Oh cool, nice suit of armor and massive hammer

>Oh cool, nice suit of armor and massive hammer

>Too bad it's gonna take you at least 8 swings of it to kill me
>Too bad one shotgun shell is all I need to destroy you and your armor

Roadhod users need to be gassed

He's my fab I'm literally too good with him I'm top 100

He's been like that since release. I have no idea why people were whining about Genji or McCree, when he was obviously broken since the start.

Hook is fair and balanced
Nerf discord orb

hero is a dps, he's supposed to kill heroes and melts if you focus him for 3 seconds. He has no armor that helps him tank, he's just a fat pig.

gid gud

roadhog in general is balanced and fair. most overwatch players that get fucked by him, get fucked due to over extending cause they think they are hot shit.

yeah. Most of the time people are more than out of position and roadhog eats those people. I don't understand why there are so many complains about hog, when all you have to do is get a bit of awareness and focus him down every now and then.

Beta mccree was busted and probably the most broken character during his prime.

if a hog just walks through your shield he should be dead before he can press his mouse button.

you might as well complain about bastion being OP because he burns down your shield and kills you before you can hammer him down.

there was no tankmeta and no Ana at release. Reaper and Mcgee kept Roadhog in check quite well.

>out of position
>in an FPS
>"nono overwatch isnt a moba guys"

>HP increased to 800
>Hook deals no damage and allows shooting and the use of non-movement abilities while hooked
>Take a Breather increases reload speed by 50% for 5 seconds
>LMB damage up to 4-14, pellets increased to 60, spread increased to a ridiculuous, screen sized wave of bullets that hit everything, but few targets more than two or three times
>RMB stays as is

Would allow him to tough shit out better and pelt the whole enemy team without being just able to just oneshot everyone easily and he can still do good damage if he can actually aim his RMB.

Battleborn's Roadhog equivalent was like that months ago, he's put down a stun mine, hook, then unload shotgun in your face
they changed him so he can no longer stun with his mine, but does more shotgun damage as a result

I cant stop laughing at you, and your eternal daily butthurt because you're outskilled by some shitty character thats fully vulnerable after hooking

Overwatch players in general need to be gassed.

>Most of the time people are more than out of position
You know what you're right! Everyone, and I mean E V E R Y O N E that gets killed by roadhog is merely "out of position". When they're pushing the payload or even so much as approching it, team or no, they're "out of position". When you're behind your rein taking the capture point and a rogue-hog flanks your team and grabs you for le insta-kill, you were simply "out of position". WHEN YOU'VE SPAWNED AND CAN BE LOCATED ANYWHERE ON THE FUCKING MAP YOU'RE OUT OF MOTHER. FUCKING. POSITION. Fuck you and fuck everyone like you.

>HP increased to 800
>Hook deals no damage and allows shooting and the use of non-movement abilities while hooked
>Take a Breather increases reload speed by
50% for 5 seconds
>LMB damage up to 4-14, pellets increased to 60, spread increased to a ridiculuous, screen sized wave of bullets that hit everything, but few targets more than two or three times
That is literally the WORST idea ive ever heard

>payload game
>not running around payload to make fun of hog
>not looking around for flankers
>not using ears to hear your teammate calling a turret or someone attacking from your back
>not standing in safe position, with your tanks on front
>not taking higher grounds or other corridors to quikly hide behind, just before hook lands

Maybe try some single player fps with only one tunnel and enemy spawning only 50m before you

>widowmaker and hanzo can rapidly 1 shot kill almost every class from extremely long distance
>bastion can kill an class in like 1 second from long distance
>this is OKAY

>roadhog needs to get very close to an enemy to attempt to 1 shot kill them
>if he fucks up then he's pretty much defenseless for 6 seconds while his hook recharges

seems balanced to me. The thing to remember is that roadhog is a DPS, not a tank class. He can't really protect his team mates at all like the other tanks can

Can always tell when people are new when they complain about roadhog, the ONLY issue I have with him at all is apparently reaper is a good counter to him? But he really isnt

>if this character doesn't instant kill you, he has a very high chance of dying!
this is the cancer that is killing gaming

This. Roadhog is only a menace to low tier players. Solo flankers and pro-Gengis walk into the Roadhog meatgrinder like fucking retards.

