Best faction to play?
Best one to fight?

I fucking love the Empire's artillery units.

Other urls found in this thread:


>not Age of Sigmar
>not 40k

The emperor is not amused...

Vampire Counts
Beastmen are fun to slap around

>age of sigmar

how absolutely disgusting you utter fucking mongoloid subhuman degenerate

Additionally, fuck everything about the Wood Elves
Elf genocide best day of my life

I bet you never even touched a model of WHFB.

>people don't play WHFB
>people don't buy WHFB
>company, a profit driven business, does changes to try and save an entire range of models
>it succeeds
>but people still shitpost... despite not supporting the product they claim to love

Best meme.

I was unsure of the game because of the setting, but TW:W turned out great.
Battles really feel like they have a sense of real presence ina grander way than in historical games; a battle in a gulch against a greenskin horde feels like more than clay-grabbing or pacification.

>playing empire
>somehow joined forces with elves against the chaos
>chaos gets rekt
>elves backstab me immidiately
>join up with dwarfs against elves
>elves get rekt
>dwarfs backstab me cause didnt want to start a war against the vampire counts immidiately after the war against the elves
>dwarfs fucks me silly and vampire counts come to finish me off


It is the first time I've felt like it's true "Total War"

>Turn 12
>Vampire Counts warring me
>Beastmen hordes already coming
>Greenskins warring me
>Bretonnia shitters warring me
>Some of the dwarves warring me

There is no peaceful times to settle and build up, it's constant battles. Good shit.


What's with the shilling with this game recently? Did something happen?

It was on sale for $12 recently and Bretonnia is also coming out soon

I love Warhammer threads, especially Warhammer fantasy.

TW:W is great, despite DLC jew tactics.

>it succeeds
Wait what? People fucking bought ground marines? The exact same people who didn't give a shit before suddenly gained an interest because ground marines? Don't tell me this shit actually suddenly started making money.

Different audience
Given how different the settings are in tone and style, I can't imagine that many WHFB players would be interested in it

Is this getting any more DLC or is Bretonnia the last? Played a lot on release but got burned out. Thinking about jumping back in.

There might be some smaller things but no more factions, most likely
Bretonnia as a free faction is meant to cap the whole thing off

Empires tanks. Honestly, just line 20 of them up and defeat anything tossed your way. I struggle to think of nonflying units that can best such a lineup.

free Bretons 28!

Dwarfs with a master engineer and ranged based army
Savage Orcs

Bretonnia is the best faction

unchivalrous shitters get out

You can have 20 tanks? iirc there was a limit on them on release. You could only have like 3 or 4 at any time.

Oh god first post WORST post.

You can have 19, because the 20-unit cap includes your commander. But if he's on a flying mount and you've got 19 tanks the only thing that'll even get remotely close are Huge and Flying units. Since the tanks cant be scurred or retreat, basically you can set 10 to be your frontline melee crew and 9 to be your backup crew and long-range combatants. With the armor and HP they've got, as well as the close-range steam cannons, tanks are beasts in melee when they're grouped together.

>Playing as Empire
>Haven't been at war for a while, buffing up armies
>Trying to decide who to fight next
>"Some vampire nigger is raiding your lands"

"They're fucking Vermin" is an OP Casus Belli.

Probably not on the current game, maybe some free stuff thrown around depending on the wait time until next game.

But I imagine that a few months from now they will announce the second game and the factions that will be included.

Then it will be the same thing probably, game is released, followed by a roadmap of DLCs for the year, some free, most paid.

how do I get good

>Playing Dwarves
>Chaos turns up
>Turn all my armies around to deal with the three Norscan stacks that spawned inside my asshole at the undefended far south
>Start to head back up north to deal with Chaos, building stacks of armour piercing and flying along the way
>Finally get to umgi lands to see Archaon surrounded on four sides by Orion and his cronies outside Middenland
>End my turn and watch Archaon die in a flaming arrow bukkake party
>Chaos Warriors have been obliterated!

