Buyers regret thread
Buyers regret thread
>Dump $60 on Civ 6 the day of release
>Shit loads of bugs, but I expected that
>Wait for a month or two for patches, go back in
>Game is still dumb
>Graphics look like iOS game
>Tile management is too simple to be fun, and too complex to be easy
>Late game is idiotic
Civ 5 was so good, but Civ 6 is hell
At least I didn't pay full price, still sucks. Need some major overhaul expansions and mods at this point.
Please rank all Civilization games from best to worst.
Why the fuck would you pay full price on the release day if you were expecting bugs? And then you didn't even play it.
Fucking cunts like you are the reason why Day 0 DLC exists. Game companies will continue to rape their consumers as long as morons like you willingly offer their buttholes.
Others don't apply.
SMAC > IV > II > III > V > VI
never played 1
VI may surpass V if the expansions fix the whole fucking game like V's did, but V and VI will forever stay bottom tier out of concept for needing to buy extra expansions just to make the games fucking playable
>My civilization is doing poorly - Other leaders mock me for being weak and denounce me
>eventually because all the AI are denouncing me they declare war
>My civilization is doing great - Other leaders berate me, and denounce me for it
>eventually they declare war against me out of what I can only assume is jealousy
Seriously stupid game.
Nothings more annoying than constantly being dragged into a dialog screen by some oongaboona, so they can tell me off each turn because I built something, or in some cases, failed to build something.
An before some smug fatass says anything, I pirated this game. Thank god I didn't spend any money on it.
I'm just saddened by it either way.
Good game, ruined by bad AI.
Not even worth it for the novelty
You faggot kids don't know SHIT
Only a kid would have naive enough to buy this game
PS4. Ended up getting back about 3/5th what I payed for it though so it wasnt the worst thing ever but god damn BB is overrated as fuck, I strongly preferred DS3. Gravity Rush 2 and Nioh are the only games I want to play on it. Maybe if they release a new model of the pro I will get it once this gen is over
Yeah I got the special edition thinking that I'd get some quality DLC, instead I get stuck with 1 civ per DLC and a fucking viking scenario.
Civ 6 isn't a bad game but I wish I just waited for a sale and didn't buy the DLC. My friends still have yet to get it so I haven't touched it recently.
You think you know regret? You think you know the bitter taste of MISERY?
Still not sure what peoples' major beef with Civ 6 is. I've been really enjoying it.
We don't talk about that game
You were only ADOPTED by the regret. Regret visited you every weekend as part of the big brother program
has everyone forgotten about this fucking horror
Being excited for spore and getting the fucking mess it turned out to be was true despair. No game has topped that kind of soul crushing misery upon release.
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Only idiots bought that game. It was very clear from the previews what kind of game it was going to be..
Steam ones?
You had to buy it on the first place user
I was BORN into the regret. MOLDED by it. I never even saw good vidya until I was already a man!
This fucking piece of shit. How do you manage to fuck up a popular and well selling franchise to this extent and then charge overprice for it?
Thank fuck for cities skylines.
God, I was so hyped for this game. I talked it up to all my friends, watched the trailers almost daily, pre ordered it, and eagerly awaited release day. Then I put it in my PS4, played it for two hours, and returned it. At least I got my money back
What does it mean if I like SimCity more than Skylines? Be honest but not rude. I tried Skylines but I hate the micromanagement of power lines, water lines, etc.
not gonna lie the final space game could've been pretty excellent had it seen a bit more work.
How could you remorse Civ 6? The only thing worse than 5 right now is the lack of world congress, and once they get that in (They said they were going to add it for free. They wouldn't lie, would they? No, no. They wouldn't lie) it will be completely better than 5.
>First game: likable protagonist, pretty good plot, varied enemies, sci-fi but not over the top
>Second game: protagonist turned into Duke Nukem clone, plot was retarded, ending was literally a few presidents emerging from a teleported in fucking SPACE MARINE ARMOR
Don't know why I went and bought it, it's not my type of game at all.
Since cities skylines is what old sim city used to be and new sim city is an incredibly dumbed down game that could 100% be passed as a smartphone game.
