About to play this for the first time, what can I expect?

About to play this for the first time, what can I expect?

a fun game

Expect Halo Combat Evolved, if you don't get this you've been scammed you fuckin idiot.

A very angry and upset man... Also prepare to be sad that the franchise has gone down the shitter.

Fun enough game but the last few levels gets ridiculously monotonous.

Levels which repeat their design several times until you finish them

And then you end up replaying three earlier levels but in reverse before you finish the game

The Library will delight you or seriously piss you off

A short, fun campaign in a sublime artificial world

And a tiny multiplayer community that plays on Blood Gulch and Blood Gulch only

old outdated game. play bloodbourne instead

Have fun and try to suppress the regret of missing out on Halo at the height of its popularity

A slow as fuck FPS with a good campaign.

Really good game, i started it a couple of months ago, near perfect, only problems imo are that it gets a bit repetitive and also as said it's slow compared to other fps, if you've ever played UT or Quake this will feel in slowmo, but still amazing overall.

Halo was sweet when Bungie was developing it.

343i basically trashed everything that made SP good and transformed MP into a bastardity of CoD and older Halo games.

A great game, albeit slightly dated. Bungie slacked off a little bit with their level design. Their philosophy of "repeat this sequence of 30 seconds of fun over and over again" was a huge mistake.

Worth playing all the way through and moving on to Halo 2, which is a massive step up.

I've been playing through pic related and it's like a breath of fresh air. Very pleasantly surprised.

Can't wait for SPV3 to be finished. Every single level these guys have developed has been great.

Project Lumoria is also decent, albeit very short.

A very fun FPS with an interesting world. Play on Heroic.

I really feel Halo campaigns dipped in quality after CE, and sharply fell after Bungie left.

Horrible fucking directing and a mediocre story

Genuinely entertaining gameplay and an asthetic that holds up surprisingly well.

lots of walking :^)

>Genuinely entertaining gameplay and an asthetic that holds up surprisingly well.
This. I've never even been much of a Halofag, but the aesthetic is really great


amazing OST

A pretty cool guy who kills aliens and doesnt afraid of anything

repetitive level design and large maps despite slow movement speed

pistol is op and the most versatile weapon

Try to play it with a friend.

Desperately try not to notice that the last half of the campaign feels like the first half in reverse.

Guns with zero accuracy, grenade spam from you and enemies, and wacky vehicle physics that make it all worth it

Mediocre shooter with above average vehicles that is only praised because of the platform it was released on.

I liked TSC Evolved, but SPv3 feels off. I recognize that what they're pulling off is great, but the game itself isn't fun.

one of the most fun games you'll ever play. try get 4 friends to play with you, it makes it'll be an experience you'll never forget

it was praised because it was a microsoft windows and microsoft xbox game?

you sound salty.


Only Halo 1 & 3 were sweet the rest were servisable. Halo multiplayer was shit and with Halo 5 343 made the same mistake Bungie made with Halo 2, listening to the lorefags who they should have let stayed reading the books and comics. Halo 6 is bringing back split screen, focusing on the Chief and will have a more simple story, can't wait.

It was a Xbox exclusive, but you are propably too young to remember that. It was THE title that brought all the brodudes and retarded casuals in by dumbing down the genre for consoles.

>implying the PS2 didn't also do the same

Halo Reach is my favorite Halo, what does that say about me? I'm a faggot, a big faggot, a massive fag, a colossal faggot or a universe sized faggot?

Just a massive fag. It was bad, the worst Bungie game in nearly every facet, but it wasn't as bad as 4.

I guess because its my favorite, but I don't get the hate. The gameplay, campaign and multiplayer is all good with the only thing being off is the lore which is something I give zero shits about.

>It was a Xbox exclusive

no it wasn't you idiot. it released on the windows and even on the fucking mac like a year later.

