What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
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back to Chinese games with you
pee wee is cute
I will, thanks.
Nothing at all
During these 3 years of dev they never modified her manface.
back to tumblr, neo gaf, and reddit with you
>every female character has a shit eating grin
Can't have attractive female characters user it hurts the girl gamers' fragile self-esteem. Don't be a nazi.
>calls game out for looking like shit
>must summon bioware defense force
>hur dur fucking weebs
How can some one shill this hard?
Man Liara truly was the best girl
kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.
the blonde one has her legs on wrong, what a newb
Anyone cat post the rape gif?
>Bioware thinks you can have either supermodels or Shrek
I hate false dichotomies.
Seriously disgusting.
I will never buy this piece of shit.
what game
>What went so wrong?
All units be advised: feminism is awesome!
I'll put it simple, You don't belong on Sup Forums if you plan on buying this game.
>first game try to appeal people who plays games
>new game try to appeal people who complains about games
can you imagine the butthurt if someone makes a mod that remodels at textures the default characters to be mildly attractive.
I could imagine the 'people' at bioware trying their hardest to make a patch that makes it impossible to change the face gen of the characters.
mods disagree.
This is how you sound right now.
>Bioware has guys that have never seen an attractive woman in their life
>Bioware has girls that have never been attractive in their life
I wonder why their models turn out so shit....
rly makes u think...
>dumb shit
>What went so wrong?
>pic related
Pretty sure the entirely of old Bioware left at this point
I think everyone's just ugly in canada
Jesus what the fuck is that monstrosity.
There really is no hope for western developers.
They're too busy slurping the unwashed clits of the 250 lb multi-colored hair, hook- nose ring wearing feminist
Honey select or a render
Liara is a pureblood, I believe the discolourations in Asari come from the mixing with other species. She's just a dirty halfbreed is all.
This is true. I am quite ugly.
I wish I was born in Sweden/Norway/Denmark and then moved out before the cockroach infestation.
you sound upset
oh calm down
most devs still make attractive characters
post 1 attractive western video games character.
it's like a blue shrek
Thank God, sweetie. Hopefully every single, white, CIS-hetero male has left Bioware for good. Hopefully this new installment will be completely free from racism, sexism and misogyny. If I see even one female body model that's unrealistic, and created from the perspective of the male gaze, I'm starting a petition to ban it. Everyday misogyny will be a thing of the past soon enough. No longer will games be problematic. Thanks Bioware, for paving the way for the future of gaming by ridding your organization of sexist dinosaurs with their rape eyes and array of privileges.
>implying it's not Jews
got a problem with Nasolibial folds?
One day you won't be able to ignore whats right in front of your face
You sound fat.
is she the asari that Game of Thrones smirk whore is playing as?
their tech legitimately doesn't implement any upper facial movement whatsoever, except opening/closing of eyes. or at least they haven't implemented it for 99% of animations. that's why all characters look fucking retarded in all circumstances.
it's always EA.
fuck i hate them.
ME1 Liara was best. Pure, innocent and virginal. ME2 Liara was grating. ME3 Liara was, well, I forget.
Seems like you don't know why that character in particular should look good.
So your opinion is garbage.
As is your disgraceful existence, fat tumblr nigger
She's playing pic related.
still looks better than that closeup of witcher in 3
im referencing witcher because youre a rpg codex shitposter and thats your favorite game
Trying hard to look like a average human being, not an top model or "ideal" looking.
Also attractive female characters is sexist to then so they NEED to be ugly.
I hate that SJW ideology so much that I begun to like waifu stuff.
thank god that you can edit both twins at the same time. I wouldn't be able to look the default female Ryder in the face for the whole game
omlette du fromage
Easy, shitlord.
Not even pirating that piece of shit.
Are elves not canonically gorgeous in DA ?
>perfect blueberry waifu
It's unnecessary to make vidya girl that butt ugly though like CD PROJEKT can do it right, Why can't Bioware?
>you will never grab her supple ass, part the cheeks and implant your seed inside of her
>you will never fuck her while she's preggo
>you will never have a happy family life with her until you die in your sleep leaving behind 5 beautiful kids and your loving blue sniper wife
>Origin Denuvo
you won't be able to
EA being EA is what went wrong.
I don't even know if the new Mass Effect has any of the developers of the past three games.
Just like Inquisition and Battlefield 1, right?
CDPR aren't infested with Marxists yet.
Holy shit I need that pathfinder/Shephard pic.
Uh, no sweetie, only in your misogynistic rape fantasies.
I seriously hope you're being paid to defend Bioware's work.
It's like face on the right pic is made of melting wax.
Those didn't have Denuvo 3.0
I really cant hate Overwatch when it continues to pump out beautiful waifus with gigantic asses.
Based Blizzard knows what we want.
>i care if i find characters attractive in a video game or not
Your life is what went so wrong
I put up with Jessica Chobot's ugly ass face in Mass Effect 3, but this one's an actual party member so that means she'll be in alot of pre mission cutscenes, and will be more prominent on the ship.
I hope there's a choice similar to Ashley's and Kaiden's where I can off this ogre
It's that from the game or shopped? Looks too good to be Illusion work only.
Hell, ME3 was supposed to be uncrackable thanks to always-on internet connection a la Simcity.
At least post the correct one, you nigger.
>blizzshit and nu-bioware
really makes you think
which quest is it?
the game never lets me start it :(
>Looks too good to be Illusion
You either haven't 'played' it, or you're running it on a toaster. That looks shit for HS, if anything.
The worst is, you are likely mocking this but there's people who really act and think like this.
The team that made ME3's multiplayer is working on Andromeda.
>qt blue alien versus ross kemp on space
I only see one problem here.
And that problem is her entire face and facial animation.
Fuck off anime faggots. Go masturbate to your pedophile shit.
in all honestly, Bioware was always a shit tier rpg company
nu-cuck Bioware forgot that their space-hooker aliens are supposed to be hot. It's kind of their whole shtick, to the point that there was an in-game conversation implying they use biotics to make other races think they look like an attractive female member of their own species.
best boy
Quick rundown please?