
I give people strange looks if they've never played a Final Fantasy title, but I've personally never played through or been even slightly interested in Zelda games.

You haven't missed anything.

Not even the gameboy ones? Come on user, don't tell me you didn't have a gameboy for pokemon back in the day.

I like the futuristic Call of Duty games.

I'm addicted to bara furry shit. It doesn't even have to be good. I wish there was a game involving it.

I've never got a 100% achievement rate in any game

There's a lot of VNs

I've never played a Zelda game, I've played one Final Fantasy game and didn't like it and I haven't owned anything Nintendo since the Gameboy Advance.

Kill yourself, honestly.

>Implying he hasn't missed everything

My two favourite games are indie

I'll have to search for some. A lot of VNs I've seen on other subjects end up being Japanese only and I heard the main program to translate them is ded

>that art
Kill yourself

can you show me some better?


that doesn't help. Artists?

I never play Final Fantasy VII
I never play Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask

I've never played neither FF nor Zelda, but Dragon Quest is my jam though. Should I go for FF? If so, which one?

ive never played mgs, zelda, final fantasy and souls games

the fuck you say

terrible art

hook me up with some artists

>Should I go for FF?

You should go for Zelda, as Zelda generally has better exploration and lets you go for side content much earlier, while FF rarely strikes the same balance and either railroads you through the story or dumps you into a generically open world.

I have no idea who Anthony Burch is.

I've STOLEN :^) over a million hams worth of video games

i never finished skyrim

I genuinely think less of people that haven't played Final Fantasy VII. I don't even care if they liked it as long as they've played it.

>never owned any console besides NES (my parents thought consoles were a waste of time and now I just don't have the money for one)
>skip all the console exclusive threads on Sup Forums
>get mad and troll consolefags when there's only console exclusive threads on Sup Forums
>tried to get into MOBAs 3 separate times to connect to some of my friends, just couldn't. Feel both sad and angry about it.
>never played HoMM3 (hated turn-baseds as a kid and then it just never happened)
>never finished GTA 3 (although I finished every GTA released on PC after 3)
>never played anything online with more than one IRL friend at a time

I hate everything related to turn-based or JRPGs

I hate anyone who follows esports or e celebrities.

I think MGS4 is the best MGS after 1.
I didn't like 2 or 3 that much. I didn't even finish them.

I think Bioshock Infinite was a fun game.
I think Persona 3 is 1000000x times better than 4.

I have a bad habit of dropping video games near or at the final boss.

I envy you

That makes two of us.
Hell i don't even know any of the ecelebs people follow.

BB is my favorite from game. DaS2:SotFS is my second favorite. I started with DeS and have played the souls series in order of when they came out.. DaS was a disappointment.

Weebs make me cringe so hard

People who misuse the word weeb make me cringe even harder.

I have a Titan Pascal in a high end gaming rig. I could pretty much play any title I ever wished to play. The only non-MMO game of this decade I played was Minecraft, which I stopped doing in alpha. Of the last decade, I haven't played many games newer than 2004, and even that is spotty.

Most games people talk about, I have never played. I have never touched a game on the Source Engine. I have never touched a Grand Theft Auto game. Never touched Final Fantasy, Zelda, or Mario. Never played anime, in fact I cannot really understand any of it. Never touched a Blizzard game. Never touched a Mass Effect, a Witcher, or a Dragon's Age. Never touched a Call of Duty. Assassins Creed, Red Dead Redemption, or any other sandbox has never been touched. The last Elder Scrolls I touched was Morrowind, truthfully I consider that to be graphically impressive. I never played the remake of Doom, I haven't even played a Quake game past the original. Never played an indie game that isn't Minecraft. Never played Overwatch, Rocket League, or any game on the Unreal engine that wasn't the original Unreal.

I have some younger friends who I tolerate playing Toontown Rewritten and Roblox with, though I truthfully find either game boring and would never play just to do something by myself. I also tried Second Life, but I find myself alone there because everyone insists it isn't a game and people just like standing around for long periods of time. That is my MMO experience mostly, though I have tried some Korean MMOs and given up before I made it to level 20 out of sheer boredom.

Ignoring those MMOs, I haven't seen a recent game in 6-7 years. Add in Minecraft, I pretty much have been outdated since 2009, I did play the original Dead Space once back then. That was also the only game I played that came out in the latter half of the 2000s.

I hate games older than the late 90s. SNES titles and other such consoles drive me up a wall and don't give me the immersion I am looking for.

