Is this really Chris Redfield?
Is this really Chris Redfield?
What's this from?
Its most likely a clone.
People who think its HUNK are letting fanfic get to their head.
No chin neckbeard
Yes, this is a modified RE Chris and not RE5/6 steroids abomination
Too young.
Why would they significantly change his look after muscled Chris appeared in multiple games and a CGI movie?
>thinks a clone doesn't sound more fanfic than an existing character that already works for known corporation
Deluded as fuck.
>minigame character that's basically just a running meme at this point
>important in any way
Boulderfucker was a mistake that went out of control. They realised it but too late
The same reason Jill suddenly got a head transplant in Revelations. Because it's Capcom.
Chris already slimmed down significantly by RE6 which was 3 years after 5 and lost even more weight in Vendetta which 5 years after 6. It's been 8 years from 5 to Vendetta and the dude's 44 now.
He looks more like an older version of RE1/CV Chris and that's fine by me, roid Chris was garbage tier.
How about this,
Do you want it to be Chris?
>all this hate for the superior Chris
Do you feel intimidated by a true alpha male?
An alpha male wouldn't allow a nigress to keep getting in the way of his goal.
His character may be developed worse in the later games, not like he had much in 1/Re, but do people actually prefer Jason Biggs Chris to Predator Chris?
Clones already exist in RE though. See RE 6 with Carla being an Ada clone.
Personally, I think it's Chris but they've written it in such a way that if his change of allegiance is poorly received, they could write it as "oh it's just a clone, HUNK pretending to be Christ, whatever".
I don't know what fans are expecting out of this Redfield reveal. It's not like 7 had spectacular writing.
>most recent game is a significant change in tone/gameplay mechanics from previous games in the series
>people are surprised that a character gets a slight redesign
>people are surprised that fucking Capcom change how a character looks
It's Chris. The same Chris from all the other games. Dude just looks a little more like he originally did, is all.
Ignoring the fact that he tosses you one of Wesker's guns, is dressed like Hunk, and works for Umbrella Corps, this is spot on.
If anything it's the protag from Umbrella Corps.
Hunk is fucking blond.
So what are you saying? That the Umbrella spec ops uniform is... ... uniform?
Are you saying Wesker's gun was a clue, and it is more likely to be in the hands of a character who's supposed interactions with Wesker are limited since before the game canon started in 1998? While Wesker only meddled with Umbrella only 2 further times and continued to have run ins with Chris Redfield personally during each one and a final one at his death?