What are you favorite races in Skyrim?
What are you favorite races in Skyrim?
>People like the terribly written and executed Lore in this game and actually believe Nurn and its History are smart, clever and interesting.
You have to be 18+ to post here you fucking faggots.
I can understand why you think the lore is overrated and it's indeed the case in some ways and you can really dislike it for legitmate reasons but honestly you lost me with this stupid "I don't like this so you must be underage if you like it" ad hominem.
So instead of arguing with you I will just say :
t. cuck nu-Sup Forums beta numale
Why do you care so much about video games?
You need to take your life seriously, not entertainment.
Orc because the only race skill that's worth a god damn in the entire game is being able to fuck shit up once a day in orc rage big dick mode.
Because magic resistance
That's literally all
I didn't know about race skills because i'm lazy and didn't want to read about the race. Because of that, my first character was a mage orc.
Elder Scrolls races if it were set in the Balkans;
-Serbs/Nord (very nationalistic, loudmouth, like to drink and tell tales of their heroes, think they are the oldest people in the world)
-Bosniaks/Dunmer (pray to a deity that others perceive as pure evil, live in a mountainous shit hole, have a lot of refugees)
-Macedonians/Argonian (weird people nobody really knows or cares much about, but are pretty chill with everyone else and bros)
-Slovenes/Breton (we're not one of you scum, don't make that mistake. Greedy as fuck)
-Imperial/Austro-Hungary (pretends to be civil and just to everybody, in reality just exploits the other provinces for their own gain, failed empire from the start)
-Khajit/gypsies (disliked by everyone, live in caravans or in shitholes, steal scheme and drink most of the time)
-Orc/Albanians (live very isolated from the rest of the races, viewed as primitive savages who only know to murder and destroy)
-Altmer/Turks (hated by almost everyone, they're only there because of their brute strength, hated by nords/serbs especially, etc.)
-Redguard/Montenegrins (alleged great warriors who are just really glorified criminals, tribal culture, like to show off their weapons and wealth)
-Bosmer/Croats (who gives a fuck, they're both so unoriginal and bland)
Switch Redguards with Argonians and it's about right.
Nobody gives a shit about your shitty region.
k, I will delete the post then
Altmer by far. Humans have been fucking everything up for them for so long. And it really annoys me that people are pissed with the white gold concordat. No-one had a problem when Talos invaded Alinor, and let me tell you this, Summerset isles (and Morrowind) were fucked up bad during the Oblivion Crises and the Empire gave not one bit of help. It was the Thalmor who saved them. And further more, all these bitches moaning about outlawing Talos worship. It was a war, they lost. That is what happens during war.
Nah this is an interresting post.
>hating on the forsworn
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier
xd Tier
What Ulfric did to them was unforgivable. He wants "muh independance" from the empire but fucks over the Reachmen who've been inhabiting and fighting for that land since the pretty much the Merethic.
Have fun with your shit covered sticks.
>-Bosmer/Croats (who gives a fuck, they're both so unoriginal and bland)
but it's probably true
wtf, I love the balkans now
Argonians can breathe underwater
Yea it's nearly 100% worthless but still
They also look cool
Also Khajit look cute
Your opinion is stupid but I feel like I know that wabbit
>tfw can't do this in Britain because high-rock is supposed to Britain
Even though its not, nu-britain is basically hammerfell.