You have to admit that the interconnected world was a pretty good thing.

If I had your rig I would simply emulate Nintendo Wii U games. Did you buy it or did you receive it in some other way? You must have a lot of disposable income if it's the former.

Do you play 4x strategy games or XCom?

I beat the "tutorial boss" then got a refund, am I okay?

I couldn't tell you a game that came out on the Nintendo Wii U.

Never played many strategy games. I tried the original Civilization and hated it. I like Age of Empires 2, but no matter how hard I tried I could never get myself to enjoy 1. Best strategy game was Empire Earth. Never really played a strategy game newer than that however.

Next confession... I have no idea what XCom is. I don't think I have ever played a 4x game. I know I really dislike text based games, I tried playing one of the old Star Trek games from the late 70s and that ended poorly. In fact, I dislike most games from the 70s, even the Atari I find boring.

>tfw i have never played a zelda or final fantasy game
Am i really missing out? Where do i start?

>Final Fantasy
Start with I (PSP or GBA), if you don't like it try IV, V or VI.

Start with ALttP, if you're too much of a faggot to handle 2D then kill yourself and jump to OoT

I've never played a Zelda, Final Fantasy or Mario game but I fucking love Metroid.

I haven't picked up The Last Of Us for 3 years because I kept losing in the subway chapter

I refuse to play any game that has a female player or NPC. I get heavily distracted by the females and end up staring at their body. I also see nude mods and lust after downloading them. To avoid making all my video games into one giant porn set, I mostly play shooters where the only character is a male.

Resident Evil 7 was my first RE game.

But he actually works in video games and therefore is video games.

I absolutely loathe the NES and thus hate both Final Fantasy and Zelda equally. This is due to my hellhole experiences with Treasure Master, which made me realize my problem was with the music. I loathe NES music.

Final Fantasy is gay as fuck famalam.

The only Zelda game I played all the way through is Windwaker though. I got bored with the others.

I don't get why people watch ecelebs. I personally have a limited amount of time and a greater desire to use my time to play games. I just couldn't bring myself to watch 40 minute Let's Play videos and not want to gouge my eyes out by the third-fourth part.

>There was s time where I thought Geometry Dash was the best game ever and If someone thought otherwise, that person Is a faggot.

Now I think the game Is some boring generic clusterfuck and 2.1 wasn't as good as I thought.

The only RE game I have played was the Jill Valentine dress-up game on Newgrounds. I play this game on a regular basis, but never would want to play a RE game besides to check out Jill's body.

There was a time when I played a bunch of gay games. I am not gay, but I wanted to see what the quality of these gay games were. Never do such yourself people, gay games are really terrible.

Sup Forums told me to come here because I use Windows. I have zero idea what anything on the main page is talking about besides the fact that I can confess I don't know such here. I feel a bit lost...

>Tfw a month ago I never beat a Zelda, Final Fantasy, or a Resident Evil game.

Went through RE, now I'm thinking Zelda, I believe I almost beat phantom Hourglass, but it's all I've played other then the start of alttp as a kid.

I don't think I'll ever play a FF though.

Final fantasy 9 was the last good final fantasy. I always give people a strange look when they say they likes FFX, XII or whatever piece of crap they've released since then.

I bought a ps4 because i wanted to play the weeb games. Love me some jrpgs. Everything else is just gravy.

I want to wait and see what happens to the switch upon launch. I am semi-interested in it but they really needed a stronger showing at launch (the most important time to cement people who will continue to buy your product) to move units.

I find Sup Forums purely entertainment. Its funny to see people argue after all these years, thinking like they will change the other person's mind, or make the other person look stupid, or any of that.

In games like gta, I enjoy wasting time driving around following street signals and traffic laws whilst listening to the radio. Sometimes I roleplay with this pretending I'm delivering pizzas or some shit.

Never played a Nintendo exclusive(Castlevania, LoZ,Metroid,Kirby,etc) aside from SMB and Yoshi's Story, also no RE, Crash, Spyro, FF, JRPG in general.
Tried TLoZ yesterday and it's counterintuitive and confusing as fuck, gameplay and level design are on point though. Maybe i'll skip to A link to the Past next.

I don't know how to use the spoiler tag, checking the box does nothing for me, and don't know how to phrase the question in most threads...

XII should have just been marketed as a new IP or as a Tactics game and it would have been accepted better, I feel.

What the fuck are you doing in this board? What games have you played?