I think the idea is that you wait for him to use his hook on something then melt him down before it recharges. Although it's easier in theory than in practice because he'll have a healer on him

You can't gas Roadhog, he has a gasmask stupid!

I'm just saying that Roadhog isn't unique in being able to instakill people. He's just particularly strong against flankers or people who try to play this heavily team focused game like a 1 player game

And you have whole fucking team to help you trash both healer and hog

Yeah, but with other "counters" in the game you can usually take em out easily by yourself. Reaper vs Roadhog is claimed to be a counter, but it seems balanced since if roadhog has his cooldowns, roadhog wins. Otherwise reaper wins.

I already regret replying to your inane comment but you are aware that you can overextend in CS or TF2 or any other team fps as well, right?

Tell me exactly how you're supposed to be out of position in a fucking arena FPS mate, fuck off.

Battleborn has the perfect hook balancing

If Overwatch would have copied not only the basics from Battleborn, but also things like how the "hooking" should work, Overwatch would be fun to play.

In Battleborn you can't one shot hook someone. You have to place a trap and hook someone in the trap (which is much more challenging and can be better dodged) to make enough damage. Also the hook isn't as long as in Overwatch.

Man I have played over 200++ hours of Battleborn and had fun every minute, but have only played like 30 hours of Overwatch and am already burned out (no content and so many bad gameplay mechanics).

Overwatch has no content, the maps look too "clean", and worst of all the heroes are either boring to play or frustrating to play against because of the wrong mechanics. Also Battleborn has no shield hero like Reinhard and guess what this make the game much more fun than shooting a shield.

I'm hyped for the F2P patch next month and playing with other peoples PvP in Battleborn again.

Overwatch is a team FPS, like Team Fortress 2 or Counter Strike. It is not an Arena FPS, like Unreal Tournament or Quake.

You can be "out of position" by not staying with your team

are you implying that positioning doesn't matter in an FPS?
are you literally retarded?


You see that new movie A Cure For Wellness yet?

Because there needs to be a cure for such blatant retardation like yourself.

>stay with your team
>get hooked out of the deathball and instantly killed

ok what now


>your team kills roadhog in revenge
>both teams are down 1 player so nobody has an advantage really

>playing Roadhog
>come up behind a Widowmaker standing on a rooftop sniping
>throw my hook out, catch her
>the impact of the hook knocks her off the roof
>she drops out of sight before I can yank her back
>lose the kill
>lose the match
Sasuga Blizzard

it's a shame this is a bait post
>tfw 200 hours in battleborn

You're retarded or just pretending?
Not sure in qp, in comp good, coordinated team would just cc or fuck overhog, breaking his hook before he can kill you. Also healer jumping on you and symmetria shield/torb armor.

That makes hook not completly useless, but also not completly OP

you are grasping at wording
staying in context of roadhogs hook, you are "out of position" every time you have unobstructed vision of him and you arent behind reinhardts shield.

I.e. being out of position in CS means, i dunno, rushing like a retarded chicken into a room full of enemies, being out of position in TF2, again, is absolutely not the same thing as what is being talked about here, you mongoloid cretins

Roadhog's entire purpose, the reason he's classed as "tank" is that he shuts down anybody that's not grouped up with the tank. A lot of stuff that would be perfectly fine normally suddenly becomes "out of position" when the enemy team has a roadhog. Pretty much that's why he's classed as a tank. He protects his team by "blocking" flankers

Yeah well, people in this game don't know what the fuck to do when a tank shields them.

>You're retarded or just pretending?
Are you?
>If you are not hiding behind a wall or rein shield you are out of position
It may even sound viable if you stretch your imagination a great deal but in reality that is just fucking stupid.

use e skill then sift then smack 2 times use e and his dead. if he heals start over.

Just dodge his hook

>Playing on the Pit
>Enemy D.Va starts to self destruct
>Being the superhero I am, Hook the bitch and drag her into the pit with me, saving my team
Being Hog is wonderful

its an MOBA. you are supposed to cooridinate with your team instead of being toxic shit shreiking into the headset. if you coordinated, stay behind the rein for the push, had players covering the possible points that the enemy can attack from and went steady there would never be a problem.

but you dont so there is.

>its an MOBA.
No it isn't. It is an objective based team FPS, slapping MOBA onto every game like a fucking retard doesn't make you smart, it just makes you look retarded.

>not looking around for flankers
>look around
>see Hog

What a solution.