I mean each to their own, I'm not gonna be angry at you rather I'm angry at the developers that decided to take one of my favourite childhood game franchises this direction.
It means you like gameplay more than just painting pretty cities. I've played both and Simcity honestly has better gameplay, it's just less satisfying as a city builder since you get the tiny little plots of land.
With the sharing between plots Simcity actually feels closer to the Anno series than it does to a regular city builder.
I still regret how much money I pumped into unboxing back in the day.
I probably spent somewhere in the league of $300 in keys over the course of a year or so and never unboxed a single unusual. Even when I bought one of those reserve crates or whatever they were called off the market I unboxed the worst strange in the crate.
Do you think I'm playing? Do you think this is a fucking game? BEHOLD MY CHILDHOOD
That sounds about right. I mean I don't dislike making nice cities, but I like how grid focused SimCity is. I like its building upgrade system because it feels like a more traditional system of advancement.
Except gun griffon. I don't regret gun griffon. That was the hypest shit
I love you, gun griffon
Cities Skylines isn't the same game as the old SimCity games though. C:S is more focused on city building aspects and micromanagement, while SimCity is more about being a mayor and managing your economic situation effectively. I hate it when people think Planet Coaster is 100% like the old RCT games as well.
Bet you thought I was playing about the game gear too. 'No user, only poor niglets got that instead of a Gameboy!'
Well behold fuckers!
at least the first one was pretty fun
And heres the piece de resistance
The new Berserk Musou game. I'll admit, I'm one of those faggot warrior game apologists, but even then I can admit that this is just a complete fucking cash grab that is bare bones at best. Guess everyone can laugh at how autistic I am at least.
Actually scratch that I got one more level
600 more levels actually
I haven't even ever played or installed a lot of this shit.
>Games (613)
>Installed (9)
It's OK user, I was hype for it too
I had the good fortune to catch a stream and realize they sold us a fucking uprezzed Vita game holy fuck
It is literally the Vita version of the game uprezzed with no other changes
nice fucking cellphone picture you fag, holy shit
>even then I can admit that this is just a complete fucking cash grab that is bare bones at best
This. I called it as soon as it was announced.
Every new-IP Warriors clone launches barebones and generally pitiful. The only good Warriors games are the ones that are at least the fourth or fifth in the series.
This actually makes perfect sense if you think about Koei's business model: each sequel they make is simply a slightly improved reskin of its predecessor. Thus, the fourth game onwards would have enough improvements to make it worthwhile.
(Hyrule Legends is an outlier since they actually worked hard on it because of Nintendo.)
SupCom2 was dreadful
Bought it with a mate, normally not a fan of FPS games but we had fun, then we fell out and I haven't played it since.
The hired Sorian of Sorian AI mod for supcom1-fame and the out of the box skirmish AI in supcom2 is the best I have ever seen in an RTS, for that reason alone it's special.
Told you, I ain't never installed most of this shit
Is having a Screenshot that important?
C:S and the older SC games are more alike than new and old SC games.
City size in particular where in new SC is like building a tiny village whereas older SC like 3k actually have larger "canvases" to play on. S:C takes it a step further and makes it even bigger by adding purchasable land. The micro management of utilities is also alike compared to new SC where they just add everything to the roads.
Now I'm not saying it's 100% alike but it's closer to old SC than the new one.
thank you
Oh I got buyers remorse for days dude.
That's actually the first thing in here I can agree with. The rest I either didn't buy or I actually liked, such as Brink. Overwatch though lasted a couple weeks of playing with friends and then everyone stopped playing and refuses to ever speak of it again.
I got maybe 80-100 hours out of Overwatch which I guess I should be happy with, but I only got 30 hours out of Brink which makes me sad since I liked it so much. At least the AI is tolerable so I can still go back for memories occasionally.
Hey, fuck you
The Saturn was great
You have to be a underage retard to fall for hype and the trailer effect in general, but you had to be one special kind of brain damaged retard not to see that one coming
>british hypeman
>nonsensical Q&As
>very little footage that gets reheated for major conferences
Sophia Esteed was built for seed
did you save from last night? we weer probably in the same thread
Everything on it was better on the n65, playstation, or dreamcast.
