What are you guys looking forward to in guerilla games best game yet, horizon zero dawn?
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What are you guys looking forward to in guerilla games best game yet, horizon zero dawn?
Haters are forbidden from posting in this thread so dont even try.
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>Haters are forbidden from posting in this thread so dont even try.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
>Using The Jimquisition
I thought he was an SJW libtard cuck?
We already have like 3 threads up like relax mate
>inefficient user interface
>Barebones melee mechanics
Still gets a 9
Okay makes 100% sense.
Those two are enough to dock a game a point.
Apparently only he had an issue with the interface looks good to me.
Interface alone is a massive part of a rpg specially on a console.
Should be at least a point each, this game isn't even an honest 8/10. Looks like bullshit and they know it, and that's why there are all of these threads promoting it.
I look toward purging all white men from New Tehran
It looks...bland. Anyways, I might buy it as Automata already confirmed a blunder.
I understood that reference
What are you even talking about?
Youll see.
the main story of the game is about stopping white men from destroying the world and its vibrant, diverse matriarchal communities
horizons far cry creed climb the watch tower to reveal map simulator
This looks amazing, anyone know how long the game is, in hours?
depends, do you like to do useless crap for 3 days or week and then never play again
Looks like your average Ubisoft checklist simulator, this time on ps4
Literally no one is excited for this junk game
movie sjw trash
Looks like we have an xbone user who feeling a little salty because he spent $500.00 on a beefed up media streamer.
I saw the stream and this isn't true at all.
>"Matriarchal communties"
You one matriach which is shit
>Stop white men
user pls
25-30 hour main quest, and then there's side stuff, dungeons, challenges, exploring, side questing etc
Sounds pretty worth it for a day one purchase. Watching the xbone users try to shoot this down is laughable.
Zero Horizon: Foggy Dawn
Given that it's literally "fuck whitey" the game, I think Jim would love it.
Good point.
is the use of that character in the op intentional?
So you would boycott a game based on the political message in the game that you don't agree with. Even though the actual game is a solid 9/10. Sounds like what a sjw would do....
Tell me one fucking thing this game does anything better than your usual ubishit open world. Do it faggot.
I find it real amusing that in few days I will be enjoying this great game, while on the same time some angry v poster will be making 50 metacritic accounts just to rate horizon 0
It's nice to enjoy games
They are all xbone and pc die hard fans who can't accept the fact they won't be able to play this masterpiece.
>Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda.
That hasn't changed.
I look forward to seeing Sonycucks getting BTFO come Tuesday
Nice edit Nintendrone god you faggots are so laughable trying to put down GOTY
Nice try shill, but I refuse to give my money to games I do not agree with, yet alone am uninterested in the game-play of.
Best game ever
Truly a next gen experience
Definitely a Zelda Killer
>Even though the actual game is a solid 9/10
Kek, based on the stream it's closer to a 6/10.
So have you played the game?
I mean people who say its bad haven't played it, but you wouldn't say its a good game without playing it first yourself would you?
Flawless masterpiece that shows how powerful the ps4 can be
>actual game is a solid 9/10
Sorry pal but the fact that it's open world makes it a 5/10 by default.
>Haters are forbidden from posting in this thread so dont even try.
You picked the wrong website faggot.
I'm a shill? Just accept the fact this game is coming out, on ps4 only and you won't be able to play because you chose xbone instead of ps4. Stop trying to bring others down, this is clearly going to be an amazing game so just crawl back in to your xbone and steam hole, you gamegate piece of shit, games are meant to be fun and entertaining anything else is extra.
Complex and tense combat This was on hard mode
Game will definitely be GOTY
>All this projection
Not worth the you.
I trust the game review sites that have proven themselves to be right in the past.
Dump of this huge dump of a game completed. This game is trash, simple as that. All of these webms were on hard mode.
>zelda clip shows link swimming towards a clear defined shore.
>horizon clip shows the player swim into some inaccessible corner
Im not remotely interested in Horizon but c'mon if you played any modern games it should be clear that you wouldnt be able to get out of the water at a point like that. Swimming into that and then acting like its egregious that you cant get out there is just looking for shit to complain about.
>femenist Far Cry RoboPrimal
Not even once.
no i just hate video games, complete waste of time. especially single player contained experiences
Zelda games get 9s and 10s all the time though
>we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda.