>not taking higher grounds or other corridors to quikly hide behind, just before hook lands
The places where Roadhogs are.

How shit are you at this game?

>See hog winding up
>Hmm. Which option should I use to block him?
I love my THICC Chinese waifu

So, just git gut shitter and stop going lone wolf. You're not a olympic god that can take 1 vs 6 without scratch. if hog kills you, you have been out fucking skilled or you just made a mistake. Whatever, gitgut

Both of you can call it moba, fps, duck sucking tournament etc. but the main thing is, that you need to play with team and coordinate with them to win a game. There's exceptions like pro-smurf playing with newbies. but still without team and coordinating you can just sit there and suck cocks for free unless enemy team is more retarded than your own

And you're arguing in thread made by shitter who cant counter roadhog after 2 months of creating these threads, when new players learn in msot 2 weeks how to avoid hog. OP is just a turbo-shitter and he should stop playing OW because its beyond his comprehension and ability

This. Been trying to get better at Road (after lots of hours on Rein) and a decent Mei is a pain in the ass.

The trick is getting the drop on her. I've tried, and you can't do ANYTHING once he has you hooked. If you can hook her, you've killed her, but if she sees you coming, she's got a plethora of ways to stop you

>muh Hog is everywhere

These tips lessens the chance of hog raping you. It will never be a 100% and never should be. After playing some time i learned how to counter hog and lessen the chance for him to hook me. If you still sit here and cry about "muh hog killing me", you should be the one to learn how to play a fucking game. if you cant learn to counter hog, maybe try playing tetris

>If you still sit here and cry about "muh hog killing me", you should be the one to learn how to play a fucking game.
You clearly play in fucking wood division where Hogs can't aim and don't know how to flank.

I could just uplaod here my rank, but you can just look on youtube and see videos of players from silver to grandmaster shiting on hog
Not only grandmaster, but silvers. And like hundreds of videos
Your cry about hog here just screams that you're bronze shitter who plays hanzo, thinks that he have 100% aim and should be top500 but its his team fault that he can't win a game

Meta was different, and Roadhog was seen as mostly fair because even though he's strong, the fact that he only has health and he's a big target means it's easy to build ult off him.

If you're a Roadhog player you will understand that his only way of getting kills is using the hook. Alot of players have good abilities and Roadhog literally only has the hook. I'd say he is perfectly balanced.

Guess that's why top 500 streams constantly comment on Hog being the strongest DPS pick int he game atm.

Because he gets shit on all the time.

>who plays hanzo
Nobody plays Honzo in this meta you dumbfuck.

>If you're a Roadhog player you will understand that his only way of getting kills is using the hook.
Maybe if you fucking blow dick.

Half the kills I get are from his alt-fire.

Not sure but top34 player in EU or US plays Widow in comp. Where's you meta shitter?
>muh Hog strongest dps pick
Even by considering your "meta", its a tank pick, one of 4tank. And top comments says about soldier, hog and some others being a strongest picks DEPENDING ON SITUATION
Its still reveals you as a shitter who
- cant deal with hog
- cant pick counter to shit over him
And yes, just Soldier shits on him. Of course if played correctly. But thats too hard for you to grasp

And here's your "you". You earned this by hard work, because i wont acknowledge that there's some shitter dumb enough to cry about one character, when other players learn how to counter hog in 2-4 weeks

Thats my last reply to you. Git fucking gut scrub, or play with AI if players are too hard for your skills, mr bronzeshitter

Hog/Rein/Ana is and has been the meta in every major tourney and platinum+ division for almost six months now.

Go splurge dumbass nonsense somewhere else.

>Iam a shitter and i can't kill roadhog a-a-aand its user fault!

Guess I'm not as good with the Hook+M1 combo because they ice block after Hook.

More practice then.

How exactly does one get hooked out of a deathball, assuming Rein's shield is up? Because if a Roadhog flanks you and isn't immediately killed for it, then I don't know what to say beyond enjoy your platinum rank.

If you're trying to get "but hog is in top players team" maybe first watch how roadhogs act and how he's countered.
Because roadhog present in GM match =/= you as bronzeshitter geting hooked and instagibed after going lone wolf or being suprised by flanking hog
As many said before, get fucking good, because you are alcking skills and thats why roadhogs shit over you

i only play roadhog and im always yelling at my screen at mei

Gotta hit dat melee after your mb1 user.

