My biggest fear.
My biggest fear
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But Fallout 4 was good.
But Skyrim was the Fallout 4 of Elder Scrolls
But that seems like a dream for normalfags who liked Skyrim
Fallout 4 was another Skyrim
it was the same shit just reskinned
Lucky for you then that ZOS is making mad bank on mmo microtransactions and won't let bethsoft make another elder scrolls for at least 5 more years
you again?? to be honest, posting exactly the same shit you find on r/gaming and seeing Sup Forums not even bat an eyelid is a decent experiment
every time I see something particularly shit on here, I go look at r/gaming and find exactly the same post
not sure if I should be mad
not him voiced main character and forced family ruined shit for me personally immersion wise
>Please bethesda make a unique, alien, exotic world design like Morrowind and not another stock nord fantasy with huts and grey walls.
Oh god no.
They won't be able to do it right? All the races sound different. the beast races have a very particular kind of voice. Elves as well, kind of. And orcs. So it should be impossible right?
Problem is you people want different things from TES/Fallout series, you'll never be satisfied.
Make a list of wishes and you'll see Sup Forums destroy it every time
You know when your character jumps in skyrim and sometimes gets stuck with his arms flapping?
You get that too in Fallout 4.
I'm pretty sure it already did, did you play Skyrim?
I had so many hopes for black marsh, an alien aztec-like poisonous region with tree hive mind
>in eso it's just primitive mud huts around a regular tree
yeah fuck you too
Look up argonian shouts in skyrim, they use the human voice
Hire a good artist and animator.
Those are two things I also didn't like.
It's much better having a silent/unvoiced protag. Give your own voice to the character and not everyone being Brian Delaney.
Could sort of ignore the family thing, treat it like any other mission and you're just taking a missing kid case.
No but honestly if THAT's your biggest fear you must be pretty well off.
but isn't that an oversight? The khajiit have special sound files don't they?
There is literally no way it would not be TES VI: Fallout
Yes, orcs and elves have different shouts as well.
I think all that is unimportant. The thing that killed F4 for me was the story and the characters. They were awful, I didn't complete anything from the Minutemen because the black guy was fucking annoying. Same thing with the Railroad, in F3 I thought they were cool, in F4 they are a bunch of greenpeace faggots.
And that's the thing - every character in F4 felt like they were from the modern world, not from a post-apocalyptic wasteland. They were all either hipster quirky characters or absolute one dimensional cliches. The world was so boring, I think I replayed every bethshit game at least once, with F4 I just can't.
>that pic
Ok this has gone way too far, this is 50 Trillion times more fictional than every religion that humanity has ever created combined.
Especially Ismism
Better character artwork would be nice.
I just hope i'll be able to remake my waifu....
best goyim
>F4 and Skyrim get critical acclaim, are loved by players and sell a fuckhugeshitton
>expecting TES VI to be a different game
Too bad, but it will be more of the same
I don't know do players really want to raise both a melee and a ranged skill? Throw magic in there and it's just a mess.
Playtesters agree its so much more liberating for you to have one combat skill, so all swords will be haunted and have ghosts that cast various spells everytime you don't hit with the blade.
There's some everyone can agree on, like animations
But those are relatively low priority compared to the other atrocities and you'll always find someone who actually likes those, so I guess I agree with you.
Quick Sup Forums. You have 10 seconds to casualise the series even further or Todd will come for you
No dialogue choices.
People should be able to carry everything they want with them, so why limit them with a maximum weight?
Also, what nerds would want to use magic for anything other than blasting people with cool explosions? Remove everything but fire magic destruction.
This is actually what I despise the most about skyrim, no game insulted my intelligence like this. It's literally what my 2-year old niece's puzzle toys are. I don't expect anything convoluted in a casual action rpg, but goddamn.
Encumberance system only makes the game unfun and tedious to be honest. It should be based on what you wear and not what you carry.
Get out.
Fantastic counter argument, retard.
Tell me how a limitless carry weight affects an RPG experience in any way.
I hate how modern games treat people like retards. God forbid you have to get out a piece of paper and a pencil so you can write down clues and shit that is spread through the dungeon. No screw that put everything they need in the simplest form all in one spot in visible range from where the puzzle is.
It only fits in Fallout. TES can do without it.
You mean an equip load like Dark Souls?