>It was THE title that brought all the brodudes and retarded casuals in by dumbing down the genre for consoles.

wow so you're an assmad sony fanboy who can't accept that halo is unanimously agreed as one of, if not the best fps shooter of all time.

5 has better butts, with panty lines.

You're probably a faggot, or pretty cool. I enjoyed reach a lot with my group of friends. It was our last real big hurrah for Halo I think and It left a good taste in my mouth even if was the beginning of a lot of trends that made Halo suck.

Bungie did a good job of putting all the ideas of what they wanted to put into Halo.

Yeah but if its not in the colors and armor pieces I want what's the point?


You're never going to see it anyway.

Was Halo ODST a good game?

I liked it a lot.

had one of the best stories and soundtracks out of all the halo games

A shitty slow FPS for console babies.

Can't all be entertained by a slow shitty FPS for PC babies.

Jesus, the game is over 15 years old and still triggering Sony fanboys

The most fun to play shooter out there even to this day. Level design was repetitive, but almost always gave you room to breathe and multiple pathways. The reveal halfway through the game and the plot twist a few missions after that is one of the best presented pieces of story in shooter history.
Small but entirely potent weapon sandbox, enemy AI that somehow outclasses 90% of what we see today, the Halo "golden triangle" in its purest form- it's just such a beast game.

I wouldn't say it's more fun to play than something like Doom, but it was still a pretty good game.

Where do you pirate your Xbox Original games nowadays?

>that first banshee ride

It had that ground breaking feel to it. Like the first time you played HL (but with regenerating health).

its boring as fuck, play it with a friend

This. Halo Reach was enjoyable enough and had a well told but pointless story. Multiplayer was a huge step down from the main trilogy though. Armor abilities were undercooked and poorly implemented. Also, almost every map ranged from mediocre to just plain bad, whereas the previous 3 games had some of the best, most carefully designed maps in any fps game

>no it wasn't you idiot. it released on the windows and even on the fucking mac like a year later.

It was exclusive long enough to make a shit load of sales for the Xbox, and then Halo 2 was exclusive long enough to keep those sales going.

Yes, fantastic and atmospheric campaign and if you could find a good group, firefight was one of the most enjoyable co-op experiences in any game

All Halo games made by Bungie are great. This includes ODST

You are either completely dumb or a Sony fanboy, no other explanation

Seriously, developers must have stopped caring about ai in shooters because bungie's halo ai is such a step above everything today. Except for friendly drivers

A game which honestly has one of my favourite moments in a video game.

It will go to shit, though

so why does this make the game bad?

Halo 2 and 3 also had pretty shit maps from an objective standpoint.

Wasn't the stealth survival game they said it would be, but it did succeed massively in telling a good story, excellent atmosphere and musical presentation.

God damn I miss you, Marty. Wherever you go, I hope you continue to be excellent.

I love Halo

3's Custom Games and sheer map making potential via Forge I think MORE than makes up for that.

oh i thought you were the other idiot

>Halo 2 and 3 also had pretty shit maps from an objective standpoint.

>tfw love Halo and love it's universe
>tfw acknowledge the main line games from 4 onwards have been underwhelming
>tfw been with this series long enough that I just want to see where and how it ends

Who else is going down with this ship?

3's forge was limited, and both factors have since been overshadowed by later games.

It was a fine game but there is a psychosis related to ODST where some people try to put it above the original trilogy. Such an act should result in the destruction of that typing person's fingers.

Halo 1 had carefully crafted arenas. 2 & 3 were just flat 2-base maps, wide open fields, or a bunch of towers with a really open middle section.

It is indeed limited, but at the same time, that didn't stop people from making floating objects and inventing triggers from out of physics exploits and planning.
I honestly think H3's forge had people put in the most creativity. Tons of those maps on Foundry and Sandbox were phenomenal.

>Halo 1 had carefully crafted arenas
Nah, maps were too fucking big.

