why is this game so FUCKING HARD
Why is this game so FUCKING HARD
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Nuclear Throne is absolute fucking garbage tier. Play some Enter the Gungeon at least.
Enter the Gungeon is just fucking stupid Nuclear Throne.
It's a fast paced game and it runs at 30fps. I think that's why it's harder than it should be.
Enter the Gungeon is just so fucking slow compared Nuclear Throne, every single boss is just a bullet sponge.
Because it's made by shitty SJWs? Why did you give them your money, tard
>Because it's made by shitty SJWs?
>caring about that
I hope you die of testicular cancer.
If Rami Ismail gets testicular cancer, I can die knowing I didn't fund $15 of his medical treatment.
You're still alive? Goddammit!
You have to be fucking kidding me.
Nuclear Throne is one of the better roguelikes around and a lot of fun but I'd be ecstatic if Rami Ismail died of testicular cancer. One can hope.
post yfw one guy made online coop and insane mod support before vlambeer even finished 99
i enjoy both.
I grinded that game for probably a month and I never got good enough to beat the Throne twice in a run. I eventually ran out of patience and ragequitted from all the bullshit deaths
Because it's a complete RNG fuckfest
If you git gud you'll still lose because you spawned in 7-2, back against the wall and about 12 end-game enemies all ready to welcome you at once.
Getting a melee weapon sounds ideal on paper because it destroys/reflects projectiles but they swing too damn slow, and really nothing makes you swing faster. Fish's roll doesn't do shit but reposition you, so you'll still get hit. And why pick any other character than Crystal? You get two reflects/destroys with a melee weapon equipped, allowing you to effectively bounce all difficulty off you.
Oh right cos I wanted to play with other characters.
Every player who manages to loop, they still took about 15-30 retries just getting to the throne. And they're the best.
it's you who is soft
based user
I hope someone believes you, just so I can laugh at them in the next
>Sup Forums said it was good
>what's her name, Sup Forums?
Because it's 30fps
because it's not fair, it's not right
Don't believe in trends.
Don't believe in __________
Gungeon is worse than NT in every aspect, get some taste faggot
Beat it with 1 hp melting, ask me anything
Reminder that fish can roll. Just in case someone still didn't notice.
>Worse rated game sells more
So literally a matter of marketing then.
Oh look, an expansion pack for Gungeon, I guess that means another announcement and trailer then. There you go.
>Nuclear Throne has a higher userscore and metascore
>proving the other party's point
I'm honestly confused on what you're trying to imply.
>all scores higher for NT
I was between buying one of these games, and I settled on enter the gungeon. I'm really enjoying it a lot so far. What's the main difference that would make NT better.
I really like the whole universe ETG set up, it kinda scott pilgrim-esque.
The best run I ever had was getting Throne Butt on my first mutation and spending the rest of the game holding down right click
I like both games a lot and play them often, but I think that NT is the better game. Vlambeer does some real tight design, and every time I pick it up (or Luftrausers) I'm immediately reminded that for what it is, it's absolutely perfect. I really admire the devs and I dig their wacky style.
EtG is a completely different kind of game. It's a lite RPG, right? I think it strikes a decent balance between action and exploration and it's more fleshed out with content, but as a twin-stick shooter it's definitely inferior to NT. Sometimes I want to delve, sometimes I want to die. It's great being able to enjoy both of them for what they are, and knowing that what they are is two completely different kinds of games.
Fish + Throne Butt is the fucking shit. Had Gamma Guts and Scary Face and you can go all the way to the Palace by just ramming into enemies.
Who motherfucking /rebel/ here
Right fucking here my nigga.
Best girl
Both games are great, stop with this stupid comparison.
I can't believe I haven't tried this. I haven't even gotten halfway to the Throne and I have been playing for like a year.
NT has tighter action, which makes sense because it's not an RPG like Gungeon is. It's more addictive -- faster pacing, shorter runs, less fluff and exploring. I also dig the personality of the game more -- even though almost the only text in the game is in the really brief loading splashes.
I love both games and I'm glad you're enjoying EtG. The two games aren't as similar as some would have you think, but I'm pretty sure that you will enjoy NT too if you try it. If it goes on sale, get it.
