Simple minded

>simple minded

For some reason I relate strongly.

Also Fairy Fencer thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

We truly need more protagonists like Fang

Ethel is best girl

I am still genuinely convinced Fang is the most self-aware this line of games has ever been. Despite all the le gamur xD references in the main-line.

>Compile Heart garbage
Piss off


I think you mean second best

How's FFADF and how is it compared to the original?

It's essentially an extended edition with more endings, more difficulties and more content.

Oh and it looks better too.

>everyone tells me the game is too easy
>decide to play on "Hell" for my first playthrough
>don't make it out of the intro-dungeon

You lied to me.

It has the logical conclusion of if tiara doesn't die then everything becomes terrible.

Don't be afraid to use your SP skills early on on the harder difficulties. My assumption was that you could at least clear out the intro-badies pretty easily with just attacking but that's just not the case on Hell.

Go through that SP to clear the Captain fights.

I got the deluxe package because I like these types of games a lot, but the game now seems to start me of with some crazy powerful armor.

Can I just sell it?

It feels like cheating if I quadruple my initial physical defense score.

DLC's in CH games are shit unless they are characters or cosmetics, all I can say is, don't use it. Or there should be an option to disable DLC in the main menu of the game, at least that was possible in Neps

The hero we all need.

Oh, well-noted. Oh well I think I'll be doing what I can to turn the DLC-armor off then. I don't understand why game devs give gear that breaks the early-game to completely.

But that decides it. If I can't turn it off, it's going to the vendor. Fuck it.

You can disable whatever DLC you don't like. And like you, I prefer playing without the DLC stat-boosting items. Shit's for the P2W-fags.

weebs, this is your mindset.


Except nothing in this image is wrong, fuck off
Also FFF is a game and obviously belongs to Sup Forums

If you wanted pictures of smug anime girls you could have just said so user.

Fuck off, weeb. Back to your containment board.

WOW, it's almost like he's designed that way!

Here, for normies like you. Have fun


Are they at least enhance gameplay or dungeon a little bit?



by a lot

some of the newer dungeons have a bit more then reach the goal

the game is now balanced around having 6 party members out

FFF is videogames

The new dungeons are amazing. YMMV of course, but I enjoyed the shit out of them.

If you do not like anime, you are not a Sup Forums user. You are a guest.

>most circlerjerked vidya here are japanese
>/k/ and Sup Forums are all weebs
>Sup Forums has constant weeb music circlejerk
>Sup Forums trump generals are nothing but people posting anime characters in MAGA hats

Every board, especially the larger boards, has a large weeb presence.

You don't understand user. It's not video games if it doesn't have that user's seal of approval.

I have no idea about the game but I feel like playing a jrpg. How is the story and gameplay?

>being this tsundere
Don't worry user, I love you too.

>the game is now balanced around having 6 party members out
Care to explain?
The original is pretty good but the only major problem that i remember is the game being way too easy.
If it's reasonably more harder and challenging i want to give this one a shot.

I love Japanese cartoons!

It seems you're the /new/ here.

old bosses have new attacks and stuff

positioning is even more important so you dont expose your longer rangers and let the boss move around to hit em

>go to forum made for X game
>forum has an offtopic section
>someone makes reference to X


It's standard CH experience with gameplay being ok but nothing great, story is pretty normal stuff for a jrpg "gotta save the world" but has some interesting turns, as with all CH games, character interactions are the best part

The gameplay is a "fast" turn-based affair. When I say fast, I mean that the turns come and go very quickly, and attack animations aren't dragged out for fucking years unless you go Super Sayian.

The story starts off a little weak but picks up as the game progresses. The real charm is in the characters and the surprisingly good translation. It's a game that comes across as funny without going full pander.

It's also a lot less of a waifu-bait game than other games made by this developer.

Don't play on Normal though, as it's a little on the easy side. Hard, or Hell (if you have the balls for it) is where the fun is to be had.

There's also a surprising amount of depth to the combat.

It's a lot better than most people give it credit for, but you need to be in a very light-hearted mood for it.

This isn't Final Fantasy: Emo Edgelord Edtion. It's all about meeting fun characters with bright colorful personalities, witty dialogue and killing increasingly deformed monstrosities.

>It's also a lot less of a waifu-bait game than other games made by this developer.
every female party member has their own ending now so I'm not sure about that

Yeah but that's, belive it or not, a lot less pandering then these games usually get. The entire game doesn't feel like it's created solely for getting the girls into skimpy outfits.

That being said it's not free from fanservice. But at least it feels like it's a part of the story and not something drawn out of the ass of a developer solely for it's own sake.

They write the story, so I think it is for its own sake.

>mfw omega quintet still not in steam

I tried PS4 version at my friends place and it has far better combat than other CH games. Didnt like self insert mc though.

Yeah okay, I might have phrased that badly, but you know what I mean.

>The entire game doesn't feel like it's created solely for getting the girls into skimpy outfits.
But that's never really a case for other CH games, Nep, Omega Quintet, Mary Skelter, yeah they have fanservice, just like FFF(and sometimes more than FFF) but I wouldn't say the other games are 100% waifubait


Just giving ya a hard time ;)

Maybe not 100% but I feel they're a lot closer to that then FFF. Of course that's just my opinion and I only played Nep and FFF so maybe my frame of reference is off.

Oh I'm not going to argue that, FFF is closest to regular jrpg they made and has least fanservice, but they are all about the same on the waifubait scale in my opinion.
I'm kinda dreading the release of Mary Skelter on steam because other than Nep V2 3 bathing scene CG's, that's their lewdest game

I think that FFF is on that level of the waifubait scale is because the girls are all top tier.