2bh I'd like that better
Not him but it makes everything easy mode and doesn't challenge you mentally st all. You no longer need to really weigh the options out you can just be a walking fort Knox and carry everything you find without worry. There's something special about sitting there for a moment deciding if carrying the extra gear to sell is more important than shit like extra healing potions just in case you need them etc.
Fuck, I've been thinking and can't actually come up with anything meaningful. I think they reached peak casual with Skyrim and F4.
Maybe remove perk trees and replace them with achievements? You get an achievement for completing something and that unlocks a perk. When you level up you add points to your main stats and that's it.
Don't pick up all the junk that you don't need. You don't need to sell it. The game is already casual enough, there is no fucking need to minmax.
If you approach TES like that you will save time and it will become less annoying. I feel like people put in those thousands of hours because they have to pick up every single fucking item and have it or sell it.
TES need to be the Dark Souls of Bethesda games, otherwise it will just be another Fallout 4 of Skyrim's
>A literal fascist just got elected
>Biggest fear is muh vidyer gaems
Seek help.
>he expects people to laugh
>no one laughs
He didn't deserve it
This is Sup Forums get the fuck outta here with you political bullshit
It's honestly not that easy to think of anything, skyrim is already gutted. You can remove the dialogue choices and just play it out like a cutscene, but it would actually change almost nothing.
Maybe make the health/stamina/magicka increases automatic. And then cut some more skills. I could see them rolling two of alteration/illusion/restoration together, removing speechcraft, making weapon skills just melee & ranged. Block into heavy armor.
Pickpocket into sneak I'd say is pretty much a given, maybe along with lockpick.
Maybe add a new shitty crafting skill instead, casuals loved smithing.
Lockpicks not being an item, you just have one you use all the time and get locked out on failing like with computers in F4.
It feels like there's not that much they can fuck up, but then again skyrim went and removed fucking attributes, so I guess expect the unexpected.
Why are jumps so unsatisfying in Todd's games? Everything about them look and feel wrong.
LITERALLY sage'n right now.
just a very shit animation, character finishes launching himself off the ground when already in the air for half a second
No more levels, to complex and unnecessary. Now the only way to get stronger is by getting perks by killing legendary enemies and finding collectables.
Is it though? Momentum always felt way off the mark as well. I rarely play on 3rd person, so I don't think that's it.
>implying people aren't all retards
have you seen this world
Market research has shown that too exotic designs put off some consumers so they don't bother with anything alien anymroe
I think people who managed to plug in their console into the wall and tv can handle something tougher.
Wait a minute, that card.
I've been going through this post a couple of times and I dont understand what he's trying to say at all.
Someone? My brain is literally melting.
As long as he's not taking my video games and internet away I dont give a fuck. He can off all negroes for all I care.
I don't think of them like puzzles, because they're not; they're oversized tumbler locks. While 3x3 stones is oversimplified to only 27 possible outcomes (and there were some 4x3 locks), it's a much more sensible locking system than having some rube goldberg machine or hidden switches all over the room just to get a door open.
They need GeekSquad to plug in the console to the TV these days. Installation fee of 69.99.
People are still dumb enough to buy bethesda games?
this thread is proof that Sup Forums is full of casual newfags
>rpg codex shitposters cant keep their shitposting narrative straight
>9 different threads whining about mass effect, todd, and praising obsidian for another fanfic game they've shat out, meanwhile shilling their turtling log's kickstarter
Individual skill trees have been removed and replaced with Melee, Magic, and Stealth.
You can no longer mix and match weapons, shields, or armor. Each equipment tier has its own complete set of armor & sword/shield combos. Dual wielding only includes daggers and is the intended weapon set for thiefs/assassins. Axed got, well, axed.
Stamina and magicka have been removed from the game.
you forgot
to a degree but fallout 4 was even more of a step backwards
TES games didn't even have perk trees before Skyrim, and many "skills" were just a linear increase of a parameter or two.
Blocking in Skyrim functions allows you to block and bash with shield and any weapons, deflect arrows, sprint while blocking, knock down enemies.
Blocking in Morrowind is just a percentage increase.
And Fallout 4 (re)introduced layered armor and seprate pieces for each limb.
My biggest fear is that the game doesn't have Athletics and Acrobatics once more.
>rpg codex shitposters
Nah, LARPing as an edgy "hardcore" gamer on the internet has become more popular now.
They should overhaul the entire combat mechanics of the game. The current Bethesda/fallout combat style is boring as shit, some kind of style like the witcher would be cool.
