>tfw when ubisoft made a deeper fighting game than capcom's street fighter without even trying too hard
Tfw when ubisoft made a deeper fighting game than capcom's street fighter without even trying too hard
>ubisoft made a deeper fighting game than capcom
No it didn't. SFV is a piece of shit, but let's stay realistic, please. If you truly believe this, then you're a 16'er. Fucking neo-Sup Forums.
fuck off pleb cunt
You're one of those "Smash Brothers is for my little sister" faggots aren't you?
why is for honor so deep?
what's the Depth from?
it has actual footsie game
I sincerely doubt that. I also dont think you know what footsies is
>neutral so braindead the game even fucking ouright tells you your opponents stance
>every character has zero personality
>complex lagswitch tech
nice fighting game you got there kiddo.
>the game even fucking ouright tells you your opponents stance
>Hur, I want my game to require you to learn the properties of a thousand animations for autism's sake and not even provide a simple indication of what's going on because that's what hardcore fitan' games do
>For honor
>A fighting game
It's three different animations of a dude holding his sword in different directions, it's not hard at all.
Fuck off shill
Remember kids, applying any amount of thought while playing video games is literally autism
>Hur, I want my game to require you to learn the properties of a thousand animations for autism's sake and not even provide a simple indication of what's going on because that's what hardcore fitan' games do
Not him but a fighting game telling you where to block in advance would be fuckin dumb
Luckily 'For Honor' is not a fighting game. So its fine ;)
no, making your games intuitive is not the same as removing thought from the game.
you want the lowest skill floor possible and the highest skill ceiling possible in your games.
although, for honor is probably garbage based on what I've seen so far, so don't take it as me defending it. I just think it's stupid when games obfuscate shit from you for no reason. The video component of a video game should be giving you useful data at all times in the most clear and natural fashion possible.
>Calls me pleb
Why the projection?
You're one of those "Smash Brothers is a fighting game even when Sakurai says it isn't" faggots aren't you? Smash is fun, but don't call it a fighter.
>Hurr durr game should spoonfeed me because my reactions are garbage and I had a concussion drop the at birth please Ubisoft
>Muh party game for kids is srs bsns >:'(
except for the horrible matchmaker
having to be completely at the mercy of quickmatch is shit
>has Sup Forums-approved techniques like halfswording
>Sup Forums still hates it
>tfw its pay to win garbage
Morbidly obese women still have vaginas but I'm not down to party. If a game has something I like and a dozen things I don't then chances are I won't be playing it. I've no opinion on for honor though, never played it.
>Not him but a fighting game telling you where to block in advance would be fuckin dumb
Even in training mode? Why? Having to know a fuck ton of arbitrary animations from 30 odd characters is dumb as hell and having to just learn all that shit up from adds no depth the game. If doing this actually took away from advanced play, then alright, but it doesn't at all.
I'm currently skeptical of it.
There's something that's rubbing me the wrong way in the footage I see of it but I don't know what it is.
Even if the game wasn't overpriced, had shitty P2P and horrible connection issues it would still be mediocre through and through. Overall it's garbage but I expect nothing less from a board that is unironically hype for the newest Bioware game.
You insane if you thinks it's "deeper"
There's only 4 things you can do. It's why I'm good at this fighter and trash at every other
Well yeah, every smash game besides melee and n64 to some extend are shallow peices of shit.
Melee arguably has the highest skill sceiling and depth of any fighting game though.
In training mode yeah it'd be fine. Having "block low" flash on screen during a real match would be fuckin dumb.
And it doesnt take as long as you seem to think. attacks that look like they are going to hit your feet are low, and this is shared amongst all characters.
Sup Forums really needs more cynism and elitism again. Almost no other board praises garbage like this one, it's like going on Sup Forums and making threads about the new Nickelback album or something.
It has gear stats in the most popular modes.
Also typical Ubisoft microtransactions out the ass.