AI Wood Elves are fucking insane. Nerf when?

Damn you're pathetic

>tfw writefag
>tfw love playing this game
>tfw have a document where I write about the events that take place
>detailed descriptions of battles
>reasons behind wars/attacks
>showdowns between lords
>realising I probably have autism.

>Control groups and locked control groups
>Keep some units in the back for reserve if you can
>Counter charge incoming enemies
>Avoid blobbing against magic/heavy artillery
>Hammer and anvil
>Flank, even with ranged (especially guns)
>Learn what types of units are best against what you are facing
>Avoid fighting uphill
>Use terrain/forests to your advantage
>Learn to manually shoot with artillery
>Lightning Strike

All i could think of right now

>It is on sale for $12

Well, you've got a way to go yet. I read a thread a while back where a guy had played Terraria for over 10k hours, making thousands of characters over hundreds of saves, and writing stories about them. He had like a mafia, and they might put the squeeze on the local baker, who was also a character, and he'd play that character for a day by getting out of bread, eating breakfast, making loaves of bread for several hours and going back to bed.

I could've sworn I saved the screencap, but I guess not.

Skaven when?

Fantasy Landsknechts are way cooler than stormcast eternals

may be

where can you find it for $12? Its still 60€ on steam and on their site.



Ref link so I can jew you.


It's so inspired by France.

Astute deduction there Holmes.

it's French mixed with British. Pretty much King Arthur in france. Britain in Warhammer is a small island called Albion filled with crazy cyclops and some spartan dudes


Truly my emperor.


not even close, it's still as dead as old fantasy after the initial "it's new" interest

No way??? Gotta tell /tg/ about this

>When some dumbshit loses your Book of Grudges so he gets to be the first name in the new book.


What the hell?

Somebody please go to 1:25 ("horse" scene) and tell me what the fuck is going on.

Is he riding on 3 guys holding a horse skull with candles on it and pretending to be a horse?


You god is LITERALLY a wood elf bathing in a lake knights came across

>some spartans
actually they're powerful warrior druids

Ghorst: The younger years.

Some Bretonnian regions are named after real French regions like Aquitaine and Carcassonne.

Pilgrims carrying a dead grail knight.

>age of smegmar
>actually paying for mediocre norse mythology space marines just because GW got tired of everyone having full sets already

at least they're less restrictive about their fantasy IP now, which could finally lead to some decent warhammer content

>reasons behind wars/attacks
"AI Wood Elves attacked and destroyed everyone because tree hitler told them to"

How are high elves even going to work in this game? Especially when they've ruled out dedicated naval battles because Jewworkshop has it as separate rights.

>>age of smegmar
nobody care about your mom during daytime.

Personally I love playing in the border princes, establishing the elector county of the Borderlands for the Empire

I also got confused by this when I saw

thanks for clearing it up





Shogun 2 was better.

summon the electro cunts


>An entire faction based around cuckoldry

>Especially when they've ruled out dedicated naval battles because Jewworkshop has it as separate rights.
wtf why

I love slapping Vampire Counts in the face with fat Empire cock. No room for vermin in these lands.

Thanks, but I still don't fully understand.

That unit is basically 3 guys carrying a dead(?) knight and a horse skull into battle?

And despite being dead, the knight still fights?

It's about chivalry and inspiring your peasants, man

bretons best faction
empire cucks can fuck off

They could do something similar to what Shogun had.

son post that shit somewhere, I have a lifelong boner for battle reports and that kinda shit

I remember reading an account of a chaos warband from the POV of a champion, written battle by battle by the guy who owned the army. It was really cool, gave narrative reasons for losses, changes to the army, etc.

>be elf goddess
>realize elfs are shit
>ditch them and get human kingdom to worship you as their sole goddess
I feel like the Wood Elves are the ones getting cucked here 2bh

is this shit never going to be cracked?

>about to take the last settlement for a province
>ally takes that shit before I do

Guess I'm betraying them.

