Is this gonna be the best controller ever?

Is this gonna be the best controller ever?
>40h on one charge
>asimetric analog sticks
>decent d-pad
>nice and big face buttons
>ergonomic shape

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Will it lose connection if I put my hand in front?

No, it's not the DS3 controller.

it looks like it has one of those plastic clear stickers on it that someone forgot to take off after a few months of use.

>>asimetric analog sticks
>a positive

>$70 for ugly cheap plastic with fake trigger
lol no.

>Is this gonna be the best controller ever?
>no analog triggers

bad stick positions otherwise it looks fine


You're a big goy.

numale baby detected.
Time to go back, Paco

>40h on one charge
The Wii U Pro was double that.
Post invalidated

t.edgy Sup Forumsfag manlet

Tried it at PAX South. Feels pretty good, but it's about the same as an Xbox 360 or PS4 controller.

t. tumblrlard whale

except the xbox and ds4 have good windows support and the ps4 black area works as a touchpad mouse on PC making it the best controller atm

Ps3 and 4 controllers suck so bad compared to the glorious Xbox one controller

woah dude ur so cool pls fuck my gf raw so i can suck ur cum off her bhole

>asimetric analog sticks

The xbone controller works out of the box on windows 10.
No need to tinker with unofficial drivers and what not.

Don't forget digital shoulder buttons!

But does it work on PC?

The perfect controller already exists.


>no bluetooth

Everythink work on pc eventually

>1 hour battery life

Well until it does, it's useless

as someone who plays on PC I hate wireless controllers

just let me plug it in god damn, I don't want to have to charge

Quite possibly so.

Let's not forget the HD rumble that can simulate ping pong balls, ice cubes in a glass, the softness of boobs (senran kagura dev said so) etc.

It's magical.


>Complaining about a missing feature on a controller as if games on the switch will somehow require that feature and the controller won't fufill the need
wtf i hate nintendo now

Never had that happen with any dualshock

Console cucks are forced to use specific controllers anyway. They are obviously being judged from a PC perspective.

Then you didn't have a launch / year 1 PS3, because the DS3 had the same problem that was later fixed with a firmware patch

when your wireless controller options are 360 and dualshock, it's no wonder you hate it.

I use a Wii U Pro Controller for PC gaming because it has 2 things no other controller has done well. 80 Hour battery life and a fucking good D-Pad


The DS4 has a good d-pad.

>console cucks


I watched a pro controller in unboxing yesterday, seeing the shoulder buttons on it made me involuntarily cum instantly

>switch can't run Sunshine
>switch can't run any third-party games and controller can't be used for any PC games that use XInput, the most standard controller interface of all time
Well done Ninty

>Then you didn't have a launch / year 1 PS3

Nobody did, and the few that did had worse things to worry about than that.


>frogposting on a non-frogposting board
>calls others out as

>DS4 has a good d-pad

user that's not a d-pad, it's 4 buttons

>let me just use this Xbone controller on my Switch because I like it better
>oh wait

>asimetric analog sticks
Why do you prefer this? Genuinely curious

I just don't understand why they don't use the gamecube triggers anymore.
That was the only good thing about this controller.

The ds4 does too, it actually did at launch when the xbone controller didn't. It was only the buttons but still

Are you retarded? The middle portion is just below the faceplate. It's one piece of plastic.

It's literally the worst of the big 3.
MS stepped up their d-pad and has a way better one than Sony now.
Nintendo still has the best d-pad though, but that's because they literally have a patent on it.

Woww fuck nintendo lol i cant use their competitors controller that doesnt even have the necessary features to be compatible with the console wtf

$70... shill harder

Nintendo d-pads have been shit ever since they made them tiny.

>Being this much of a dumb sonygger

Maybe. The Wii U Pro controller is the most comfortable thing ever. The only flaw and the reason I'm not using it on PC is no analogue triggers. Which the Switch one also lacks, if I'm not mistaken. Not getting a Switch yet, but I would pay $70 if it had the analogue triggers and can also be used on PC.


he's talking about the ps4 controller not the xbox elite. Elite controller is fine , but the battery life and price don't justify it.

It's the priciest controller at least. And doesn't even come in the box.

The only Nintendo d-pads that have been shit are the Gamecube and Wii d-pads.