The one on one fighting is fun. Two on two can be fun as well, since every goddamn stage for that seems to have a cliff you can throw people off.
The other modes are decent, but there are fucking stats on gear in all of them, so I avoid them like the plague.
Also the P2P connection. It's been mostly good in the one on one stuff, but outside that it can get real bad real fast.
there's plenty of cynicism.
try the fucking game. then you'll be able to see who is from Sup Forums and who is a ubi shill.
the game is fun but quickly becomes garbage even if you only play 1v1 duel and nothing else which, ironically, makes it garbage by significantly shortening its re-playability and makes the pricetag look ridiculous.
So yeah, your skepticism is warranted.
Gas chambers can not make a comeback quick enough
Lol no. SFV is a shallow mediocre mess but its still got more depth then a glorified QTE game where half the time you can end a round with one proper parry into guard break using that bitch ass environment because of how far shit sends everything.
But yeah SFV is fucking shallow but so is a game where the meta has pretty much already been dictated because mechanics are so fucking stupid simple. But then again GG/KOF are back and far better then both so its your fault for playing either.
i dont like the laggy input that magnified with the actual lag is unbearable
You have no idea what the word means. Spacing has almost no meaning in For Honor outside of some unblockable moves because everything is basically a QTE que on your fucking screen. You can parry pretty much everything so even the safest pokes are discouraged at high level play and a big risk.
I swear fucking casuals throw around terms like footsies just to make shallow games sound more complex so they can reinforce their sad purchase.
People interested in this game shouldn't ask about it on Sup Forums.
It's a meme to hate Ubisoft games here because they released some buggy games a few years ago.
Same thing with Bioware, you can't find an even remotely objective discussion thread about their games because there will always be a handful of braindead autistic retards spamming the same hivemind shit over and over.
wait just a gosh darn minute
are you telling me you fags actually managed to join a game and play?
excuse me if i seem skeptical.
>game devolves into light hit to beat unblockable bash type attack, bash attack to beat block, parry to beat light attack pure guessing
>everyone without a bash attack is garbage, including nobushi because her kick move is too slow
>in fact has no actual footsies because you can just bulldog right into your enemy since you can move forward while blocking easily reactable attacks and matches end up with 2 people rubbing this dicks together waiting for the other to attack
>reactable throws that shit "pro" players still get hit by because of wonky tech timing and 1 hit kills off of throws
>Not him but a fighting game telling you where to block in advance would be fuckin dumb
Because in a fighting game, you crouch and block everything except for overheads. You don't have to specifically block high-mid-low.
disregard that im a huge faggot
this sounds like what the game looked like to me.
it seems like a bunch of stupid fucking canned animations that's just going to always devolved into a stupid meta with only a few useful attacks.
so basically, you want to find weak players and make the fights last as long as possible to get your revenge meter filled up.
then you pop it on the actual threats.
>crouch and block everything
>except overheads
im confused
You're truly high if you think this. SFV is a deeper game and the most mediocre shallow ass SF game to exist. But For Honor is a game where its meta has pretty much already been dictated because of how its mechanics work and is boring as fuck to watch and not that fun to play.
It has the same depth as SFV in the same sense where there are constant errors , shitty P2P netplay and Ubisoft is slow as fuck to fix the errors and netplay.
>attacks that look like they are going to hit your feet are low
Tell that to Tekken.
It's okay, user. You'll understand the meaning of exceptions some day.
This, to be honest.
I wouldn't say it's particularly deep, but damn was the game fun until people figured out that just never attacking and always being on the defense is so much better than being on the offense.
So painful
>Melee arguably has the highest skill sceiling and depth of any fighting game though.
For Honor has this same "privilege" if we're fabricating this hard.