If this happens to you as Reinhardt when you got your team on your back... well, then I really don't know, OP.

Just remove ult gain from self heals, bam Mei hog and bastion are fixed.

76 can still charge extra ult but needs to act like a team player

Does the melee do a decent amount of damage? I don't melee very often.

How come whenever I play as Roadhog I die instantly but every enemy Roadhog i've ever gone up against pretty much never die?

people dont realize how much of a good team mate roadhog can be.

>tfw saving your healer from a charging reinhart

I'm not sure of the exact amount, but it very often means the difference between a kill and them either getting healed or fucking off with evasive skills.

He struck me more as an intimidation tank. If he's around, it's gonna force the enemy to play around him, lest they get yanked away and killed

because your team is shit and you suck

>People defend Hog by saying he magically gets worse and things out at higher levels.

>Walk onto every trap
>Predictably firestrike every 6 seconds for free hooks and earthshatters
>Think that just because they have their shield up they are epic DEUS VULT EPIC KNIGHTBROS
>Charge into the enemy team and die
>Push in when the team is a man down and then complain on Sup Forums that their teams never follow them
>This thread
Reinhardt mains are the dumbest players in an online video game.

I want Reinhardt to be nerfed to the ground

So that everyone finally realizes how cancerous Roadhog could be without anything that can stop him


>Roadhouse is played by pros.
>Low tier players.

>Losing the match for not killing a Widowmaker.

Sounds like you're both retarded.

This is fucking retarded. All you need to do is put a slight delay between the hook and the time when he is able to shoot again. Thats it. Just enough time for heros like genji, pharah, tracer, etc. to get out of there before he two steps you. The hook would still be good for insanely fucking the enemy's positioning, but would only mean certain death if teammates were there to back him up, or if you are a low mobility hero. Done, balanced.

>Literally charge them when hook is down
git gud
Otherwise if you lost in a team fight and you are a good Rein, your team is just inferior.

Literally the easiest way to fix the hook is to increase the cooldown (which they are doing in the next patch I think). Make it something like 10 or 12 seconds and it can be as powerful as it is now.

>Played enough as and against Roadhog to know the range of his hook
It's not even fair when I'm playing Zenyatta against one.

As an overwatch player, I agree

>Be Rein main
>Have absolutely no way to deal with a Roadhog besides hoping your team realizes what an issue he is
People are always talking about flanking Roadhogs running around and getting picks. They're not the issue. Dying to a lone hog is entirely your fault. The issue is a Roadhog who is with his team attacking a choke or point.
Roadhog's right click is the fucking worst for a Rein. Because it shreds shields faster than any other character in the game besides a turret mode Bastion.
And he can shred it from such a safe position, he doesn't need to make any sacrifice to do it, jump out right click the shield a few times and jump back into cover to reload/heal.
And assuming he's with his team too, you aren't killing that fucker. He has an Ana strategically shoved up his ass ready to nade the second he gets pricked by a fucking Lucio.
Too many games come down to the other team winning the shield battle and pushing in easily because of how much pressure a Road can apply and force me to back off.
>Charge Hog, hit him with Firestrike, he can heal half of his health back in seconds and out DPS you
You can't open up fighting a hog with charge, even if you hit he's going to win assuming he hits his shots. You need to bait his heal first and then charge him while he heals. His hook isn't the real problem.

>not just dropping it down the hole without jumping in your self.
Also, it's called Well, Ilios.

Melee damage does 50

>>Too bad one shotgun shell is all I need to destroy you and your armor

Rein takes more than one hit to kill and if you are facing Roadhog alone as Rein something is wrong. Also Roadhog doesn't use shells, it's just hunks of scrap metal. Also I want to nap on his belly.

Oh look it's this thread again.

You could at least post threads bitching and whining about Zarya and Mei as well to mix things up a bit.

>be zarya
>push point
>hog hooks one of mine
>bubble the hookee
>open coms
>"hook down"
>ana jars hog, team focuses him, dies instantly

Wow that was so hard.

ITT: Gold shitters who think they know what game balance is

Get fucking destroyed by people who actually know what they're doing. I even made a handy dandy guide for you retards so next time I see you in comp I won't feel bad about hooking some shitter who stepped out of shield line for epic Reddit PotG upboats