
what is it? a streaming service for game music you own?

if not, who cares

Other urls found in this thread:


CSGO sound is still shit though.

Valve didn't do shit, they bought the company making it and rebranded it. Still happy to see stuff being worked on, UE4 is making their own version and Nvidia's audioworks thingy is probably gonna be the most advanced one (but limited to Nvidia GPUs).

>I can't even be bothered to click on a link

It's an Audio solution like Aureal A3D was back in the day before it was killed by Creative.

About time

oh.. that's cool i guess.

How much of a retarded pleb can you be?

I don't care. So much peripheral bullshit.

At this point it's like they're actively avoiding actually releasing games.


This is better and more interesting than any game they could release.

Maybe if you're a fucking dork

>plebs that don't think audio is the second most important part of a game after gameplay are now among us

Truly Sup Forums has fallen.

>(but limited to Nvidia GPUs)
Oh boy so it's just going to be like PhysX all over again.

Remember when Hawken and Unreal Tournament 3 tried to show off full level destruction physics with PhysX but then removed all of it once the actual games came out? Nowadays the only thing PhysX is used for is making stones appear out of the ground you shoot or for shitty fluid simulation and ruining your fps.
Just a fucking waste of tech.

Dorks wouldn't even care. This isn't exactly a new technology, it's (I hope) a reliable and portable implementation of something that used to be annoying to implement on your own. It's interesting business wise, not technology wise.

If it takes off, we can anticipate better audio in new games which is cool too I suppose.

I bet some people on Sup Forums don't use 3d sound to get an advantage in online games.

I bet some of them are even kids that acualy consider using headsets in online games Sound Whoring.

let me guess, more placebo FLAC garbage for audophiles who "can totally tell the difference" (no they can't) with filesizes that balloon up twice as large for all that audial quality.

>At this point it's like they're actively avoiding actually releasing games.
They are not a video game developer anymore.

you suck at guessing, faggot.

Nigga please, PhysX is used in both UE4 and Unity among several others, it's probably the most widespread physics engine nowadays. It also provides tools (e.g. physx destruction editor) and other simulations that end up in games all the time and run on both Nvidia and AMD hardware.

You're thinking of dynamic runtime shit that is locked to Nvidia GPUs, which is what soundworks will probably be, but that's not what PhysX is.

No. It's just a sound engine for making level geometry affect audio the same way Unreal Engine is a graphics engine for drawing and animating 3d models in a 3d space.

Sorry guys I'm french and don't always 100% understand, is it a tool for devs ? Can I try it now ?

cant wait for this to be in my vr... experiences

Or you can just try listening to it.

It's an audio engine. If you are making a game, you can use this to handle your audio and make it bounce around realistically so you get reverb, occlusion, etc.

If you aren't a gamedev you don't have much use for it and you'll have to wait for games to start using it.

Sounds great in theory but I'll wait for a demo.


I hate how they always use super simple examples though, doesn't really make it justice. Try a battle in a castle with 32 players with swords clashing and shit being thrown around all the time, that's a whole new world.

Nah, I'd rather hear footsteps and gunshots through walls.

I was a bit sceptical but that's pretty rad

I'd be pretty down with a tactical FPS with realistic audio like this. CS:GO is too gamey.

Thats not how sound works.
It doesnt get muffled like that when you turn a single corner.

Maybe they'll put the EAX back into Half Life now. That would be nice.

That depends on the acoustic properties of the room you're in, user.

Oh, so all it does is what Thief did 20 years ago.

If you don't jack up all the values and make it extreme for the showcase, faggots with gayman headsets will never hear a difference.

That's the difference between an example and a demo. The example only demonstrates the core of the technology, the demo showcases how it works in practice.

Sounds pretty good, better than most binaural solutions I've tried but the occlusion amount is a bit too exaggerated.

It's just showing what can be done with this system. The rest can be fine-tuned.

What if I'm deaf?


I'm a big stickler for audio quality, so I'm looking forward to this stuff in non-VR games. Particularly heavily atmospheric games with minimal music obscuring sound effects

oh look

not video games shit from valve

>open unobstructed room with perfect 90° angles
>turn a corner and the sound gets muffled like you're five rooms over
Seriously hope its just like says.

That fucking tune though

>CSGO sound actually got worse with updates

Of course it is.

Still if you pad that wall you might get close to that video in real life.

uncanny valley
also a boner

it's shit

Is this, dare I say, Half-Life 3?

Thanks. Sounds great.

how the fuck
someone science me on how this works
i can hear behind me with only L and R stereo audio

Right, so what the shit? Most AAA soundtracks these days are recorded in studio, especially orchestral, and not made solely by a bedroom producer. This means most spacial information is lost, or compressed to fit with 2-channels. After that some producer artificially introduces more channels which are for surround. Regardless, it is not physical, and nobody wants the ost to bounce around the tunnel because soundtracks are not a thing in real life. Particles do not move too the tune of uninspired mainstream composers. This means we are left with soundeffects, and in-game instruments, like a faggot elf visibly playing the flute in the forest . Once again, idiots want to make a generator for physical effects on a sound generates at a physical location in space. This will eat the shit out of cpu and gpu if its even remotely good approximations, which means its another less good gameplay more pretty stuff episode of what is wrong with the industry today. Fuck off

classic time

>stop making games better because it's taking time from making games better

they're working on three full games
most likely just VR shit

Working doesn't mean they'll not scrap them at some point.

You can hear behind you with only 2 ears. Your brain is very good a picking up the minor delay from a soundwave traveling from one ear to the other and figuring out where that sound came from in 3D space.

