Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild...

>Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda.
>You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle.
>Boomerangs have to be caught manually on their return and the best way to defeat the skeletons that appear at night is to chop of their head and punt it into a river, like a goalkeeper trying to make a clearance.

It's going to win GOTY! Sonyfags on suicide watch!!!


Other urls found in this thread:


please delete

When did this "you can only like one and not the other" autism meme about Nintendo and Sony start? Is it just false-flaggers or are people really this pathetic?

mostly fat PCucks who fell for the I only own 1 system meme.


Horizon always looked like shit, so.

It's absolutely over for Neogaf

There is no coming back from this

When Sony shills started shitposting literally every thread in existence like a sad australian

Neogaf is more excited for Zelda than horizon. It is their most anticipated game for 2017


>UK free news paper
"You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle."

Lmao this? Bullet drop? AHahahaha it's fucking nothing, i'm the one laughing

holy shit

>even the sony HQ has abandoned sjwrizon and jumped ship

beyond wrecked



fucking idort kys


Ironic shitflinging which eventually attracts idiots who join in unironically. Console wars have been a thing forever though, but only recently does it seem this forced

I can't wait to play this GOTY only on Switch*
*also on WiiU**
**and PC

when BAZINGA started


Iwata from the heavens killing Kaz

Probably gonna get called a troll, but it's because Sonyggers have been acting like complete arrogant assholes to everyone and put up 'there can be only one' attitude ever since the PS4 have been selling a lot. Everyone else was fine with owning multiple systems.

This desu.

>**and PC
It's not a PS4 exclusive*
*Also on PC

Besides, Wii U owners deserve it more than anyone, they've been waiting it since 2012, at least they haven't gotten screwed over like PS3 owners.

This was his endgame all along. Thank you based Iwata.


Finally, they did it.. they actually did it. Nintendo just killed Sony.




>nytimes headline tomorrow: Nintendo eviscerates Sony in one hit

>Horizon: Zero Dawn, a literally who new IP made by the devs of Killzone, a literally who console FPS
>Breath of the Wild, the biggest and most ambitious Zelda game ever produced, a game Nintendo dedicated their entire E3 to last year
pick one

>my open world trash is better than your open world trash

fuck open world games so goddamn much

You better delete this thread OP

How can it be more simplistic than a fucking Zelda game? they must have fucked up pretty bad.

Alright, thats it.
Delete this thread.
Right now!

you've got to be retarded if you think the


shit is anything but PC/Nintendo false flagging

Dumb false flag poster

sony exlcusives lmao
bloodborne was their only decent release and it still sucked

No.. NO!

are you serious? Since the internet was invented this kind of shit was going down. Though at first it was Nintendo vs. Sega.

Welcome to the console wars, newfriend. Enjoy it because it's going nowhere.

>its a "PC is a videogames platform and nothing more" episode

>How can it be more simplistic than a fucking Zelda game? they must have fucked up pretty bad.

I'm not sure where you've been last two decades, but there's been an enormously increasing disparity between what games show the player vs. the level of interactivity they actually provide.

HZD looks for the most part great, but the gameplay is pretty damn shallow. Zelda's isn't perfect, but it's arguably better design to show less and actually allow interaction with everything that is actually shown.

>Nintendo vs. Sega
Fucking newfags I swear.
If you don't remember Nintendo vs Atari shitposting you shouldn't be posting here faggot


I don't understand how posting the same, tired images of wojak crying with a platform hat on is humorous or enjoyable for any of you. Day in day out you assburgers come here and post the same thing. "Nooo delete this right now!!" is just not funny.

>nonstop shilling of zelda since announcement
>finally its going to come out and be a disaster and only the most diehard nintendo fanboys will apologize for its middling reception

what was the last one you all forgot existed?

>b-b-b-b-breath of the w-w-w-wild is a b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bbbbbbbbbbETTER game because the arrows fall and y-y-y-you have to mmmmmmmmmmmanually catch boomerangs
this can't be a real review

They're all just manchildren forcing things to find some sort of meaning in their lives. I don't know why they keep repeating the same thing over and over, but if they want to, let them.

People are and have always been that pathetic. Console wars are nothing new, it's just that everyone has gotten so fucking autistic it's impossible to tell how many levels of false-flagging they're on.

because its redditors, they are just shitposting

Finally, it's finally time to get rid of all this sonypony cancer that has infested Sup Forums the last few years. You should all go back to your neogaf safe place faggots.

Because they think they're making the side they "hate" look bad even though everyone knows anyone posting them is just a shitposter who wants to destroy anything resembling discussion

No joking here, was there anyone in this place actually looking forward to Horizon? To me the game looked terrible since the presentation, I really don't get it, Sony games tend to be shit almost always.

Nintendo always had better game design, but SEGA had some decent IPs. I wish they were still in the console scene.

SEGA is dead because they neglected all those IPs after the Genesis.

the only shit looking thing about horizon is the cutscenes.

meanwhile, in BotW, the actual gameplay is shit.

if games are supposed to be movies, horizon is clearly worse value for your money.

Get a game for the gameplay.
Get another game for the graphics and its progressiveness.

Both are running at 30 fps with drops.


>Zelda was so good its ruined any open world game in production by existing

I don't think there has been an open world game that surprised people this much since like fucking Gothic or Morrowind. Everything is so run of the mill that its kinda insane what people's viewpoints are after one takes the ideas and adds its own and polishes it up

you and I both know thats shitposters false flagging

When picking a entertainment company becomes an all encompassing lifestyle to people who really don't have much more going on with their life,

Ylilauta go home

Its literally the only reason I bought a Wii U. My time is near


Holy shit, do they have any idea how such a comment could effect a community of autist gamers such as ourselves? Fucking lel. I doubt they even know what Sup Forums is but damn, that shit is gonna set this place on fire.


Because Sup Forums pretty much has already accepted that crying wojak as the go-to pic for shitposting in a console war thread.

Now please fuck off, salty spurdocuck.