>Game claims to be cyberpunk
>No ultraviolence, no body horror
>No any violence whatsoever
Game claims to be cyberpunk
Cyberpunk can exist without those, stop being a faggot. What game you talking about?
No it can't, fuck off homo
fun cyberpunk can't exist without those, goreless cleaned up scifi is FUCKING BORING
Not everything has to be Snatcher you homo fagbonkers
Yes it can :3c
va-11 hall-a, obviously
I bet Dorothy used her finger guns to kill before.
>he never read neuromancer
E.Y.E. Divine cybermancy is a good game desu.
apparently you didn't either
Looks like someone just discovered the ultra-gore of 80s and 90s "shock" anime.
It was just a fad, kid, like torture porn in the early 2000s.
That was a nice VN, it gave my itch for grungy 90's Cyberpunk a decent scratch.
>grungy 90's Cyberpunk
90s cyberpunk was shiny.
Cyperpunk is more than anything about the line between man and machine, and what it means to be human.
Nah, that was more of a 2000's thing.
Blame! rpg adaptation when?
If there's no violence or body horror it's not cyberpunk.
Just cyber.
That's basically why post-cyberpunk exist as a concept. It's cyberpunk themes but without 80s-90s dirt.
Is Comfy-Cyberpunk an official genre yet?
The closest the to gratuitous ultra-violence is the hospital shootout with the Panther Moderns.
Other than that it's what? Armitage getting blown up and Ashpool getting shot?
That's not what the "punk" in cyberpunk means.
It's was just referring to anti-authoritarian mentality of the punk music scene and how it was paralleled in this particular type of sci-fi. Technically you could argue that would mean shit like Ghost in the Shell is not pure cyberpunk but nobody cares much about that in the same way they don't think violence is intrinsic to cyberpunk either.
>Game claims to be cyberpunk
>No ultraviolent hardcore parties
>No dog piss whatsoever
You can't even call them cyber or punk at that point
Cyberpunk in definition describes a universe where technology is highly advanced and there is low life quality, while a goreish setting does qualify its not necesary, things like blade runner, ghost in the shell and the later part of cloud atlas all qualify as cyberpunk
Early punk was probably one of the most violent music scenes of the day when it started, people even say it ain't punk anymore from how docile these days.
>tfw we will never have a comfy cyberpunk game that is still gory
I'm holding out hope for Cyberpunk 2077, although that might lead to disappointment.
No it's not, it's about society changing in the information age.
neuromancer was violent but not gratuitously so.
except maybe that murder-sex meat puppet thing molly was talking about.
Cyberpunk 2077 will save us!
p-please save us CDPR-kun...
You're going to be severely disappointed.
When have you ever NOT been disappointed with a cyberpunk game? This thread, even, is testament to the problem of the fucking 'punk' genre. Everyone has a wholly different definition of the setting, no one is willing to agree, and no one is ever satisfied with the result. It's the same fucking problem, time and time and time again. "Real Fans of the Genre," get all fucking buttmad about a legitimately good game because it's not "Really Real Cyberpunk," whatever the fuck that means.
No, that's crap. They said the same thing about garage rock, metal, grunge, industrial, trance, etc., etc. when they started up too. The "moral majority" is always paranoid about what the kids are getting up to.
You get a bunch of drunk people together and cram them tightly into a small venue and there is going to be conflict, there's nothing special about the punk scene in that regard. Honestly, the most violence seems to happen with drunken blue collar workers, not angry whiny children, and those guys are into bland rock and easy metal for the most part.
is shadowrun cyberpunk? i enjoyed the games and wish they made more, or at least had more content for them.
Get on my level faggots.
cyberpunk is gay
Yes, Shadowrun is literally cyberpunk with elves.
Does the author hate humans because he can't fucking draw them? Their facial features get further and further apart and their limbs become more noodley as time passes
>Is shadowrun cyberpunk
>Officially labelled as "Cyberpunk fantasy"
Yes, user, it is cyberpunk with magic. You can play it without guilt, your friends won't crucify you for it.
I'm playing SR Unlimited to fill the void, dunno why nobody's making a simple open-ended shadowrunning simulator.
Update it now and then with new stories like Failbetter does.
Get on mine.
It's not like your typical anime facial features look human anyway. Widespread, giant eyes and a pinpoint nose, no lips and that the face as a whole is very flat and empty.
I never said your typical anime artstyle was good either. Only that this guy's attempt is hilarious, though it does seem oddly fitting.
You don't know shit, so why are you talking like you do? 30+ years ago the punk scene was an excuse to just be a motherfucker. You can hear the fucking beer bottles smashing against the stage on the Metallic KO bootleg. Hanatarash demolished the club during a gig with a backloader just because.
So fuck off with that, "punk wasn't violent" bullshit.
Well what name would you give to a non-violent grungy contemporary scifi game?
That description gave me a hard on.
Please give me anime/vidya that fit that description.
Steampunk > Cyberpunk
Deal with it.
We have to go deeper.
Said nobody ever
Transmetropolitan is the ultimate fedora-tier comic.
>30+ years ago the punk scene was an excuse to just be a motherfucker.
No, it wasn't. Your kind was fucking hated by the people who don't think having a good time means shiving strangers, i.e. almost everyone. Punk was just about whining about "the establishment". Typical youth angst crap.
>You can hear the fucking beer bottles smashing against the stage on the Metallic KO bootleg. Hanatarash demolished the club during a gig with a backloader just because.
You say that like the exact same shit wasn't happening with rock in the 50s. I'm sorry, kid, but there is nothing unusually violent about your little "hardcore" music scene.