>fallout 4 AI cant use ladders
Fuck off, there is no excuse for this shit

Who are you quoting?

What the fuck does that have to do with any of this?

It's like when you have to write an essay so you procrastinate by doing things like cleaning your room. I mean it's kind of productive, but it's still not the essay

Bad post.

Honestly why do you faggots still care so much about Valve games? Why won't you see that this is way more interesting than any game they could announce?

>Site reported as fraudulent.

I don't mind, fuck Valve games at this point.

>unified api for all controllers that works on anything
>unified audio api that works on everything

shame that devs wont adopt vulkan then we could finally say goodbye to windows

Because most of Valve's shit (e.g. source engine) barely gets adopted by other developers. So if they don't actually make games then this stuff amounts to a hill of beans because you'll just end up never seeing it anywhere else

I don't think you get how computers actually work dude
Sound already exists from physical locations in gamespace, with intensity checked against distance to the player. All this sound engine does is muffle/distort the sound based on the properties of materials inbetween

>yeah but THIS will eat the GPU
Games already do literal hundreds of these calculations per frame in games that do loading/unloading objects behind walls and visual checks such as Dark Souls, which is far more taxing being models and textures instead of just simple sound effects


its real m8

Holy shit you're retarded.

Vulkan gets a lot of love from all major game engine devs. Windows' days are numbered. Year of the Linux Desktop soon fellow freetard.

That's because Source is old and Source 2 is kept in house, user.

Wow it's fucking nothing

I was wondering why Netcraft reported them for fraud.

Jesus Christ it'll only have taken 30 years.

Maybe smartphones were a good thing after all. Maybe they can suck up all the normies so the PC can be the open personalised computing platform it was meant to be.

Most games on steam use Steamworks in one way or another. Sure they might not use every feature but they are still used way more often than not.

With Source Engine it's pretty obvious why it isn't used by other devs however (except for some small exceptions like Vindictus). There are simply way better options available.


Shit those niggas had a cool startup sound

I wish I could find it

realllllly reaching on that valve hate there

youngfags dont remember eax or a3d which were really neat (provided of course you had the card for it and didn't mind some of the worst driver software ever created) this could be the rebirth without needing a shitty add in card or horrendous drivers. getting devs to actually use it is another story.....

You're an idiot.

Who cares? Valve bombed with everything they made in the past few years. Steam machines, VR shilling, the awful controller, that meme OS nobody even tried, trying to consolize the PC, early memecess, greenlight........

Valve is dog shit.

My parents bought my sister a shitty Casio keyboard when we were children. This was one of the included beats.

If it wasn't for the retarded aspies buying virtual guns and knives Valve would probably be defunct by now and all the developers would stop forcing useless DRM (((clients))) on people, or use a superior distribution service like GoG or Origin (you can get triggered all you want, Origin is still the less intrusive and better coded client).

Steam machines is the only one out of those that bombed however;

VR is a pretty big hit, with the HTC Vive being the current best device.

The controller is actually pretty good, sure most people still use a xbox or ps controller but you can't deny that the steam controller has a lot of functions that make it work well for PC gaming even if you don't like the stickless design.

SteamOS isn't intended for most users, it's for people who want to have a dedicated PC to use next to a TV just to play games. While that is also the intention of steam machines those fall in the hole of being way too expensive compared to just building your own pc.

Good thing it's not Valve's work, just some start-up they bought out then.

Question: if hardware is powerful enough for this to be viable, why wasn't done sooner? Everyone focuses on graphics, but sounds are actually very important for a believable environment too.

Because this is expensive and time-comsuming to implement so, even if directors wanted it, the business types with the money would start asking cost-benefit related questions. Having a prepackaged solution to slot into your Unity/Unreal engine game like this would change that.

Because plebs don't care or don't notice it.

Valve once again improving the Steam's APIs for devs. Good stuff to add to the Steam Controller API and Steamworks.

>Nvidia's audioworks thingy is probably gonna be the most advanced one

That would require nvidia to be a competant company and not release papers that make me question how they spend their RnD money.

Why use this on the soundtrack? Are you retarded? I don't remember older games with advanced audio solutions tacked on using the spatial shit on the music, ever.
As for your other point, did you even read the page or did you just roll your stupid eyes over the pictures because reading is hard? You can prebake the sound processing for heavy static scenes.

Years ago, this type of thing was being developed, then Creative bought it and pushed their shit instead.

The technology was already used pre 2000 (The Thief games notably used this).

It probably would have been used in more games if Creative didn't kill off the A3D sound engine, which worked similarly to Steam Audio.


Creative killed the ones doing it in the early 2000s and then put a patent on the stuff and would sue anyone trying to use it while not using it themselves.

They already put it in csgo.
I'm not sure if they fixed it yet but I remember it was shit when it first came out because csgo unloads parts of the map that you can't see and so sound in those parts of the map just wouldn't make any noise.

It was also used in the PC version of Halo CE but you needed a sound card or it wouldn't let you enable the setting.

Fuck patent bullshit.
>(The Thief games notably used this)
Time to try them then. I played a bit of the first game years ago but didn't grab my interest.

>three games

And we all know what happens when Valve and 3 are combined

i love how maybe 15% of the replies actually read the article, the rest is just kneejerk reactions and baseless assumptions. and people wonder how fake news spreads.

HRTF is not the same, it just simulates direction and distance, not occlusion, reverb, etc.

>sound quality
>the fucking gun sounds in csgo that they made even worse

Like the other user said, that's just HRTF. The other features of Steam Audio aren't in CSGO yet.