Switch battery life while playing: 2,3 hours

defend this

what for, even the most head lvl logic explanation will fly past your stupidity

>2.5 hours
>as advertised
>for one game
>on max brightness with wifi on
>When people who play on handhelds that aren't near power supplies play in short bursts

Defend what?

Battery tech in general is stagnant anyway. You really expected any better from Nintendo?

unless someone comes with a groundbreaking new battery solution, this is our future user.

one of the reasons portable devices need to be designed around power efficiency

Bigger batteries are at a higher risk of malfunctioning, they get warmer quicker effecting the quality of the system, bigger batteries are also more expensive to make as the technology is bottlenecking.

There's nothing to defend, if you have a working understanding of how a battery works

So the same as the original 3DS? And the same as the WiiU gamepad?

>it's ok when nintendo does it over and over again

you can buy a better battery and replace it

Just bought a 2DS and noticed the battery is only 1300mAh. Are chinkshit batteries any better?

>for one game
Yeah, other games could be better for battery life or worse
>on max brightness with wifi on
Brightness usually doesn't do too much, but I doubt botw even uses wifi so you could potentially get less than 2 hours playing a game like splatoon that is all about online.

>you can buy a better battery and replace it
you can also make a bonfire and throw it there, in both case the thing will end up melting

really, they will sell batteries with longer life in the future and it's confirmed

That doesn't make this okay, you fucking child. Jesus christ, that's like saying it's okay to put out complete shit but it's okay because you can SPEND MORE MONEY TO FIX IT when it shouldn't need to be fixed. For 300 fucking dollars? plus 60 for a game? that's 400 almost right there.

That's the bare minimum tho, with max brightness and wifi on and shit. Airplane mode and lower brightness will increase that time.

What's the battery life of the PS4 controller?

Less than a weeks wages for something you will own and use for the next 5 years.

Get a job.

if they made a better battery the switch would be the same price as buying a switch and battery apart, it's cheaper this way

i think the battery life is exactly why they are advertising the switch as a console "that can be portable" instead of a handheld with docking capabilities

doubt many games will be worse for battery than an open world game like botw. don't pretend splatoon will be a huge intensive game

While it is pretty shit, like people said that's the estimated minimum, assuming all brightness and network settings are on and high. Not to mention, it's 2017, it'd be strange not to have a power bank or some other access to power.
>"But that's an extra $20~50 on top of the Switch and games!"
It's justifiable if you want to use your power bank for other devices too.

it's not just nintendo, battery tech hasn't advanced as much as their devices allow, it's remarkable in itself that a $300 device can run games like botw for 3 hours