The loading times in this game really fucking suck
if they made a PC version they'd be much faster and the game would be considerably better because of this.
The loading times in this game really fucking suck
if they made a PC version they'd be much faster and the game would be considerably better because of this.
Plus 60fps and better looks which this game deserves
>Inb4 never EVER
>Inb4 desperate PCuck
>Inb4 sonygger memes
Say it with me Sonybros
PC fags will never...
Well your not wrong.
NOT get bloodborne
>never not
double negatives are poor grammar user
Yeah, I'm a PC gamer primarily who started the souls series on console and finished on PC. It's just so hard to go back to crappy console performance after playing for so long on PC. I liked bloodborne on the PS4 but it really could have been something better if it had a decent machine to run it.
Ps4 pro's beast mode will fix everything.
>Boost mode gets released
>Doesn't fix loading times at all
>poor grammar user
Lack of punctuation is poor grammar, user.
The loading times add to the difficulty, it's part of the experience.
No it's not, it's just a waste of time. This is just a technical limitation and nothing else.
Well, you're not wrong there.
If I had to guess, perhaps they made some of the levels too big without sufficiently adapting the part of the engine that streams the level to you based on your position, so the load times are the game trying to load the entire area you're warping to (or at least too much of it) rather than just the immediate surroundings and then loading in more area as you move in a given direction.
Well no fucking shit.
At this point, either from software is inept as fuck at certain aspects of game design, or they're doing it on purpose, because every souls game has issues on the performance side
>Movie game
>you will never play Bloodborne at 60fps because muh exclusivity
Nah, it just wouldn't be the same as if playing it on console. It loses the charm.
>bloodborne on pc
>significantly faster load times
>can turn off the shitty chromatic aberration
>actually get some anti-aliasing
>buttery smooth 60fps
>less input lag
Would have been GOTYAY
Loading times are fine. Sure it takes longer than loading DaS 3 from an SSD, but it's like 15 seconds.
60 fps would be nice, since there are places where it tanks to like 20.
You're right but its never gonna happen.
>its 2017
>15 seconds loading times are fine
It's not, user. We should expect better.
Are you playing off a disc? I picked it up in some sale as a download and it runs fine, load times are like six seconds at most on a PS4 slim with a stock HD.
Thank god bitching on the internet fixes these issues.
More like if they got someone who knows how to actually code/ made the game with a decent engine it would easily run at a locked 60fps on the base PS4 considering that 5x better looking games like Battlefront do
And peacocks will never ever get bloodborne because every time a game goes to PC it turns the fanbase to insufferable shit (MGS, souls, nier etc etc)
15 second loading times are pretty garbage, especially when you have to sit through two of them to visit the hub and get back to what you were doing. Three loading times if you die somewhere and say "fuck it, guess I'll come back later" and have to warp to the hub after waiting to respawn.
It literally only has to go to the loading screen 3 times during the entire game.
When entering the nightmare realms
when entering the hunter's dream at the end of the game.
(that is if you don't suck at the game and die on your BL1 speedrun)
>every time a game goes to PC it turns the fanbase to insufferable shit
>meanwhile consolefags literally start petitions to NOT have games be ported to other systems to rationalize their purchase and muh exclusives
You need to take a closer look at which system's fanbase consists of insufferable shits
There would never be a fucking PC version because sony is involved. This game was specifically made because it's an exclusive. There is no "if they made a PC version" because this if can never be true.
Cry me a river.
It really isn't that long.
OwO what's dis?
>There would never be a fucking PC version because sony is involved.
Stop being in denial.
The game would only benefit from them being shorter, though.
So is there anyone working on a ps4 emulator? With Ryzen coming and multicore hyper-threaded CPUs becoming more common do we have the power to emulate one on PC?
And what do you not understand? It's sonys property, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. And they don't want to put it on PC. Sony does not own the street fighter or helldivers IP, they are simply publishers. Sony owns the bloodborne IP.
