Filename thread

Filename thread

Keep it vidya

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Manyakis, you glorious bastard.



>Villager's Super Smash Bros. audition tape




what's the story behind this? is there a video? why is it filmed like a disney villain death?

a raccoon was terrorising the guy's dog so he ran out and chucked it down the stairs.

a goose that incompetent of protecting offspring wouldn't survive a day


who got the point?


Good one.

green shirt



that's not what real women look like idiot.
the black girl is the only one that looks remotely like a real woman.

i dont get it theyre all ugly with or without makeup

shiiiiiit thats nuts

btw, I know those are real women obviously, I was just using the term nigger wrong like you because in this context that's apparently what you think the term means which is "normal woman that looks normal" and not "I'm a burned out drug addict".


Was it even necessary? Sure, it looked cool but it didn't even look like he had to do that.

Thats a legit strat

>implying a goose can protect her eggs from 2 dogs.

A goose absolutely could, they don't fuck around.


it's not idealization.
I see normal women on a regular basis, including ones without makeup.
most of those women are unhealthy as hell.

what kind of pussy dogs do you know?
a dog could atleast fuck up 10 goose easily

>get back to work, rigby


There's always one guy.


that belarus guy gives no fucks about that chinese guy's kung-fu

The joke about Bioware is that their character models are from the dark ages and making fantasy characters look realistic is incredibly dumb. Especially shit like elves who are all supposed to be beautiful to an ethereal degree.



your filename sucks mate

>tfw incestfag
Just cuck my shit up senpai

yes but who won the match?




This is the same one where the girl baited the brother to bite her nips right?

the best part about this is raccoons can weigh over 50 pounds and he threw it with the same strength women use to lift cars off their babies


He was forcing him to throw spikes, and exhausting him in the meantime.


What an uncomfortable way to sleep.

Stupid deer.





I died

Isn't the guy was the founder of myspace or something?

a racoon founded myspace?



I thought that was one of those layered glazed donuts.




They definitely could, but they often won't because geese are insane fucks.

You often see small house cats chasing off bears and even alligators just by being angry little motherfuckers. In the animal kingdom, attitude matters a lot.



I was really expecting her to impale herself

What the fuck was that?

Do you not know how this website works?

its a meme to not give yous



Poe's Law is such a shit.

thanks for the you dumbass

this guy gets it

either post something worthwhile or get @'ed


Proxy looks comfy and nice.


ok so i looked up poe's law (no i did not give a fuck about it until you mentioned it)

it just sounds like a fucking convoluted way of saying "sarcasm doesnt work on the internet"

like really just say that instead of "le poe's law"



>doesn't sage

Wtf I'm gay now.



Man that's fucking brutal.

kids are so disgusting



christ what kind of explosives did they use?
it's a fucking demo truck from red alert


That is fucking hilarious.
Also its from Kamen Rider Fourze

>body that shows a lot of effort's put into self developement
>it make's (you) gay
you were gay in the first place.

holy shit.



that freak was a qt

