Do you even finish your games anymore Sup Forums?

Do you even finish your games anymore Sup Forums?

Yes because there's always some faggot on Sup Forums who screams

Only if I really really like the game, my attention span is awful.

I finish them, sure. Fuck achievements though, I'm lucky to end up with over 50% of them by the time I get bored

I don't even start them anymore.

I don't know, does Rocket League even have an end?

>Do you even finish your games anymore Sup Forums?
I set myself the condition to finish another game in my collection, before buying new games.
I don't finish games at all cost, of course. Garbage like D44M I abandoned 50 % into the campaign and sold if off again.

What the fuck is up with all the anigay posting recently? Keep that weabo shit in its containment.


I mostly play games that can't be completed.
Otherwise yes.

You must be somewhere in your 80s if 10 years ago was recent for you.

>tfw buy $60 games
>play them for less than an hour
>keep doing this for new releases even though I know the games are good
>sometimes go back and play old games

kill yourself

I always do.
Not everyone is a worthless tired faggot like you, OP.

>play them for less than an hour
You could play the demo instead.

>not watching anime
seek help

I used to back when it was good, but nowaday it's all the same uguu moeblob shit. Your pic could be from literally a 100 different series.

>friend tells me to play ff13
>tells me it gets great later on
>finish it
>I only end up liking it as other wise I feel like I wasted 50 hours
>the sad bit was it was my first ps3 game

The good-to-shit ratio has always been the same. You believe that the past was better because only the good shows were localized, while today we can watch everything that comes out.

Its pretty eventful for me to finish a game. In the last year I think I've finished Metroid II, MGS2, and FFVII

Two of those three i bumrushed the last 6 hiurs of the game in one go

I finish on my games if you know what I mean ;)

I've actually gotten better at finishing games, in the past year or so I finished more games, and there was only one game I stopped playing more than half-way through, something which used to be a pretty regular habit for me.

>play game for a few hours
>download another game I was meaning to play
>start playing it
>dont have the will to finish the first game

This has been a recurring theme after I purchased a PC.

I finished re 7 after about 3 years of not finishing a game.

I didn't finish a single game on PC since 2007. PS4 cured that in 2016.

Same. It's been quite a while since I actually finished a game until RE7. Probably because everything has to be some massive 100-hour+ sprawling open world collect-a-thon epic, otherwise people will bitch that it's not worth 60 dollars.

Sounds like some ADHD


>stalker: clear sky
>shadowrun: hongkong
>fallout new vegas
>pillars of eternity
>valkyria chronicles


this list is nothing I've got like 30 games I wanna finish, and probably half of them go for the platinum

well I just finished xenoblade x.

>Elma's an Ayy Lmao
>the amount of stuff that wouldn't have happened if people didn't just sit there talking
>the lifehold's been trashed since the beginning
>"this planet is toospook
>Lao is still alive

man, that was fuckin' stupid.

I finish mostly all of my games. There's three games I still need to finish, but have already beaten once before;
>Divinity 2
I liked the main game, but the dlc is a snore fest that turned me off from ever finishing it
I've been on Armstrong for a year or two now, I still need to beat the game, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Starting up a game just for a boss fight doesn't intrigue me
>Warcraft 3
I like to save WC to play while i'm on a trip on my laptop, if I beat it at home I wouldn't want to play it while i'm away from home

I really have a problem of starting a game, playing for a couple hours, then coming back a month or two later and finally finishing it, but if I buy a game, i'm going to play it. Just takes time

actually just finished Fallout 4 this morning because I've gotten sick of games I spent $60 on sitting in my steam account unfinished. I'm gonna work on finishing Bioshock Infinite today as well

back to redit

>probably half of them go for the platinum

i dont have that kind of autism

with all these games you kinda finish and forget

Only stuff that I thoroughly enjoy. Speaking only of the past few months, I loved RE7 and replayed it on Madhouse immediately after I finished it but couldn't stomach more than a few hours of TLOU before dropping it for good because it bored me to death.

I grabbed the plats for Bloodborne, FFXV, and RE7 and am currently working on Nioh but I primarily play more open ended stuff - Darkest Dungeon, Dota 2, Arma 3, Legacy of the Duelist, stuff that you don't really finish because you play for the gameplay.

ofc, what would be the point otherwise?

I'd only want to platinum my favorite ones (Yakuza 0) but fuck they take like 100+ hours it feels

I don't even play them.

I don't play games that can be finished. I like CK2, FTL, Stardew, football manager, etc

Yeah you're right about the last part but the number of good animes drastically lowered in the last ten years or so.

I just finished this game though

Usually not, I can only finish a game if I really like it now
I just don't need the escapism as much anymore

This. Anime didn't use to have a bunch of shows with little girls, teenagers, or bland self-insert protagonists.

I barely even start games anymore.

Yes of course.

I just 100%ed Other M after completing it last night.


I do, sure.
But I leave endgame/NG+ for later, then come back and realize I don't remember shit.

>new season of zetsubou sensei never ever

I'm really bad at finishing them, I want to buy Nier but I'm still in the middle of Yakuza 0 and Gravity Rush 2.

The manga ended, there's nothing for a new season to advertise.


>tfw an incomplete achievement list triggers you

I hate it, ruins every game for me. Worst "feature" ever.