I played the fuck out of my Saturn, but it really was a poor bastard child of a console.
It felt more like an intermediate console
Something akin to the Wii U
Did they ever update SimCity to allow you to buy nearby plots or anything without mods?
No I just IQDB'd your first picture and went to sankaku channel
It was because they wanted it to be the best 2d console ever, but the industry had already moved on to 3d games. It sucks that the potential of 2d was never fully realized and 5th gen was full of 3d games that look terrible and run at 17fps.
Why did I buy this? I don't even like racing games.
>buying modern Civ game without expansions
You asked for it.
>The Division Beta
>Have a fuggin blast with a 16 person party in the dark zone
>progression is perfect with great guns to use
>hit detection is fantastic with public events being challenging and fun
>player powers are fast and useful
>enemies have the appropriate amounts of health for each type/difficulty level
>can't wait for the release
>The Division Release
>no one parties up in the Dark Zone because Ubi drastically reduced the player count, making partying up past 3 players pointless
>progression is a huge slog and the guns you get may or may not suck despite being the same
>hit detection is absolute trash, with netcode pissing itself as damage occurs 10 seconds after actually hitting a target
>public events are boring and have no chaos like the beta did due to a lack of players
>player powers have delayed activations and are nerfed to hell, with only one being a complete cheese against players
>every enemy in mid-high level play is a total bullet sponge as you dump mag after mag into a single target
>can't wait for Ubisoft to shut down
well i got a few so i'll post :D
>Shit loads of bugs, but I expected that
You fucking cuckold, why the fuck would you willingly buy a game expecting bugs? Are you that impatient?
What are the nine you have installed?
>Red Orchestra
>Jedi Adademy
>having buyers remorse for these
You have only yourself to blame for your shit taste
Can AI take cities with walls now?
Vermintide and Killing Floor 2
I didn't know the online was completely dead when I bought them.
>mostly positive
day 1 reviews
That's why you always look at a game's Game Hub to see how many players are playing it at any given time before you buy it.
>Early access turn based tactical RPG, 1,000 players
>Multiplayer only game that was recently in a major bundle which sold thousands of copies, 800 players
What did they mean by this?
Yeah, but in my defense I was a console fag my entire life and I only dreamed of building a PC at the time of seeing Killing Floor 2 footage. I wanted to play it really bad. Fast forward to October when I finally got my rig bought and built, and KF2 was the first thing I bought. The game is fun, it is just a hassle to find a game so I dropped it.
Vermintide I will make no excuses for. I played Warhammer: Total War and it got me really in the mood for the Warhammer universe, so I bought Vermintide just because I heard of it and did no research at all.
At least with KF2 I can say it was a long awaited release for me.
You could have played the free version before buying that piece of crap.
Just kidding. Buyer's rejoice, it was fantastic
>babbies first 2kgames game
Yes because IV was so playable at launch and didn't needed expansions to get it going ;^)
>buying VI when IV exists
for what purpose
Well I can't blame you. I fell for the KF2 meme from the very beginning. Worst part is, somewhere along the way, I gifted the free copy of KF1 to a friend of mine to play that game with him. When KF2 came out of Early Access and I tried to refund it (since refunds always go through after a game comes out of Early Access), it told me that, because my friend had played his gift copy of KF1 for over two hours, I couldn't get my money back.
So I'll forever have that game sitting there. Yeah, finding good games is a pain, let alone trying to find a Hell on Earth one because most of the players who stayed are huge casuals who won't move up above Hard. At the very least it taught me never to fall for that kind of crap again.
civ5 took a while to git gud too. it probably won't be until the first expansion that the game reaches its full potential
Out of 613 games, that's an interesting collection to have installed.
i remember reading about that ending. actually sounds pretty good to me unless you were taking the story seriously i would have laughed my ass off
command and conquer 4
i hated it so much and i hate it even more because it killed the franchise
------the sewer-----
everything else
>buying paradox games at launch
this nigga knows true pain.
I didn't buy it so I'm pretty happy with it
>wanting World Congress back
>wanting to be completely fucked over by the AI with absolutely 0 control of any of it