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Worst music
Worst level design
Worst world/lore
Worst NPCs

No apologizing.

I apologize for falling for the trailers and wasting my time on this game

Yes. It should apologize.

>Worst music
>Worst level design
Muh interconnectivity. Otherwise it was better than DaS1 & 3.
>Worst world/lore
>Worst NPCs
Say it with me. D-a-S-3.

>Worst music
Better than Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
>Worst level design
Better than Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
>Worst world/lore
Better than Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
>Worst NPCs
Better than Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
>No apologizing.

Better than Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne

It's ok, I know the game was a little harder than Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne, so maybe you got rekt a little too much, but there's no need to still be mad.

It is a good game, but not as good as other souls games.


shit areas
a lot of shit bosses
linking iframes to stats - full fucking retard

true dual wield system
rich build variety
true NG+

i'm sick of the souls series



Even though I'm a die hard fan, me too.
They need to give it a rest for a few years.

worst PvE

Best PvP


You guys are trying too hard to fit in.


>implying I haven't played since the DeS days

1 > 2 > DeS > BB > 3

bb > 1 > 2 > des > 3

its easier to just parrot what the hivemind says on Sup Forums don't want anyone to think you might actually have your own opinion that doesn't fit the memelords agenda on Sup Forums.

Bb = DS1 > DeS > DS3 > DS2

>Bb = DS1
stopped reading there

bloodborne is only rated so highly because it's an exclusive and people don't want to admit they regret buying a PS4

prove me false

This. 2 needs to be sotfs though

>Dark Souls 3 is bad
Loving this new maymay.

Wait, I'm not.

It's a masterpiece and a triumph in narrative and video game design.

I got my ps4 for free


it's not bad, it's just it has very little replay value and various other little annoying things

Both are masterful games, deal with it.

I wish it was on the PC, because then it could be my favorite PC game of all time as well. Platform is irrelevant, you're just going sour grapes over the fact that you wont be able to play the two most interesting entries (DeS & BB) in the "Souls" series.

I've already played DeS

"interesting" is an accurate descriptor for that game. "good" is not.

what is the best looking armor set?
what is the most op pve build?
what is the greatest weapon, and why is it the claymore?

>what is the most op pve build?
large club + stone ring

spam R2 and flatten everything

i agree with pretty much all the praise heaped on BB but i still regret buying that PS4. it fucking sucks and feels fragile as fuck and is always fucking up. BB is still a GOAT game though.

what build/weapon are you guys gonna do

I didn't say it's good. It is good, though, just that the contemporaries are better for obvious reasons. I still recommend it for people to see where the series go its beginning from, if they're interested.

Bloodborne is everything done right with the series, apart from having to travel back to the Hunters dream to reset the enemies and level your character up.

muled hexer. I'm having some amigos over for a lan party and we're all playing a muled character, and we'll all be in the rat covenant or invading people. these reddit memers will keep being forced into our worlds and we'll force them to unplug their routers.

Best game overall.

DS1 was good
DS2 was great
DS3 was shit

Show the user scores.

please defend this opinion with reasons

Why do you feel the need to lie on the Internet

what is this

I haven't really done covenants in this game except Sunbros and Pilgrims of Dark, how does the rat covenant work exactly?

>DaS3 apologists


Sorry for what?

Years later, they'd go back and re-rate it
And call the Dark Souls 2 CD the greatest
The Demon Souls was a classic
The Bloodborne on PS4 was fantastic
But Dark Souls 1 just didn't have the caliber to match it

The sad part is that most people are. But games have been casualised to the point that if you want to have a good time and a challenge your only option is the souls games

> Best build variety
> Best PvP
>Best NG+ system
>Best DLCs (not including BB)

Nothing to apologize for.

DS2 PvP could have been glorious if not for Soul Memory

60 FPS
Better multiplayer than 1
Better world design than 3
Bonfire Ascetics are a great idea
Integrated Casual Assist with despawning enemies after multiple kills.
Soul Memory is actually a pretty good idea, and you can prevent accumulation of it with a ring.
Comfy hub, on par with OG Firelink.
Original characters, not a direct DS1 ripoff like DS3 was.

DS2 SOTFS is GOAT From game.

>Soul Memory
it's a really overstated issue though
it's not a problem for most players


Das3 has

>Worst bosses ( half of them are gimmicks)
>Lazy enemy and level design (a lot of them are reskins of previous games)
>Lack of build variety (armor doesn't matter, magic classes are shit)

Daddy gave you good advice.