>Playing video games

Are you a child?

I finish a good amount of games, but I've fallen into that trap in life where you can finally buy all the video games you want, but you don't have the time to complete them

Yes, eventually.

I play games because It's cool to be le geek these days :^)

Yeah, I don't mentally finish with a game until I've seen the credits roll.

And when there's achievements I like to see them 100%'d. I'm not going to hate it if they're not all done, but I generally like to see them finished.

Up until last year, no.
I played shit like two hours and thought it was fun but then I would pick up new shit and forget about the one I was still playing, so I never actually finished anything.

I recently made a backlog spreadsheet where I make sure to write what I'm playing and it seems to have helped quite a lot. I won't start anything until I finished what I'm already playing.

I've played through 4 games so far this year, and made one.

Shooting for 24+ games played through, 2-3 made by year-end.

most of them
but the ending of dead space 3 is just tedious in high difficulties

>playing a few games
>get majorly into Siege
>play it for over a hundred hours very quickly
>forget what I was even playing before

I did beat Sonic 3 and Knuckles again recently, that game is a shockingly good time.

>Want to join me?

I don't. Most games push their games to be 20 hrs long where they really only have about 5 hours of entertaining gameplay (if that.) the last campaign I beat and enjoyed was Titanfall 2.

Nope because I buy anything that even slightly interests me while working full-time.

Nah dude. Doesn't matter if you completed it or not. What matters if you enjoyed it or helped you take your mind off the fact that you would rather be fucking hot young pussy and having group fun with friends. Then again video games today can count as having group fun but you are still not getting some good young pussy.

Not a completionist by any means. Usually finish the story and move on.

I finish most games I start.

Its all about the gameplay. As of today.

Story mattered back in 1999 when internet wasnt as widely available to console.

Not reall. I only finish games if I feel compelled to, if I am actually interested. Finishing a game just for the sake of crossing it off a list isn't satisfying to me. Pretty sure I am about to go and sell off half of my games this week because if this.

Just finished SW4-II yesterday.
Women of War chapter was full of WHAT but the stages themselves are fun so it's okay

Full time job and potential love interest have killed my ambition for video games.

I'm more worried about my growning backlog

You have no real excuse for letting things spiral out of control like this.

Also lmao you fucking bought Sudeki?

>game I bought for $40-60

90% chance to finish

>game I bought for $5-35

40-50% chance to finish it

>game I pirated or emulated

10% chance to finish it

If it really engages me then I will, but most games don't these days.
FFXV was a fucking shit show and was the last big game I bought.
I'm really hoping Persona 5 hooks me as much as 4 because 3 was too dry for me to get into even though I liked most things about it.

Just delete the account and start over.
>Backlog problem solved.
It's really easy to get rid of "digital" games.

I have 150+ not started games in my backlog and some leftovers based on On top of that I have depression and occasional apathy, so I'm never finishing it.

Kill me.

>Also lmao you fucking bought Sudeki?
it was fun. Stupid but fun.
rebought. I had it on xbox, before console died

If the game has great gameplay, or if it's challenging, I usually finish it and replay it a couple of times

Last year, I finished AM2R and replayed it 3 times. Same with Furi. Couldn't bring myself to finish The Witcher 3, although Heart of Stone felt like a little story straight from the first two books, I riked it


What are you doing

Yeah just finished FFVI and now im going for DDS 2 and Silent Hill 2

no :(

bought it by mistake
my mistake being thinking remake is a good game, or has anything to do with 1998 one beyond title

I've been spending way too much time in the same old timesink to really start a lot of new games, but one day i'll get around to it.

well it took me a few tries just to survive the first day in pathologic, yea I know I suck

Same happened to me recently, but it's not my fault that Sabotage at Soulforge is such a hot turd.

>this many good shows in one season
is this chart for real?

I can never pick what to play/watch/read so I made this to select it for me with RNG. It strikes a nice balance between taking the choice out of my hands (with the RNG) and still giving me some control (because I decide what 10 things to put on the board)

It's got some rules attached to it: Once a month I can use each of the three "overrides" which let me make a re-roll, swap out something on the board, or just choose something without rolling. Once something is on the board it can't be removed until I've gotten through everything in that series that I own (unless I use the Change override).

I've been getting through a lot more stuff since I started doing it.

Can't even remember the last time I played a game all the way through.

I just watch longplays on youtube.


you could say the same about anything really.

I beat damn near every game I start.

I used to force myself to finish games I didn't like (RE6 and Assasins Creed come to mind) but now I decided to relax since vidya is for fun you know.

no because games dont have endings anymore

The idea of not being able to finish modern games is a joke.

I seldom begin a game without finishing it. When i was a kid i never finished games

Same. It's been a while since a game had he hooked from start to finish.

This. I dropped or just refused to even get into a lot of games as a kid/teen if they looked too hard or couldn't hold my attention for long enough. I've started going back and replaying them now instead of buying new games.

Yes, I have recently finished a few games, but I played them in bite-sized chunks of about 2-3 hours every few days. I completed them, but it usually takes a while to do that, and I have the horrible habit of playing a game, dropping it for a while, coming back, forgetting where I was and restarting. The last game I played that got me hooked enough that I tried to do everything I could and still beat the game with everything fresh in my mind was Gothic 1, and that was years ago.