal years of shitting up the place

Actually a big part of their advertising was that "no one had ever done this before" and they would be "respecting all sides and creeds of the war to end all wars!"

then they gave everyone an automatic, didn't include the french whatsoever, gave germany nazi uniforms, and made half of each team black.

What is disrespectful about it, is how lazy it is.

First use a readily available historic background. Second make any changes you like to fit your game. Then call it alternative history, like it was some genius idea to spice things up, and you are done with story with minimum effort.

Nazi zombies are less stale than alternative history stories.

>propaganda is done openly and its designers admit that they are spreading propaganda
I hope you realise how retarded you sound

Man, it's MP character models and one nigger from a real unit in the opening level ONLY of the campaign.
They're hardly forcing it down your throat.

No one cares how much just the sight of niggers triggers your dumb ass, and gets your panties in a bunch either. But that never stopped you morons.

1)they are swedes
2)they love BBC
3)EA pro-progressive involvement is a thing
4)I fucked you're mom

People saying nigger on Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums. How new are you, man?

But you didn't answer the question. Besides, I didn't get the info from wikipedia, I got it from encyclopedia.com, and nationsonline.org.

its because he is legit racist or think its fun to say nigger on the internet and snicker.

And where did I say I am? Lmao
You're trying do discredit my point with an ad hominem that isn't even true
Fuck off please

like clockwork

No one is triggered here except you, retard. We're justifiably pointing out that the game lacks polish, and speculating that this was because of their very clear political agenda trumping their desire to make a good video game. That is the topic of this thread, posts concerning that are on topic.

Can you guess whose posts aren't on topic, newfag?

I think it's pretty funny to say nigger on the internet too 2bh

there used to be a a thing that was at the bottom of the page "only a fool would take these posts seriously"

People like to self insert. Believe it or, there are blacks/indians/spics playing games too and if you have this much of a hard time to play a black guy, chances are that the black guy wont be bothering playing a white guy. We live in a global world and if you would leave the house you would see that everywhere are mixed people, as a company you want sales. Sales you wont get when you leave a third of the demographic out. So you change some background that doesnt alter gameplay and voila, you gain access to a wider audience.

Get a load of this faggot.

>respecting all sides and creeds of the war to end all wars!
The usual bullshit PR talk, and I still don't see the quote about the game being 100% accurate?

Its pretty fun to say nigger anywhere actually. You should try it sometime.

This is flawed as well. If you weren't a tremendous blowover from the gamergate fiasco you'd realize by replying to these people with your enormous asshurt, you are more a part of the problem than they are.

By the way, I hope you are saging so you dont shit up the thread even more. You put it in the e-mail field =)