>People still posting my silly guide
Thanks for the guide then. I finally learned to live life on the edge and got gud with Rebel.
It made her my favorite, user. Ya did good.
>I finally learned to live life on the edge and got gud with Rebel
that's not 1 hp Melting
>SJW crap
both games are bad, play a real shup instead
Get a good build noob
Same dude, shit was so hype
Welcome to the club
No boiling blood. That shit is for pussies.
>so hype
if you mean painful and hear-attack inducing then sure.
I love the skin though
>play nuclear throne
>all the guns suck
>keep eating shit and dying
>keep dying to the fucking big dog
>find a wrench
>holy shit why is this so strong
>get a perk that upgrades melee reach
>club everything in sight
>club the shit out of big dog
>get a disc shooter on spider town
>tey it out
>it ricochets and kills me
I don't like this game
Steroids could do push ups forever.
>I don't like this game
don't lie to yourself, you love it
Have you tried dodging?
Am I retarded or is this character garbage? I just can't loop with this chick
Please help
yes the only character I can play is crystal because of its shield
the fish's dodgeroll doesn't seem to do shit, maybe i'm just using it wrong or i'm used to enter the gungeon
she's not garbage, but she is actually a hard character. Constant IDPD can fuck you up
Don't use crystal. Crystal sucks dicks. Use Eyes and be The One.
>maybe i'm just using it wrong or i'm used to enter the gungeon
yes you are, since fish dodgeroll doesn't have invincibility frames. It just helps you dodge because it makes you faster
She's supposed to be harder than the others, you get no rad canisters and IPDP pursuit.
>>all the guns suck
because its 30fps
I have no idea what the hell I'm doing in this game half the time
>panicking and spamming shots like an idiot
>hear police sirens
>what the fuck
>police robots flood in
>see a blue portal
>turns into a green portal
>go in the green portal and get a crown
what did I do
>it ricochets and kills me
I can't even be mad at you, you're like a little baby. It's so cute
where my Horror negros at?
Yeah, that and the fact that you level up slower (cause you're not getting radiation tank/canteens) really turns me down, too hardcore.
>all the guns suck
Uh, no. Sluggers are GOAT.
I got an achievement specifically for being so bad
>Got melting b
>got so used to seeing melting a that i enjoy it more
I dont know whats wrong with me
You took a portal to a Burger King?
You got a crown
Crowns are loyal
Does anybody have the other info pics like this?
In every second area after the first (3-2, 5-2, 7-2), a statue spawns. If you shoot it, it starts to glow. If you kill enemies near it, it absorbs their rads. After absorbing enough rads it will glow brighter. Breaking it creates a portal and summons the Interdimensional Police to attack you, but you can get a perk crown.
i still don't have Chicken, Steroids and Rogue alt skins. This is too hard for me to get.
Bit past Crystal loop boss is furthest i ever got.
And the achi i'm most proud of is definitely Plant 8:11 minutes throne kill and IDPD Captain kill
Can do you one better famurai
Chicken is simple
Get gamma guts
You either fuck or get fucked
Thanks man, i was definitely interested in both. I'll check it out sometime
Post god-tier tunes
According to autists, like you. Anyone who puts a minority or woman in their game is an SJW.
Kill yourself.
If you don't think this is the tightest shit then get out my face
I like games that have hidden stuff like this, but I'm still in the point where I have no idea how to trigger things besides accidentally
I also ended up in a sewer level with a bunch of turtles and pizza
You unlock that by blasting the manhole in the sewers level. There are other secret levels too.
This pleases the gun god
Guys guys I am playing through the game for the first time, tell me how to find more secret zone in a cryptic non-helpful way. Ive already gone to the TMNT level, YVs palace, and the jungle. I still havent beat the game yet, farthest I have gotten is 6-1 i think.
the real question is why you're playing mobile tier shit from one of the worst sjw devs around?
For anyone confused on why Gungeon has much more owners and players, its because it went on sale half off very early on for a while and was featured on the front page of steam alot. Meanwhile Nuclear Throne has never gotten a decent sale, or rarely does,
I had to buy my key off some fuck who got it in the humble bundle on g2a.
post yfw fighting Lil' Hunter for the first time