I love turn based jrpg

but the only one i finished was ff ix (back on ps1) and I didn't even 100% it

I drop them all around 50% in, then pretend I finished them on Sup Forums

The only Final Fantasy I've played was 15, and I enjoyed it.

A shit ton of Sega, PS2 and pre 2010 PC games, never had a Nintendo console or PS1 because third world.

I am a newfag and have no idea where I belong.

Lurk more and don't spout your opinions here

at this point I only really play vidya for the social interaction, but I don't play any MMOs

I play on a gaming laptop

Well, if you ever decide to play the Zelda games don't get your hopes too high. They were regarded as masterpieces in their eras, but didn't age too well.
I recently replayed Ocarina in the 3DS and enjoyed it mostly on nostalgic value. To be honest, I had to force myself a little in the end to finish it.

I looked up LURK MOAR and it told me I needed to lurk more. I am confused. How will lurking help with a spoiler button?

>How will lurking help with a spoiler button?
It won't, but it will prevent other people from having to put up with your faggotry.

Come play NexusTK with us, animeposter.

I don't really have anything to confess aside from some things related to steam friends but that's not vidya.

You do realize we are on a gay-mer board, right? It is expected to be a faggot.

There's different kinds of faggotry, newfaggotry should be dealt with accordingly (i.e. lurking more and adapting to the board instead of trying to make the board adapt to you)

I never played any Zelda
I never played any Mega Man
I finished Dark Souls 2 but not Dark Souls
I've put over 200 hours into Fallout New Vegas but never finished it
I put 30 hours into Fallout 3 and finished it
I still play Ragnarok Online
I use semi-auto sniper rifles (M21) over bolt actions (M40)
I like My Unit feature in FE12 but not in FE13 & 14
I make Amelia a Paladin
I hate Armor Knights and Generals
I made missileboats in Armored Core but prefer the age old style of a rifle and laser sword
I've never made a Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin in KotoR 2

The only Final Fantasy I ever played is 7.

playing games with Sup Forums hasn't really worked out for me

>I make Amelia a Paladin
>I hate Armor Knights and Generals
nothing wrong there. slow units are annoying to use

I'm engaged to a man I met on Sup Forums.

I let him break my hymen in a hotel room 3 years ago and then we played MGR on the ps3 I brought with me. We've been together since.

men don't have hymen, fag

>I let him break my hymen
Suuuuure you did. You totally had a hymen that was totally breakable.

>Thread about videogame confessions
>"lol i got fucked xd"
Are you this stupid?
>I'm engaged to a man I met on Sup Forums

Prior to witcher 3 I've haven't played a game to completion for two decades. I just get up to the point where I think the game is about to end, last level, last weapon or whatever. Stop playing.

I say I'm a big Metroid and Monster Hunter fan but I've only ever beaten Super Metroid and MH3U respectfully

I never played any Zelda
I never played any Mega Man
I never played any Dark Souls
I never played any Fallout
I never even heard of Ragnarok Online, but I play Doom PWADs
I use the Shotgun, Doom II was terrible
I like Barons of Hell but not Cacodemons
I make myself find every secret and hate every second of it
I hate STARTAN and E1M1's theme after years of Doom PWADs.
I collect ammo for the BFG, but prefer to just use the Plasma Gun or Chainsaw a Barn to death.
I have never played Kotor.

>I just get up to the point where I think the game is about to end, last level, last weapon or whatever. Stop playing
same since the 90s

>I never even heard of Ragnarok Online
Leave and never come back

Wait, how am I making the board adapt to me? I just like posting.

*strange look*

Glad I'm not alone in this.

I am literally autistic about saving inventory stuff

I almost never use elixirs and seldom use potions

I never sell old equip

I get to the end of the game with like 99445 items in inventory and realize I could have made my life easier
It just feels I need to save it for a better occasion

Maybe hate is too strong a word, I'm not a fan of them. I used Wendy, universally hailed as one of the worst Armor Knights and she surprisingly capped Skill, and Speed like 7 levels after promotion. I just had to build my army around her by having units ferry her, having units heal her, having units carry her extra lances, etc. Its just a lot easier to not use Generals if that's how you get the most out of them.

Where do I go? Tell me. Sup Forums told me to come here.

My main motivation to play games these days is to earn trophies or achievements. Even if the game is super fun and I'm enjoying it, if it doesn't have trophies chances are I will barely play it
I'm praying to god the Switch has achievements


t. /cgl/