Is it? I don't mind lewd but I kinda' see your point. That being said, I'll probably buy it anyway.

I was one of those people who blindly hated Nep because it looked like the lowest levels of mo-trash, but when I played it I was pleasantly surprised. I was charmed by the characters and the humor, and I have a soft-spot for turn-based RPGs.

Taught me not to judge a book by its cover.


All I know is that MS is definetly not a bad game, it gained some following in japan, I'm scared because there's this whole theme of puryfying girls so they don't go berserk, and I think that's where these CG's come into the play, there's one for all characters and slightly different depending on the outfit, I only saved one of them when I found them and I regret it

Huh, that might play out interestingly in a market that's as western-focused as Steam.

Worst case scenario they'll have to censor some of the... purifying scenes with a uncensored patch available for those especially interested.

See America is afraid of sexuality.

A little early for America, could be Australia.

I would hate it if the game got censored because I'm against all forms of censorship, but this is likely to get a response from normies and sjw's
I'm afriad of how the game will be handled and received after western release, hell I'll probably get a folder of lewd CG's when I find them in high resolution, all I can find so far are the swimsuit versions with huge SAMPLE on it

In the SJW's defense (an unlikely position in these threads), but watching 14 year old girls masturbate could send the wrong message and will only further lower the "integrity" of these games.

But CH games doesn't have integrity in the first place, they have nothing to lose.

True, but my point is that I doubt they'll get much credibility as really good games when they have scenes like the one in question.

I guess they're just happy with the little niche they have.

And hey, when you have a market for your product, why spoil it?

Literally the only character I can remember in the last few years who grows as a person throughout the story

>stuck on the dragon boss for one of Lola's quests
>even after kicking the difficulty down all the way

Send help and/or skill

Weird isn't it? CH out of all companies managed to give a visible character arc to the MC
tried cannons yet?

That scene literally doesn't matter since the so-called normie and sjw is not their target audience, and their "true" target audience know exactly what they want.
I'd say censorship hit them harder but it's still better than no sales at all.

KH must be dying,why is sora making a cameo in a compile hearts game?

I honestly don't remember, it's been like a month since I last played. I'll keep it in mind and try later on though, thanks user.

I actually agree. The last time I felt a JRPG protagonist actually develop like this was during Tales of the Abyss.

They really did a great job with Fang in this game.

>CH out of all companies managed to give a visible character arc to the MC

It's almost surreal when you think about it :P

Sell me this game. Is there anything worthwhile or is it just another game with cute girls doing cute things, terrible writing, ancient evil has awoken and the most dull combat system ever devised just like 99% other JRPGs

>Sell me this game.

The plot isn't about som ancient evil awakening. I won't spoil it for you, but you kinda' decide whether that ancient evil needs to awaken or not.

The characters are the main draw, they're a fun, enthusiastic bunch with great charisma and tons of personality on display. The interactions and banter between them is the game's crown-jewel.

The combat has more depth than your average turn-based JRPG, and on Hard/Hell difficulty it's no walk in the park either.

It's a CH game, meaning that there is always going to be a certain degree of fanservice, though this is probably one of the more conservative games they've done. It never feels like the fan service is the POINT of the game.

It's a game about battles, collecting, customizing and feeling you are traveling among unlikely but surprisingly charming companions. And like other's ITT have already said, the protagonist's arc is incredibly well done.

I also like the music a lot, but that's a little too subjective to use as a selling point.

This. Fang is GOAT.


That's a weird way of spelling Lola.

So is the remake worth it?


Do they fug? This is really important.

I enjoyed it, yeah.

If you don't have the original 100%. If you do have the original - maybe yes.

Eryn is fucking gorgeous

Ayo HOL UP. WHERE can I find new art of the FFF girls??????

Sorry, I have no idea

No. Eryn is pure.

Can you give her that look in the game?

Not a half naked one

Can you change her hair to match that one?
Metamorphize your heart!

I think that's the hairstyle she always has, it's just that both of her outfits have a hoodie, there should be a non-DLC school swimsuit for her though and that doesn't cover her hair
>original theme is godly
>ADF makes it just a little better
>All out Might boring

If I want to romance Eryn what is the route to get her? Where do the routes split? I'm at the desert and have no clue how this shit works.

Also Eryn is best girl.

Why is Tiara the worst thing in the world
I'm at the part where you meet the sister of that one guy you killed and I have gone out of my way to use every fairy I've gotten on the Vile God just on the basis that it might screw her over

Desert is where it splits, Eryn and Tiara are "romanceable" in the original route which I think you are locked on to in your first playthrough, you get their endings by watching all of their events at home, but mind you that if you watch ALL of Tiara AND ALL of Eryn, you are locked on to Tiara's ending, it's the same case as Kamidori so just ignore Tiara's events

That is a fucking hype battle song right there user.

I just hate her pretentious personality.

That weird S thing she does when she gets insulted isn't endearing either, just retarded. I also don't buy her wish of wanting world peace. Even Sherman sounds more genuine.

Im curious. Does he get the fairy pussy? If he doesn't I'm not picking this game up again.

>visuals novels

Dumb question from someone who just started the game: I just got the cute white-haired girl in my party and she knows a Cure spell.

How can I get her to use it on other party members than herself?

Even when fang is within range I can't seem to select him in any way.

I'm liking it, Vile god route made me said in my head what the fuck more than once and Marianna is better than I expected. Whats the point of decision in the Evil goddess route? I want to know since I did all sub events in the vile god only to be stuck with Eryn even though I did all harley events first.

Eryn has an ending for all 3 routes I recall