PC maps don't count. They didn't come until 2 years later, and were made by Gearbox.

desu Halo 1 was more quake based though. And you say this, but Sidewinder and Bloodgultch started in H1 - the two most flat maps that also had massive popularity. H1's Maps are also god damn huge for no particular reason.

Most of H2's maps were layered though. Flat, maybe, but layered and constructed to make more logical sense in terms of its theme and location.

Seeing that CE only works for 2v2 i still think most of the vanilla maps were too big.

I can't watch. I hold the original series in such high esteem that I can't bear to watch it become a shell of it's former self. Like watching a great musician and virtuoso become stricken with Parkinson's disease, you watch as he shakingly sits down at the piano, starts the song off normally and then overwhelmed by his affliction, begins striking the wrong keys at the wrong time and you listen to Beethoven's piano sonata number 8 become a nightmarish tangle of notes in a grim reminder of what once was and will never be again.

Why can't they fucking control themselves and simply make a game that isn't horseshit. Stop throwing away the blueprints to success.

>most of the vanilla maps
Like which ones?

Maximum comfy alien combat and scenery

Haven't seen this image for a decade or so.

This is literally the opposite of reality. Do you understand that this is the exact opposite of what is true? That they even made Halo 2 jumps higher to further encourage vertical gameplay and every map is significantly more layered vertically? Someone else even pointed it out before me. You're a silly goose user.

Compare Turf to Damnation or Prisoner.

It's bretty good, though Assault on the Control Room drags on a bit too long and Two Betrayals is essentially the same level but in reverse.

Halo reuses a lot of assets in the second half, but by no means is it just the same levels in reverse besides Two Betrayals and arguably The Maw.

Sidewinder, Rat Race, Hang em High, Boarding Action, Blood Gulch, Damnation all feel too hueg for me.

Battle Creek, Chillout and Derelict are perfectly sized.

Chiron is shit overall.

Sidewinder, Bloodgultch, Charon if you consider what a fucking maze it was, Hang 'em High, Damnation, Infinity.

Cherry picking idiot

Compare lockout to sidewinder, and then punch yourself in the face for being unable to stop yourself from making incorrect points because the controversy of them is so juicy to you.

Pick a 2 maps more vertical than Dammy and Prisoner.

Thinking about Sword Base still makes me want to smash a bro.

Infinity wasn't a vanilla map.
Damnation and Hang Em were fine in 2v2 given the spawn system and weapon you spawned with.

Not him but what do you mean by "more vertical"? Is it literally the number of levels or how much impact the multi-level design has on gameplay?

A boring overrated meme game.

don't know which of these were pc exclusive, but they were definitely too big

sidewinder, timberland, danger canyon and blood gulch are also too large to travel solely by foot

Amount of meaningful height variation and interaction between levels.

Horseshit in what way?
I mostly mean how short the campeign feels, though I do like some parts of it. Just feels like a piece of a whole story, rather than a full complete experiance.

>All Halo games made by Bungie are great. This includes ODST


it really is
the games after 2 seemed mildly interesting though

The only vehicle maps in the original release were Blood Gulch & Sidewinder.
Timberland, Ice Fields, Gephyrophobia, Infinity, and Danger Canyon were PC maps.

Neither of those maps have as much constant level changing as lockout, sorry. In lockout you're literally jumping down to avoid a guy and then jumping back up to hit him in his face, then jumping down again, already three times as vertical as simply hopping down from a platform to a lower platform on prisioner. I guess having a higher vertical jump actually paid off in Halo 2.

In Lockout, none of the levels have any interaction because there's just solid floors obstructing sightlines everywhere.

Honestly, I just view 4 on as bad fan fiction. I won't let it tarnish the greatness of the original trilogy

I unironically love the fuck huge gigantic maps with the specialized weapons and the Longswords and special hogs that took a while to travel in.
Like Coldsnap and that one with the Human and Covenant ship at opposite ends.
They were bullshit to actually play on, but they were fun.

Sup Forumscore faggot.