It didn't, it flopped hard.

A combination of new target demographics and vastly simplified logistics (can download rules, can have much smaller battles, etc). Though the latter is what GW should have done ages ago when more people stopped paying 300 quid for a box of miniatures or a book of rules.

Is there a roll chart for Total Warhammer yet?

>about to take the last settlement for a province
>(neutral) Wood Elves take it

>Some vampire nigger is raiding your lands

bretonnia will have Blessed Trebuchets to purge them with holy water

Let's hope not.

source on pic, friend?


"Despite predictions and promises to investors the stocks of Games Workshop would rise a great deal as a result of the 2015 releases, they only rose by a mere 1%. This is despite 2015 having more releases than any point in recent memory, including multiple long-awaited factions in 40k, the general success of the 30k line, and a great deal of revenue from the multiple licensed video game releases (which Games Workshop spends absolutely nothing making, and only rakes in profit from)."

>lone Sloane
my turbo nigga

I mean some ruskie got all the DLC "cracked", and the base game is like $12 now.

>make a Runecrafter
>deploy him in my province because I don't need him to do anything right away
>fucking vampire agent keeps trying to kill him (and failing despite it being a fresh hero)
>other agents are too far away to really do anything about it

I swear to fucking god, once I'm done with these fucking orcs, I'm coming for your ass next.

the knight doesnt do anything, hes dead. but it inspires units around it. the pilgrims can kick I guess, though

Excuse autism, but here was one I haven't gone over to spice up yet


>Battle of Weismund Way
>Two VL Armies, 2 Empire Armies
>(rounded up) 5300 VL troops, 4000 Empire Troops

Karl Franz's northward expedition was stunted when news reached him that Middenheim had fallen to the Vampiric scourge, becoming the last bastion of Stefan Von Drak, the Vampire Lord leading the westward conquest.

(skipped to mid battle)

Von Drak struggled to keep his shambling hordes in formations which would secure the flanks from the constant harrassment of the Drakwald Cavalry, which tore away at his exposed soldiers as they fought to push through Franz's unyielding line of lowly swordsmen.
He looked east to see his Varghulf felled by Franz himself, reduced to a heapof matted hair and pulp.
A great thunder was heard and within seconds fire rained down upon the approaching skeleton swordsmen, Von Drak's last hope of re- securing his previous superiority of the
By the time they reached the line they were to obliterate, only a disorganized and badly shaken unit remained-an easy target for armoured spearmen who had been waiting for such a weakness.

In what is widely regarded as the killing blow of the battle, Karl Franz took to the sky on his fearsome mount, ordering his Reiksguard Knights to attack the exposed rear of Von Drak's forces.
It is said that to the last second, Von Drak screamed orders at his hopeless troops, believing every moment that such a defeat at the hands of mortals was impossible.

As the men of the Empire drove lances through his men, his corrupted mind drifted back to earlier that day when he laughed at the pitiful enemy line before him; the "stubborn fool" Karl Franz glaring bitterly down upon the field.

The people of Weismund like to believe that in his final breath, Von Drak accepted the might of the Empire and the inevitable failure of his tainted campaign.

Not bad at all.
Thought about uploading the replays with a voiceover?

Sometimes, but my rig isn't quite could enough to support good footage.
Well, smooth footage.

A friend and considered using several screenshots and voiceovers, however.

Do Vampire Lords breathe?

fuck if I know man, I just write what sounds cool. I know little about the setting.

In death he still serves

>play as Chaos
>try to beef up my army as much as possible
>beat up everything I come accross
>start reaching Empire's lands
>get excited because I finally get to fight against the Empire as Chaos, gonna be a great fight
>they get fucked by the Vampire counts and die before I reach them

Well that was disappointing.


Haven't really played much since launch.
Are the wood elves/beastmen worth getting?

These are cool and efficient as fuck

Shit forgot pic

Your daily reminder that NAGASH WAS WEAK