Sure, but it's such an insignificant thing.
What it would actually benefit from is better performance, 60 fps and proper AA. Also it would be a lot nicer of it let you level at any lamp and warp from any lamp to any other.
This is correct. Sony seems more interested in getting PC players to stream games than port them natively. As a player, it's not what I want, but from a business end I can't really argue with their logic that subscribers are worth more to them. Also don't get me wrong, I've tried streaming other games that aren't nearly as mechanically demanding as Bloodborne and the latency really hurt. It may have improved since I tried it last.
I wish you could upgrade your stuff, select where you want to fast travel and upgrade your vials and bullets at the lamps because having to go back to the hunters nightmare is a pain in the ass with the load times
at the very least being able to rest at the lamp and reload enemies and vials and bullets would make things better instead of having to sit through 2 already too long loading screens
>There would never be a fucking PC version because sony is involved.
Money talks, user. As soon as Sony realizes they will make their money back hand over first by initiating some sort of "PSN on PC" program like Xbox is trying to do, they would see the pros of releasing Bloodborne on PC. Not saying it will happen, but it could if they wanted to dip a toe into the booming PC market.
oh boy I would love to fucking STREAM a 30FPS GAME
that sounds lovely and not at all like playing a game encased in a thick gel
You do realize that "xbox" and "windows 10" are literally owned by the same company, right?
I don't know why they don't just let you level up and teleport between lamps inatead of forcing their hub shit all the time
>sony has to create their own OS to put games on PC, there's no other way for them to get a piece of the pie!
can someone explain the reasoning behind the people who say 60fps 'doesn't feel right' and playing on a pc 'loses the charm'?
it's just a meme because there's no good reason for the game to not be on pc
1. it's a joke
2. if it's not a joke, it's intense post-purchase rationalization
It's complete ignorance or unawareness of what framerate actually means. The comparison is staggering and going from one to the other is huge.
when MGS V was coming out I was planning on getting it for PS4 because I've always played MGS games on a playstation console. I thought it just 'felt right'
I ended up getting it for PC and it feels perfectly fine
the only thing I wish more games did was give you an option for playstation button prompts
if you say 60fps 'doesn't feel right' and playing on a pc 'loses the charm' then you are just trying to make yourself feel better for playing the objective inferior version
the best I can figure for bloodborne specifically is that when the framerate chugs (usually during a heavy hit or a visceral or something) it's similar to hit stop effects that do tend to provide a more satisfying feel
why would you ever want 60+fps, higher fidelity textures and draw distance, native resolutions up to 4k, near instant loading on a SSD, freedom of choice in control scheme, free online, or mod support?
who would want these things
it was worse before they patched it you baby
wow what an accomplishment
There's a solution to that OP, just don't die so much.
I only have a few friends who play vidya and by play vidya I mean own a console to play gta, ea sports, and call of duty
They think it's so weird that I play on PC and when I say how amazing a high framerate is they act like im being elitist and dont know what im talking about
my sisters husband plays on pc and when I go over there and play rocket league at 60 fps I do worse, I'm used to 144 fps
I didnt know why it was happening but I felt very inaccurate and couldnt do what i normally did
I thought it was because it was split screen, maybe i wasnt used to his logitech controller because I usually use a ps3 controller, maybe because we were on a tv there was some input lag
couldnt figure out why but I sucked when I played at their house
he came over my house and I set it up so it would be dual monitor 'slit screen' but since one monitor was only 60 hz they both were at 60 fps and I was still sucking ass
we then went to shared split screen on my 144 hz monitor at 144fps and it was a million times better leading me to realize framerate really does affect in game performance much more than I had previously realized
You can fix the loading times.
if you think the people playing GTAV are the same people playing bloodborne youre an idiot
Out of all the ssds you could have posted you choose the samsung one that needs drivers for proper performance, which isn't an option on a ps4.
The loading times are only one third of what they used to be before they patched it, it's on par with any other game now