>use Decima engine
>have better graphics
>fill it with shit
Sonyggers assraped by Guerilla Games once again.
>Sup Forums seething that a game is good
Damn it feels good to be a sonygod. My presence triggers everyone. Can't wait to play the GOTY in 4 days.
I own a PS4 and I can easily say that Horizon looks like shit.
>gameplay looks dated as fuck
>open world looks more buggy and lifeless than fucking Skyrim
>the amount of fucking technical bugs and AI problems
>absolutely horrible story that only Guerilla can butcher thanks to the experience of the last two Killzone games
I'm buying Nier and Persona 5 instead, they are both far more fun and far more enjoyable than this piece of shit.
>Stop trying to bring others down
>gamegate piece of shit
Gamergate hasn't been relevant in years you retarded neofaggot, but hey congrats on at least attempting to stay current you assblasted nigger.
>Oh great they fixed the cactus, surely its a 10/10 now, i mean who cares about all the other webms i posted.
How did this even make in the game in the first place.
>>horizon clip shows the player swim into some inaccessible corner
This game didn't happen by accident. Someone decided to put that palisade there without any thought as to how it would look.
8/10 shilling. Very subtle.
>I'm buying Nier
>gameplay looks dated as fuck
Yeah you have nothing relevant to say and your taste in games is bad.
I just watched Tomorrow Never Dies that's the bad guy
>playing a femimist game
>playing as a dyke
of course it would get positive ratings from mainstream gayming journalists.
have you forgotten gone home? hahahahaha.
Why exactly?
Looks more current then shitty fucking Horizon does. But please, go and enjoy your 60 dollar masterpiece made by the true artisan craftsmen at Guerilla Studios and prove me wrong!
They didn't. Giant enemies can destroy vegetation but normal characters clip through.
At least Nier has attractive women lmao, go play with your mtf travesties hahaha c_u_c_k.
>BOTW looks timeless and dymanic
>HZD looks repetitive with too much flair
I'm sure both will be decent games but it amazes me how zelda seems like I would take it slower and enjoy more.
Will do, after you finish beating off to all the so called attractive women in Nier, please take a moment to reflect on how pathetic your life is.
Is Horizon the most cucked game of all time?
Maybe people would have tolerated it on its own, but now they can compare it to the absolute 10/10 Breath of the Wild and it'll make Horizon look like extra smelly poo
>please take a moment to reflect on how pathetic your life is.
says the faggot dedicating his time to shitposting on an video games board
I just did, you can go mang.
At least I'm not a fucking c.u.c.k who plays agenda filled games haahahah.
Okay, have fun with quantum break.
In other words you haven't played the game.
Thanks for confirming your opinion is worthless and that you're a gullible retarded moron who trusts game reviews over actual gameplay footage
yep you're pathetic
This shit comparing Zelda to Horizon is so cringeworthy, its like that whole shameless try of garnering attention from Overwatch to Battleborn.
Just accept that Zelda isn't a game made to pander to femimists, its a game focused on gameplay, and this is why its better.
Get fucked SJWs.
>an epic
What does this even mean?
So you trust gameplay footage over actual reviews. Yeah because the division was rated highly....
I thought you had better things to be doing than shitposting?
I trust the game review sites that have proven themselves to be right in the past. Most of the children on Sup Forums didn't even play the game and think watching= playing.
While this was 100% correct, it's not hard to predict the actions of Sonyggers.
If it's an exclusive, rest assure they'll defend it.
You clearly don't.
Yep, true. This thread is just full of xbone users. Ignore them and they will go away.
No I like to spend my free time triggering the gamegate community. When I'm not working. Because you know I have an actual job, unlike you.
In other words you're a pathetic shitposter with nothing going on in your patheitc life. Thanks for clearing that up.
What's your job?
>I trust the game review sites that have proven themselves to be right in the past.
Such as?
I look forward to proving you wrong.
This is one of those games that doesn't seem interesting at all gameplay wise. Why not just watch a let's play?
I'm going to watch on youtube like I do with all AAA cincematic master pieces. Dino's look cool.
In this day and age. Often times playing/engaging does feel somewhat moot. If I can derive the same level of enjoyment watching as opposed to playing, I'm not going to spend whatever the amount is just so I can hold a piece of plastic in my hands the whole time.