Do you not remember what happened with pic related? Don't underestimate simple-minded people.
You can respec your character anyway and time you like.
No dialogue options, only "mood-icons" to show off what you might say.
Can't kill anyone that's not a baddy or part of a quest.
Toggle "hints" in order to open a guide that will have a step-by-step system to show off how to do a quest.
Fast travel to any location, doesn't matter if you've never explored it yet.
Cities will have "beacons of light" so you'll always know where they are.
No fall damage.
The game will level for you, picking the most optimal perk for your character. You can turn this off, in a menu though, but it will be the default option.
Don't like the song that's currently playing? There's a "shuffle music" option on the top right.
Quests will automatically show whether you are going down an evil route (marked in red) or good route (marked in green).
Everytime you level up you'll hear an American audience clap and cheer.
Those things are captchas for nord ruins
>Cities will have "beacons of light" so you'll always know where they are.
That can actually be pretty neat if it's just one city. See New Vegas.
Yeah, but it was natural in New Vegas. In my fucked up world, the beacons of light don't actually exist and disappear when you get closer to the city.
Here's mine.
To be fair, that was an issue with the game not explaining that you could rotate objects in your inventory. Luckily the puzzles were so easy you could brute force them in a minute.
Fucking this. Then there's the playtesters that went in circles for hours because they were too dumb to try an alternate branch of a dungeon during playtesting.
>durr you're supposed to know it's possible to rotate objects when game never mentions it anywhere
The only reason to require both a key and a combination is the modern security principle of "something you have" (salt file, USB stick, password-generating fob) and "something you know" (password). This is two-factor authentication and is very highly-regarded if done correctly.
So I figured the ancient nords had somehow figured out two-factor authentication, except that the second factor, the combination, isn't that great since there's only 27 combinations. Putting the combination on the key defeats the purpose of having the combination in the first place. Hence this "solution" was too idiotic for me to think of, and then yes, they added a feature (rotate inventory item) that exists solely to solve this "puzzle" but neglected to mention it outside some streams I didn't watch.
They have a pretty large following, they could put Todd Howard's spit bucket on sale and people would flock to it
>2010 meme font
Get rid of skills and attributes all together. Just have weapons and armor affect your damage and health, who needs skills anyway?
I couldn't solve it because when I actually got to the idea of inspecting the claw, I couldn't rotate it, dragging it with the mouse did nothing, so I thought you just can't rotate items in the inventory at all.
I shit you not, I don't know if it was a problem with my pirated game or hardware or what (maybe connected gamepad?).
It was a problem with the pirated game, I had the same thing
I'm gonna need a source on that jim
>inb4 it's called Skyrim 2 so that they don't lose 1/3 of sales on 'I thought it started with Skyrim' people
There's rumors that Skyrim 2 is a real thing. Why make a new map when you can just recycle the old one and just put new NPCs in?
>2012 memes
The Elder Scrolls VI will incorporate Fallout 4's overhauled dialogue system and take it to the next logical step. The player character will be able to respond in one of two ways: "yes", or "no", "like", or "dislike", or to put it in more generalized terms, "positive" and "negative".
And that's not all. Skyrim integrated voice commands, allowing a player to switch spells and use shouts without pressing a button. TESVI will feature voice and webcam integration. Instead of having to select "positive" or "negative", the player with a webcam can simply smile or frown, which will automatically select "positive" or "negative", respectively. It will streamline the gameplay experience and greatly enhance the immersion.
Considering how much shit was recycled from FO3 into FO4, I can see that.
They will not do that with the dialogue as Todd Howard himself said it was a mistake in 4. Also there won't be shouts in 6 you fucking retard.
Prove you're not one
I just want a proper sequel to Fallout 1
F4 is worse than Skyrim
Skyrim its just a lackluster Elders Scroll
F4 is almost entirely dogshit
>praising obsidian
Who? NuOdsidian is AIDS
>but it's explained in the game user, it's for keeping the draugr inside, not for keeping people out
Great game though eh, I love doing the same thing over and over again
Who came up with that idea in the lore? Who made all those identical stone plaques? Who installed them? Was there a committee involved? If it's meant to keep the draugr in, why are there icon puzzles deep into dungeons? They must have bashed a few draugr to get that far. Couldn't they just continue to slaughter the draugr to make sure? Ah fuck it