It works fine unless you have cheap wifi
>without even trying too hard
they spends million on mocap, bigger budget than capcom will ever had
>you crouch and block everything except for overheads
overheads + jump ins + throws and command grabs + crossups
Yes you can crouch block alot of things, but the 'block high, low, back or foward, tech throw' game does exist
I know it sounds laughable, but if you look into melee, you will honestly get overwhelmed, hundreds of stuff happening behind the scenes, small details at high level play. I only recently started to appreciate everything, and ive been playing for 2 years now.
When will Nintoddlers admit that Smash is fucking shallow mechanics-wise and play like a babby's first fighting game?
Sure, it's fun like hell but I won't be delusional enough to defend it as a deep fighting game. Grow the fuck up, Nintoddlers.
>My pseudo fighting game has one more direction to block then yours ergo more depth
you cant be this dense
>Thinking is autism
Fuck off.
Yes i agree that tr4sh is shallow and has absolutely zero mechnical skill barriers, but when people say smash, the mean melee. The games couldn't be more different.
>If you do X and I don't, then it means you're Y.
every time
It's hilarious that you melee kids think you're any different than smash 4 kids. It's like a kid with autism feeling superior over a kid with down syndrome.
Follow the thread of replies. My only point is in regards to the reason for a HUD element telegraphing the attack direction. The environment and perspective make reading animations in For Honor unreliable.
It is the way they deal with an issue that all fighting games have to manage, why many 2D fighting games deliberately limit the number of animation frames in an attack and exaggerate them so that they are readable.
>then fucked it all up with an ass backwards networking system
Your change good sir.
kek you must be most retarded person ever
It was my first game on GC, and I like the game (I still play it on Dolphin to this day), but saying it's technically deep is absolutely laughable and it shows why Smashers need to actually play other fighters before making such retarded claims. The reason why it has such a popular scene at EVO is because it is a casual game that attracts everybody (it being Nintendo as well) unlike most harder fighters, or else these obscure anime fighters would be much popular. It's Nintendo history
>The games couldn't be more different.
You are one of the reasons why the FGC won't take Smash as a whole seriously. Melee is deeper and less party than Smash 4, but they are definitely in the same league and it doesn't mean Melee is automatically not a party game. Name aspect of Melee that is hard, just don't say something like wavedashing and embarrass yourself.
Every time somebody says this, they can't prove how it isn't so. Someone who thinks For Honor is deep is probably new to fighters, or should we say pseudo-fighters.
Oh jesus user don't put the idea of how amazing a Myrmidon class would be in my head.
t. one of the 1800(roflmao) Evo participants
sf5 might not be good but its still miles beyond that pile of shit
fucking kill yourself
Too late user.
>Top spear pokes while using full guard.
how did nintendorks even bring melee into this... they just have to shove their shit game into everything ffs
so instead of having a difficulty curve and learning the game better lets just have the HUD flash where to block and heres a thought if you X distance close to another enemy lets show which direction they are attacking so even if theyre behind you fighting someone else but close to them then the guy youre locked onto youll get a chance to block there attack thats not even close to hitting you.
their system causes a problem and is only useful when 2+ people are trying to bukkake,
now if they removed it by default and only have it show when more than one person has locked onto you then that would be an idea but as it stands its retarded, ruins immersion and prevents me personally from enjoying a potentially enjoyable casual experience.
Tfw a Roman/Greek faction has already been mentioned in game and is practically guaranteed as DLC.
>but saying it's technically deep is absolutely laughable
>''I played it when i was 10 xDDD''
kill yourself. Give it a chance and THEN you can talk about it. you obviously have zero, ZERO idea about the game competitively you piece of trash.
How is reacting to an attack deep? You can literally just defend in 3 directions and counter guard break. All you need to do is to defend and react to the QTEs with proper parries/counter guard breaks into guaranteed damage because the game heavily favors defense over offense. It's completely retarded game design and not deep at all.
I really liked the idea they were going for but after playing it a bit longer you really see how flawed it actually is.
Because you can tell that it's actually shallow with a low skill ceiling, making it a fun but short lived title.