>he's talking about the ps4 controller not the xbox elite
Yes, that's what I was talking about too. What makes the DS4 d-pad not a d-pad?

Seriously people purchasing the switch need to get their head examined if they already own a wii u.

is this bait? seriously?

how the FUCK can people actually say that placing the d-pad in that position is a good thing?

okay, maybe using the left stick is slightly more comfortable, while using the d-pad is DRASTICALLY less comfortable.

call me a sonygger all you want, you know I'm fucking right.

It does not have analog triggers so no. Ps4 controller is still the king.

>decent d-pad
>still uses the one button wobble d-pad everyone else keeps using

Let me know when they switch D-Pads back to sectioned buttons.


No, tell me. How does the DS4 d-pad work differently from say, a Nintendo d-pad?

>games that use the dpad as primary means of movement: 2D sidescrolling platformers. And they usually let you use the stick if you want
>games that use the left stick as primary means of movement: literally fucking everything else ever

Pfft hell no
Idort here. In terms of comfort, Wii U pro is currently the best, Xbone is overall the best because it's a close second for comfort and has more functionality, and DS4 is a distant third.

it would be perfect if the control sticks were symmetrical.
The dpad should be opposite the face buttons for platformers.

I don't understand these images.
Do you people move your thumb at the speed of a sloth?

t. Sonygger

>not using the fucking claw to increase the speed of your inputs

people have been doing this shit since the early 2000's, fucking evolve already

just imagine I took that brain meme going around and put claw grip at the very bottom, because that's what it is

>and has more functionality
What functionality?

>controller claims to be ergonomic
>have to contort your hand into a make shift autism claw to play

When is this shit going to die and they make an actual controller built for hands.

>games that use the dpad as primary means of movement: 2D sidescrolling platformers
or, you know, every single fucking video game released before 1996, and every video game that is based on those conventions.
>And they usually let you use the stick if you want
you are not fucking serious

>games that use the left stick as primary means of movement: literally fucking everything else ever
so you get barely, probably not even really more comfortable controls in 3D games, and lose the ability to comfortably play any sort of 2D games.

Compared to Wii U pro, native PC support, and analog triggers

>40h on one charge
Stopped reading there. The Wii U pro controller is already better by default now. That thing would last more than 80.

Why are people so autistic about D-pads? I hardly never use them and even if I do the 360 is just fine

Yeah, but compared to the DS4 it has less, at the same price.
Plus native Windows suport isn't really an additional feature since using other gamepads on Windows is trivial.

Objectively better.
Only plebs and fags don't mod their controllers.

Yes user, that's what everyone is buying the switch for. To play games released before 1996. Good job.

wii u pro controller has the fucking worst stick placement conceivable. it's like they thought they needed to have their own NINTENDO STYLE stick placement and didn't give a shit how it actually feels to use.

The DS4 is not even close to as comfortable as either, along with having far worse triggers, d-pad, and buttons. So it loses out.


>Xbox stick layout
It's alright, but that shit sucks.

Confirmed for not using it.
Feels great for action games, I'll honestly miss it when Bayo 3 comes out for Switch.

The confortability is highly subjective and the quality isn't any worse.

it's a fucking nintendo console. you think there aren't going to be a fuckton of 2D games for it? They're putting out street fighter 2 on it even. Play that with a fucking analog stick. jesus.

>Implying the Dpad is as important as the face buttons

You could have gone for a DS2 or 4, which are vastly superior to the shit DS3, even with those dumb little stick you put in.

>no analog triggers

I know, Im actually gonna buy a DS4 and put in my sticks. It's just that I had my DS3 lying around.

I own that stupid controller, dumbass. It feels like shit. The placement, combined with the stupid contoured shape of it means that your thumbs are as far away from the face buttons and the dpad as they could possibly be. It's actually fatiguing to press them.

>the quality isn't any worse
It has a battery life of 5 hours
They stuffed a battery that has a capacity of under 1000 mAH in because they're jews, and it fucking ruins any potential for long gaming sessions

10 times the battery life for $20 more, how is this a problem?

Ah, so you just have horrible taste then.

Over 4000 mAH actually.

What if you want Mario Oddesy, Snipperclips, ARMS or any of the other games that are coming to it?