I have a normie girlfriend. She's slim, keeps in shape, eats healthy food and works as a teacher...

I have a normie girlfriend. She's slim, keeps in shape, eats healthy food and works as a teacher. She thinks video games are for children and is embarrassed by the fact I play them. As a result, I only really play games when I visit my brother. My brother has a gamer girlfriend, who's fat, generally unkempt and sports tattoos and dyed hair. She loves 'junk food' and works part time in a game shop.

Who's better off? Should I trade my good-looking successful girlfriend for a gaming landwhale?

Thoughts, Sup Forums?

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If she can't accept your hobbies then she's a cunt


no gf and my sister only phone game normie kill me

No. You shouldn't. You should learn to share what you like with your girl, not downgrade your life partner just because you have a hobbie you love

Kissless hugless virgins are better off than you two. Have some standards.


armin zola is right, and ragetti seems to agree with him as well

Your GF is right

>If she can't accept your hobbies then she's a cunt
Pretty much this. Generally speaking people who attempt to make themselves feel superior because of what others do with their free time are fairly bottom-tier. Whether that means you should break up or not is up to you.

>that pic on the right
I can smell it through my screen

you're a fucking adult, don't let her tell you what you can and cant like.

>dating someone you don't share interests with

literally what is the point

>Who's better off

Neither, you drank the 3DPD kool-aid.

Basically this

Except the girl OP is talking about is probably closed minded and refuses to accept his hobby as normal. There is no changing that

>mentality of a child
>post anime
all in order

3DPD is fucking trash either way. Enjoy your divorce.

I'd toss her salad with gusto

>tfw no qt and healthy Mexican gamer gf


>tfw have never had gf and never want one
I just suck my straight friend's dicks when they're not getting any from their GF

We both like cycling, traveling, dining out and having sex.

desu my expectations were a bit higher than a dolled up leathery christmas cake

>entitlement to forcing commitment
>entitlement to forcing someone to not like things they like
>hating anime

Found the leddit SRS Roastie.

At least the girl on the right looks like she's enj-... oh wait, that's Minecraft, put her out of her misery.

If I can't barely stand a couple of hours with my male friends then I don't think I could stand being 24 hours with a girlfriend.

You use the word "normie" to describe your girlfriend in the OP, even though you're a total fucking normalfag yourself. Please kill yourself.

>I have a normie girlfriend
Stopped reading right there, assuming the rest of your post is also filled with lies

hobbies > girlfriends

neither only beta cucks but women first over their hobbies.

>dude my girlfriend doesn't like my hobbies what do I do?

Either tell her to deal with it or tell her to fuck off.

Why would you change your hobbies because some stupid cunt doesn't like them? You might have a girlfriend but you're a fucking beta.

There is only one thing that will drive every man insane 100% of the times and that is making his girlfriend his hobby.

that's great and all but my gf and i share even more than that, because we play vidya together and respect each other's interests that aren't shared

>i only post mature reaction images for mature people such as myself


I had a gf when I was 17-19 who said video games were a waste of time when all she did was watch shitty tv shows

Women aren't specially smart y'know?

Jesus, just ditch her. You don't need to get a lanswhale, though. There's normie girls out there who won't shun you for having a certain hobby.

but user, your GF is right

games are for mindless teenagers 99% of the time.

>this many people actually consider video games to be their hobby and more important than their girlfriend


I had a hot GF bout 7 years ago, relationship was to much work and hassle, and she wanted me to pay for her nursing and was talking about kids. Seemed to be to many red flags, and she was pretty boring so I ended it.

I found a actual gamer girl who was fat, borderline landwhale and it was the best thing ever for the first year as we had similar taste in every thing. She lost weight, I don't keep junk food in my house and go to the gym every other day and she came along. Amazing what 10 months of exercise and healthy eating will do.

She kept wanting to go out more, probably due to feeling confident about her body. I was never much of a drinker/bar goer but I like gin and tonic and some sweet cocktails, thats about it. While I was working one night she went out with some friends and cheated on me, not even apologetic or any thing she just dumped every thing and went. I was shocked, I thought we bonded moreso than other couples but I was wrong.

Then one month later the guy dumped her, she was apologetic then and wanted to be together but I just told her she ended it, so it stays over.