I dunno man, shield-dropping and ledge-dashing feel pretty hard to me and you kinda need that shit in competitive play.
>Classes are based around Colosseum gladiators.
How long have you been playing? And why is shieldropping hard for you? Can't time it right due to shield stun?
Roughly half a year. And to elaborate, i can shield-drop pretty well when i'm playing by myself but i can't do it for the life of me when i'm actually playing against somebody.
It's only normal if you've been plying only for half a year. In a year or so, depending on your skill, you won't be having any problems with almost anything tech skill related, excluding stuff like waveshine out of shield. It's too soon to learn ledgedashes though. Try improving your punish game, it's a lot more important.
As opposed to you playing it now whilst you are 12? Please, Melee is not technical at all, list one aspect, one, that shows how hard the game is on a competitive level, I will kill myself when you prove yourself. I obviously have an idea of the game, or else I wouldn't even be talking about Melee, more than a decade ago I used to go to local Melee parties (some DoA).
But I guess the game was pretty tough playing it on a GC controller with your fatass hands, right?
First of all, my hands are probably the most beautiful hands on the planet.
Been playing for a long time now, there are a few things i can't do cosistently yet. You have to understand that melee does not have a frame input buffer like every single other fighting game out there. Meaning you have to be frame perfect even with simple stuff like pivot smash attacks or grabs. Also i can see that you dont have an idea about melee because 1. You play it on PC and not a crt meaning you do not even realize you're having input lag and 2. You mentioned wavedashing.
Anyway, here are a few things.
>Waveshine out of shield
>Westballz pressure
>Consistent tech chasing
>Consistent platform chasing with marth
Seriously, to climb the mid-level wall with marth, you have to grind his punish game, which honestly is not that easy. I find fox's punish game to be a lot easier.
Now that i mentioned fox, i will cut off my beautoful hands if you can do 10 shine shffl with Fox. Not that it's hard for me or for anyone who has been playing the game for more than 2 years, but the vast majority of people who trash talk melee, even irl people i met, couldnt do this even after a month of grinding. It has a very large mechanical barrier for newcomers no matter how you look at it.
But forget about punish game, i can write a 5000 word essay on DI alone
Covering asdi, sdi, di , shield di etc.
Also a lot more stuff like
>Double shine grab
Not even mentioning the style "useless" tech skill stuff like Dark/kjh/jump canfel turn around waveshines and shit like that.
He better be. It's a great party game.
Pretty decent hands. Cut your nails though.
>without even trying too hard
wasnt it delayed multiple times? anyway I find it way more accessible than any fighting game so depending on your beliefs on that regard this is either a good thing or a bad thing. Story mode is ass though.
They are cut, my nails are the ones that protrude, making it hard for me to play guitar.
tbqh I think the indicators shouldn't be a thing and I love the game
the animations are extremely clear and I really liked having to actually observe my enemy in the realistic difficulty in the campaign instead of just looking at arrows
I wish no indicator matchmaking was a thing
smash isn't a fighting game
>Make a fighting game
>Make it so that EVERYTHING in it can be reacted to
>Defense meta forms before the game is even officially out
Yeah, real great job, Ubishit.
viking campaign was based
knight campaign was shit
haven't finished the samurai campaign yet, so far it seems okay but nothing special
>having fun duel with equally skilled opponent
>we both utilize our characters to the full and play smoothly
>no attempts to throw each other into hazards
>emoting before and after every fight
>but they have a bad connection and it ruins the whole experience
i guess. It's not a ''What capcom says is a fighting game''-fighting game. It's post-fighting.
you're literally, figuratively, objectively and subjectively wrong
tell that to the stupid spear lady with 3x nearly the same pose
>Top stance is her holding the spear above her head
>Right and left stance are separated by the side on which she hold her spear, right for right and left for left
Wow, so hard
Hand size to wrist width is off, makes your hand look small compared to wrist
Knobbly bony fingers
Fingers too small for wrist
Pointy ulna
Palm too large