Less third party support in its first year than the wii u had

>less third party support in its first year than the wii u had

I want this to be a success so bad, but how?

Pocket Monsters.
If nintendo release it, the system will succeed.
If not, the system will fail.

Ok but if I want good games?

literally all they have to do to succeed is release pokemon and monhun

thats it.

>More third party support in the first year of any console launch

How they do it bros? how?

That's a secondary feature of releasing pokemon to it.
It tells the japanese developers that the thing is the new DS, and they do the good games.

But nintendo needs to do it first.

>Launch title is GOTY
Eh, it'll do just fine

It has Skyrim

With motion controlers.

I ' M S O L D

>muh turd party support :(((
they had no problem being successful with almost every cosole without it, why is it an issue now? doesn't the wii u tell you that they shouldn't rely on 3rd party games to sell their console? how much did those games sell compared to their 1st party offering? retards

dude, they're porting world of fucking goo

that game came out 9 fucking years ago

the launch to this thing is abysmal to say the least

>***also on Wii U

I'm still mad you fuckheads chose that stupid dog as the console-tan.
Fuck you, Sup Forums.

Y'all niggas said the WiiU had GotY basically every single year the WiiU was out.

why do retards keep pointing out this useless fact? switch version is selling more. it's like twilight princess on wii/gamecube, difference being the one on the new console is actually the better version

>that game came out 9 fucking years ago
what's your point? why shouldn't it have that game?

Why do retards get so mad about it. All I'm saying is it's also on Wii U
>people defending their $300 Zelda machine
Don't forget to pick up those happy meal toys while you're out! I'll just play it on my Wii U I got for 50 bucks
>b-b-but it's the worse version!
The game looks like shit on both consoles

people have had almost an entire decade to play that game, I would be surprised if even 1,000 people bought World of Goo on the Switch

it's not some time honored classic like Super Mario 3, it's a forgettable indie game from 2 generations ago

why are you even remarking on how old it is as if it's an argument for how bad the launch is. that developer has newer games coming out for it because they want all their games on the console. should they leave certain games out because they're old?

Switch's launch lineup makes the WiiU and PS4 launch look like a masterclass. There will definitely be a new 1 game console meme after this turd drops.

Bomberman is literally the only game worth getting. If you own a Wii U and you buy a switch for Zelda you are the definition of a cuck, and I NEVER use that fucking word

What if I'm buying it for zelda, mario splatoon and xenoblade?

Mario, Splatoon, and Xenoblade don't even have release dates

Yeah and?

So are FF7R and Kingdom Hearts 3, but many people including myself will buy it PS4 for them.

This is a silly thing to do. Don't buy a console for a game that isn't out yet. It usually ends badly
>people bought a PS3 for the last guardian, versus 13, and KH3
>people were THIS close to get screwed over for buying Wii U's for zelda
Chances are they will eventually release a bundle for one of those games and you can save like 60 bucks

Eh, I spend more than $60 in one evening I want to play zelda now and I don't own a wiiu, plus I'm looking forward to other games

>and you can save like 60 bucks
If I was 6 years old I would be excited but I'm not

$60 isn't a terrible amount of money, im just saying if you CAN save it, why not. I mean the one user doesn't have a Wii U so it's perfectly justified to get a switch for it. Presumably the other user bought his PS4 for KH3 and FF7R. That's just retarded. At least Splatoon is due in the summer and Mario for the holiday. Thinking FF7R or KH3 will be out this decade is silly