You can find that among any audience filled with derros and other drunk blue collar idiots. He never said punk wasn't violent, he said its violence wasn't particularly special. AC/DC concerts in Australia in the 70s were nothing but bogan magnets (they still are) where you'd expect a fight. And Acca Dacca are nothing but simple blues/hard rock. The Who used to destroy everything they touched on and off the stage in the 60s, they didn't need punk as an excuse.
*nods katana respectfully towards you*
It gets pretty bad but when it's just Jerusalem being a wreck of a human being and not being a giant megaphone for the author's opinions, it's pretty good.
cyberpunk is defined as high tech low life
>When have you ever NOT been disappointed with a cyberpunk game?
Human Revolution
It must be fun to be objectively wrong
You forgot to mention the part where it was low quality, disjointed and only the first episode had good gore.
Cheers for proving right about the circle-jerking.
Watch_Dogs wasn't violent?
>low quality
fuck you, the soundtrack is 11/10 start to finish and the visuals are based on outstanding designs which more than make up for the unimpressive animation quality.
There's a pretty clear thematic and narrative link between the whole thing start to finish.
>only the first episode had good gore
The first one is the most over the top, but I'd imagine that most people would find the second most disturbing. The third is more restrained but at the same time makes me personally at least very uncomfortable just with its strange atmosphere.
I want to fuck that robot.
Watch Dogs could have been so much more interesting if it discarded the runnan and gunnan and fleshed out hacking more. If that's all you had to rely on it could have been so much better.
Well I mean just about any change you made to Watch_Dog's gameplay would've made it better.
Cyberpunk is simply science fiction about the struggle of the lower classes.
What communistic science fiction is out there?
The whole series was less than impressive. It was just fucking stupid, dude. The director did better and more sound shit.
The communist manifesto?
>it was just fucking stupid
I disagree. I think that Genocyber deserves more credit than most people give it. It's rare to find misanthropic fiction that isn't fedora-tippingly nihilistic or edgy. Genocyber is of course nihilistic and edgy, I'd never deny that, but I feel like it's all very tasteful.
>the director did better and more sound shit
I love M.D. Geist but I don't know if I'd call it better. It's simple so it's got much easier appeal and less to get wrong but I don't think it's as interesting as Genocyber. Aside from the violence and the incredible soundtracks Geist is all just a violent bastard killing things because that's what he does. I like that the endings to both OVAs encourage you to think about why Geist is like he is, but there's not much to it no matter what you conclude. Geist might be more stylish but I've rewatched Genocyber several more times.
No fucking way. Characters were introduced the scene before they were killed off. It was stupid. If you want gore and edge, then its for you.
Star Trek is the most obvious one.
I don't think that that's really a fair criticism. Each act of Genocyber has a reasonably fleshed out central cast. The violence is dwelt on more than is necessary for sure but each individual act of violence has some kind of justification in the greater story. They make a bigger spectacle out of it than might be necessary to drive the point home but it's never violence purely for its own sake.
this is what good cyberpunk is witcher faggots gonna do some mass effect shit im sure of it.
Watched it already, wasn't it left unfinished though?
Got any more suggestions?
¨they arent humans, they are some inbreed humanoids who havent seen sun ever.
Sounds a lot like a good chunk of the Sup Forums userbase desu
I just want more mech sims/games set in a cyberdystopia.
Each act of violence in Genocyber serves to advance the plot or drive home some kind of thematic point. Even the over the top intensity of it all kind of serves a purpose in emphasizing how cruel and heartless the story's worldview is.
The manga which it was based on by Tony Takezaki was left unfinished and seemed to be going in a different direction. The OVA tells a complete and self-contained story.
As for other suggestions nothing really feels as appropriate as Genocyber as far as body-horror ultraviolence anime goes.
"punk" in "cyberpunk" is there for a reason whether you like it or not
the only actually cyberpunk game released in the last 17 years is Shadowrun: Dragonfall
I just really want a Cyberpunk RPG with big budget, big world, lots and lots of NPCs, good graphics, long story and lots of sidequests.
Kinda like Remember Me, except better everything.
Neuromancer has no body-horror or ultra violence.
The mango was better.
Really though, the animu was trash. The first episode had some promise, but it quickly devolves into a metropolis rip off
Not him but it WAS set in a dive-bar and the conversations about the world are decidedly dystopian. I get what he means by grungy.
Find cyberpunk so boring because it's nearly always the same shit.
>far future world with transhumanism themes and full vody modifications possible
>100% of the characters still pretty much look like humans but with glowy shit on them
Why even bother?
The only really descriptive scene with any gore or gratuitous blood I can think of was when Wintermute murdered the two Turing agents right in front of Case
The most violent thing that I can remember from when I read it was the vat-grown assassin guy arrowing a few people. That was a while ago, so I may be missing something.
Homo what...?
Such a bland game
Part 3 of Genocyber is better than Metropolis desu. Have you ever seen Metropolis? Nearly the entire second half of the movie is ass. That whole rising-water sequence, what the fuck were they thinking? And a movie about class-struggle being resolved by killing a mad-scientist feels incredibly cheap. They did include a half-assed reconciliation too but it felt laughably shallow. I think that people are too easy on it because it's a silent movie and so we need to go easy on it because film was kind of new. Good for its time isn't an argument. Ingram and Griffith shit bigger than Metropolis.
>People who weren't even alive when cyberpunk was relevant argue about what cyberpunk means
>Furfags have to shit up everything
Fuck Furry Faggots
Really? Not even any of the Deus Ex games?
Binary Domain?
>ever relevant
I meant the metropolis anime
I slept through the silent film in film studies