Also less linear. You have a lot more paths to follow and can even skip areas all together. In DS3 you're practically following a straight path.

Dark Souls 3 is 60fps
Dark Souls 3 has a significantly better world design
Agreed on the Bonfire Astetics
Disagree on "casual assists" because if Bonfire Astetics
Souls Memory is the worst idea ever implemented
The Hub was far inferior to Dark Souls 1. The black smiths daughter being right otuside the building with her father yet still wondering where he was completely ruined immersion, HUB areas also do not adapt as the story moves along like Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
Original characters? It had the same gimmicky characters that Dark Souls 3 had (Patches etc)
What about twinblades?
Powerstancing is a good benefit, too bad the actual games depth sucks dick
Poise is in Dark Souls 1

Dark Souls 2 is fucking garbage. Easiest bosses, least memorable bosses, pathetic level design, bonfires every 2 steps, babbies first souls and adaptability ruins the roll mechanic

>Original characters? It had the same gimmicky characters that Dark Souls 3 had (Patches etc)

Brah, 2 is the only Souls game without Patches.

>Dark Souls 3 is 60fps
it's not a constant 60fps like ds2 (unless you have a very expensive pc)
>muh world design
ah yes, the world design that you must go on a long linear path through, hmm yes very impressive

>bonfires every 2 steps
3 does this too


1 and 3 are superior.

Basically cheating.

You start with a character that has all spells / weapons / armors in their inventory.

60 fps only on PC.

Yes, and?

>Dark Souls 3 is 60FPS
Only on worst system
>Dark Souls 3 has significantly better world design
>Disagree on Casual Assist
I see where you're coming from.
>Soul Memory is the worst idea
It's a very Dark Souls idea. I mean, punishing you for each soul you collect, no matter how you use it? I enjoy it just because you have to think about it subconsciously.
>Majula Inferior
The Blacksmith directly references her when she's outside, mentioning she's always running off. The Cartographer is always having new dialogue if you progress. Emerald Keeper has advice. Some of the NPC's could've had a progression I agree with, but to say it's completley dead and not growing with you is a lie. The ladder guy talks about Creighton, and the Armor shop guy talks about the fake sword, and Pate if I recall.
>Original Characters
As opposed to Patches and Patches, we at least had Pate, which was honestly refreshing.
Best weapon class that doesn't exist in DS3
was perfected in DS2.



Kill yourself

>it's not a constant 60fps like ds2 (unless you have a very expensive pc)

because it looks like a laucnh PS1 game

>ah yes, the world design that you must go on a long linear path through, hmm yes very impressive

You just described dark souls 2

>3 does this too

Try playing the game

>playing Dark Souls on consoles

Kill yourself


>Only on worst system
Spot the consolecuck
>I see where you're coming from.
I don't
>It's a very Dark Souls idea. I mean, punishing you for each soul you collect, no matter how you use it? I enjoy it just because you have to think about it subconsciously.
You enjoy it because you suck dick at PVP and like to be an overleveled piece of cancerous garbage
>The Blacksmith directly references her when she's outside, mentioning she's always running off.
Yep, completely ruins immersion. Why would he say she "ran off" when she's literally less than 10 meters away from him.
>As opposed to Patches and Patches, we at least had Pate, which was honestly refreshing.
It was a rehash of Patches
>Best weapon class that doesn't exist in DS3
Too bad the game and everything surrounding it (bosses, level design, enemy design) was complete trash
>was perfected in DS2.
Sure, if you think garbage being slightly less garbage than garbage, is perfect

Once again since you're autistic;

Post. The. User. Scores.

>he doesn't act like Patches at all, but he's totally Patches. I will call out Dark Souls 2 for it's "reuse" of characters despite every other game in the series being worse in that regard.

You're describing DeS

I defend this game every time someone chats shit about it. I'll fight you faggots IRL. PM your your address and I'll meet you up to fuck your face up, faggot.

>chats shit

>I can only determine if a game is good or not by numbers

really makes you think.

He totally is patches you piece of shit shill

235 St Morhanders Drive. Come down right now you fucking cunt

Im still mad. fuck off.450 hours in

By that logic, then reviewer scores mean nothing either, and the 'dark souls 2 is better because its higher on metacritic' argument is utterly irrelevant.