Game looks fun as fuck

>game looks fun as fuck
>basically STALKER-lite with cute little robots
>devs are bros and are always very engaged with the community
>from the makers of Sir, You Are Being Hunted (which delivered everything it promised)

>people are shitting on it and dismissing it because its visuals are similar to No Man's Sky's

Damn, NMS literally ruined everything.

Other urls found in this thread:

never heard of it.

Sir, You Are Being Hunted was trash user. By the end of development there were still flash games with more going on.

It was pretty good, I think. Not a WHOLE lot of content, but everything they'd promised since day one was there, and the atmosphere and gameplay were top notch. It's a very immersive game, for me at least.

Also they gave a lot of attention to player feedback and incorporated a lot of stuff fans were asking for.

The game might not be your cup of tea, but no one can deny the devs were committed to their product.

They 100% don't deserve being compared to Hello Games.

post link to gameplay, fag, then we'll talk

>from the makers of Sir, You Are Being Hunted
And there went my interest.

It's looking pretty STALKERish, with different factions you can interact with and lots of emergent gameplay events that arise from NPC interactions.

Why, though? It's been a while since I last played it, but I remember really liking the game and being very immersed in it. Maybe it's because I really like the genre and there are very few games like this, but I thought it was very good.

There are cute robot girls?.

They're robots, not androids. They're genderless.

looks more like borderland why did you lie to me shill ?

There are robot that looks like cute girls?.

No mans sky is hardly a game, so thats alright.

Looks NOTHING like Stalker

>laser has recoil

>open world FPS
>different factions
>roaming the world with NPC buddies looking for artifacts
>getting into firefights with bandits
>randon NPCs getting into firefights with other random NPCs
>raiding enemy factions' outposts with your squad mates
>emergent AI stuff happening on the map that is independent from player behavior

What would you call this then? It's pretty STALKER to me.

The only thing that reminded me of Borderlands in the gameplay were the energy shields.

pretty game user

cuck writers from rps should go and stay out

yeah okay this actually looks fun. not getting the slightest stalker-ish vibe tho.

>current year
>having anything about your game in any way reminiscent of NMS
Honestly that's such a fucking blunder I'd sincerely doubt these devs have the intellectual capacity to make a good game. What, they thought they were gonna look like the posterchild for poor purchasing decisions and it'd be okay?

This game was in development way before NMS came out. They're basing the art of the game on the concepts from a pretty well regarded sci-fi artist, and it just happens to have a similar colour pallette to NMS.

Yelling stalker doesn't make it play like it.
Save your breath.

It does play a lot like stalker tho. Just because it's not LITERALLY STALKER doesn't mean there aren't some very strong similarities. I've just finished watching a gameplay interview in which the interviewer actually says the game is very similar to stalker and the dev playing the demo says that indeed stalker was a major inspiration, so I wasn't just hallucinating it.

Here's the video if anyone's wondering.

No, it looks like a mix of NMS and Borderlands.
Into the trash it goes.

Oh, so random guy AND the dev said that. That's interesting, where can i buy it, mr marketer?

>NMS and Borderlands

Are you retarded? In what way is this like any of those two games?

>mr marketer?


Like fucking clockwork. For a board that likes so much to throw around the term "redpill" you guys sure as fuck act like a fucking braindead hivemind.

well i for one am looking forward to playing this, anonOP. ty for posting the clips.

>no anomalies
>no blowouts
>no slavic mythology
>no PDA's
>none of these
>cartoony artstyle
>everyone are robots for maximum kid-friendly rating
>calls it "STALKER like"
It's nothing like STALKER you dumbshit and you know nothing about STALKER, get the fuck out.

nothing like STALKER

>no anomalies

From what the devs said on the blog, there seem to be world events similar to anomalies.

>no blowouts


>no slavic mythology

I'm talking about gameplay here.

>no PDA's

Wrong. The game actually tells its story very similar to stalker. You collect information from different sources and shit that I'm pretty sure work like PDAs and audiologs.

>cartoony artstyle

Talking about gameplay.

>everyone are robots for maximum kid-friendly rating

What kind of retarded assumption is that? The name of the company is Big Robot, they make games about Robots.

Gameplay-wise, its core is very reminiscent of stalker, and all your points are extremely nitpicky.

You're full of shit.

STALKER is more than just an FPS with roaming AI.

STALKER is it's setting. Abandoned buildings, overgrown plants and environmental hazards that punish braindead running across the map.
It's the atmosphere the game gives off, it can be quiet and desolate but punctuated with distant gunfire and mutant howling. Other times a blowout or storm can appear, restricting your awareness of the environment and increasing tension.
It's FPS mechanics are particular, they are unforgiving enough that you have to keep on your toes when outside of known safe areas but not too difficult to master.
The AI helps the world feel more alive, especially when you meet NPCs who moved all the way up or down the zone but there has to be some way of identifying these NPCs to make those moments even noticeable.

Nice, looks like a fun distraction, I'll pirate it.