Should I bother with this on the PS4? Played II on the PS3 years ago and it was a mixed bag

Should I bother with this on the PS4? Played II on the PS3 years ago and it was a mixed bag.

Get a PC

what a dumb thread

If you haven't played the DLC, definitely. They are some of the best levels and bosses in any Souls Game. And the SotFS changes in general are good if a bit on yhe hard side. It makes the ending satisfying too.


Bonus: We can play it together.

play this instead

I have Bb and DS3 already, need something while I wait for the Ringed City.

>the silent hill 4 of the souls series
yeah no thanks

After playing 3 the combat will feel very sluggish and unpolished in 2. Hitboxes are all over the place, enemies have fixed, boring combos, their placement in small rooms is infuriating and the game throws so many of them at you, in every single area, that it just become repetitive instead of challenging.

>the game throws so many of them at you, in every single area
no it fucking doesn't

It's a fine change to the game. The DLC areas are very good and the extra lore is nice. I recommend it.

That is a fucking retarded comparison

If anything it's the SH2 OR 3. Best one of the series, no doubt.

They didn't really fix anything with SotFS. No real graphics improvements other then when you have the torch out (when magically the lighting switches to the style shown in the original DaS2 trailer) and the new enemy placements are borderline random.

If you've played the DLCs on PS3 don't bother at all. If you haven't, may want to pick it up on sale. I grabbed it for $20 or so.

Not them, but I'm literally in the middle of playing 2, about to start up steam and continue, and the entirety of Lost Bastile is just waves of enemies.

>the combat will feel very sluggish

I understand 2 is the worst in the series, but I never understand this criticism.

2 was the first in the series that allowed you to aim weapons while locked on in different directions, as well as running in any direction while locked on, as well as animation canceling. What on earth do you mean by sluggish?

How is that any different from highwall of lothric and road of sacrifices? Every game does this, it's not something unique to 2

Get Nioh while you wait.

Its not really sluggish, its just the only one where swinging around a giant weapon actually feels like a giant weapon.

Highwall has more open spaces fit for taking on multiple enemies.

Enemies in 3 are also programmed to attack in tandem, or allow 1 or 2 enemies to engage while others strafe the fight, rather than all going in at once like in 2, giving you a better chance

Highwall also doesn't have narrow hallways loaded with 5-6 enemies that start running for you the minute one sees you.

Road of Sacrifices is also a bad comparison, because the crow enemies have several seconds of doing nothing before doing anything, giving ample time to knock 1 or 2 out before you take on another.

Dark souls is the best in the series though

It does.
Forest of the fallen giants: the circular area around the tree is full of soldiers playing dead. You can engage them one at the time, but it's still tedious. Then you got 3+1+2 enemies in a single hallway. The ballista room houses 4+3 soldiers. The treasure on the broken statue of the sword is now guarded by about 4-5 soldiers, let alone the 2 at the base.
Heide's Tower of Flame has as much as 3 giant sentinels coming at you, most with the same 3-hit combo.
No man's wharf starting area has 3+3+3 soldiers even before you climb the first set of stairs. They just come at you and you can patiently (tediously) wait at the pier. I'm not even counting all the pirates in the house were Lucatiel's summon sign was, there are at least 6.
Entering the Bastille from the cells puts you in a spot with 5-6 dogs, 3 soldiers and the fucking Pursuer. The other entrance has the infamous soldier mob, they can't even fit on the bridge.

And the big problem about all of this is that it's the same enemy repeated again and again, all soldiers attack in the same way, pirates might be the only exception.

Dark Souls 3 does this shit way less, and it's either mitigated by the type of enemy (naked hollows at the High Wall), their positioning (Undead settlement, they are praying at the fire and only attack in groups of 3), or the open area (Road of sacrifices). When there are more enemies, as in Irithyll, they are of different types (claymore hollows and fire witches), meant as a challenge since you have to engage them in specific ways. In DS2 you simply wait on the narrow path and wait for their 3 hit combo to end. It's tedious.

No. Movement and combat in 2 feels delayed / clunky. Movement feels very floaty, and the jump feels incredibly tricky in a forced way, how it's upper axis was lowered while just kind of shooting you forward a bit, all for the sake of feeling more difficult.

You probably don't notice it because you probably hate 3 and avoid it, but after having played 3 for 300 hours and gone back to 2, you definitely feel it. Controls and combat are not as fluid and refined as in 3.

It's way less reactive, it has something to do with animations and delays after rolling, attacking and so on. DS3 is way faster paced and it's really preventing me from enjoying DS2 again.

Sure. I love Scholar. Maybe check out Nioh if you want something kinda similar to Souls.

Play 3 for a few hours, maybe even a single playthrough, and then go back to 2. It's tough to accurately explain, but when you play both back to back, you cand efinitely feel how clunky 2 feels after having played 3.

Dark Souls 2 isn't even hard. It's tedious.

Just like how Demon's Souls wasn't hard - just tedious. Bosses were easier than the damn areas preceding them most times.

Dark Souls 3 wasn't much harder than 1 or 2, but bosses at least felt different from one another, and some of the weapons arts were pretty damn cool. I did an entire NG+ run with Onikiri and Ubidatchi and that shit was fun.

Enemies in High Wall are at most in gropus of 3. More than 3 enemies means they're either naked hollows (just fodder) or you let a priest scream for them. The bridge with the wyvern is the only exception but it's pretty clear that it's a non issue. And even if there was no wyvern, they are at least equipped with different weapons, therefore attacking in different patterns and spicing things up.
All of the soldiers in Lost Bastille have the same fucking flamberge and the same fucking 3-hit combo. And they come at you 6 at a time.

Road of Sacrifices has so much open space that large groups of enemies do not even matter. Same thing with the slugs in Farron Keep, you just run past them or oneshot them, you don't need to wait for each to finish their boring 3-hit combo.

dx11 version is better on PC because of active community. However if you like the old layout of dx9 version then PS3 has a more active community than PC does.

I don't know what the fuck everyone sees in dark souls 2's dlc that I don't. Sunken king was trash and was the most unfun parts of every souls games condensed into 2 hours. Iron king was alright. Ivory king had, what most would agree, the single worst area in the series which is some feat going up against izalith, and the rest of it is just mediocre-bad.

not sure if these were also patched into the vanilla ds2 later but there are new things like longer description for items, more varied and lore friendly enemy placement and slightly better ai.

also the multiplayer is greatly improved
in sotfs, there are also slightly better textures and the game runs at solid 1080p 60fps on ps4.

The dlc's packed in sotfs (if you haven't already played them) are also the best part of the game, but would be also the best parts among das1 areas.

Ofc most of the flaws of das2 are still there (soul memory, some really lame level and enemy designs) but I think Sotfs definitely worth a purchase for the amount of content it offers.