TLDR: Landwhale gamer girlfriends are socially inept and take for granted people when they love them for who they are.

>it's a social advice thread on Sup Forums

can't read shit captain

Get a GF first and talk later.
If you are in a relationship where both sides can't have hobbies of their own to get a little bit of downtime from each other, that shit is destined to fail.

This all for my GF, we do everything together mindset is just for teens whose hormons tell them to put their tongues in each others mouth.

This actually made me upset.
Fucking landwhale whore.

You didn't really prove him wrong.


I'm in a relationship that's been going strong for 3 years faglord

you know why? because I dated a girl who knew i was a manchild from the beginning instead of breaking the news to her after we already banged

>inappropriate laughing
I got taken out of class once for laughing my ass off to elvis music the teacher played to show us the music people listened to back in the days

Jesus. Thanks for the warning. So gamer girls are only 'gamer girls' whilst they're insecure and unattractive, but as soon as they start looking semi-normal, they ditch their man hobby, and start acting like a regular shallow, female?

Sup Forums is not your personal blog

>She thinks video games are for children and is embarrassed by the fact I play them
So, your girlfriend doesn't even respects your hobbies? And instead of doing something you just accept it and simply don't play vidya at home as to no "embarrass" her? jeez, talk about being pussy whipped


the same thing happens if a nerdy gamer dude gets fucking jacked

The true has been spoken

I learned from it though, I figured that since she was fat most of her life having tons of male attention suddenly was overwhelming and misconstrued some others "affection" as love.

Guess the trick is to get an average looking gamer GF?

Your gf is right, only loser nintendo WAHOO manchildren play video games.

Better stop now before she cucks you by fucking chad who is mature unlike the austisto that is (You).

literally who cares, why is this thread not deleted yet

>3 years
You think, 3 years is long?
Never heard of the damned third year?

The trick is to not have a gf

meh, she legitimately enjoyed games I just think its as I said here

Am I the only one who literally just doesn't care about women? Seriously, I'm a straight guy who is attracted to women and I fap to porn like any other guy but women to me just seem like they're way, way , waaaay more trouble than they're worth.

> She is a cunt

So what? Oh she doesn't have the perfect personality, fuck her.

Do you get upset when you are being an asshole?

This right here.

I checked in on this, doctors in the US wont prescribe chemical castration drugs unless your trying to go trans

Literally no excuse, what happened is that she went from being fat and insecure (which made her get stay-in hobbies because she didn't like her body and showing it to others) and then she was fit or slim and realized she didn't need the shitty stay-in hobbies and could just go bang Chad, which is what all women want.

Don't be deluded, girls only play videogames for attention or because they're ugly/fat. The only exception I've seen is girls who were kind of pretty but had serious daddy/attention issues and would play games to get lots of exclusive attention they were too insecure to get outside home.

long enough that I don't need to whine on Sup Forums about muh gf not liking me playing childrens games

>average looking gamer GF?
That's like finding a needle in a haystack. They're unlikely to promote the fact they play games, as it's generally not socially acceptable. The only girls you know definitely play games are the fatties in GameStop, and you know they've sucked off every male colleague in their shop countless times.


Just get a bf and pretend one of you is the girl.

>Dating someone who hates your hobbies and wants you to stop doing them.

The idea of having to resort to that almost makes me glad I repulse all women.

You don't need to get spergy because you live in an opressive relationship, user.

If you're gonna break up over something as trivial as playing video games then you should have never dated in the first place.

its not oppressive m8

she knows im a manchild and always has. It works because we actually accept eachother's faults

everybody else ITT thinks you should say "deal with it" or "GTFO".

the answer if you really want it to work out is "That's cool that you don't like it, but i am what I am" and let her make her own decision.

go ahead and call me the sperg though, while you ask Sup Forums for relationship advice.

I shouldnt have failed spanish so many times

>more trouble than they're worth

That's just because you've been on Sup Forums. A relationship is a great thing but it's going to involve compromising on things just by its nature. If it's with someone you enjoy and there's mutual respect, it's a great thing and worth it. It will force you to acknowledge your faults though.

I know right? Monster is a fucking shit drink.

Most of Sup Forums would have to settle for women who are tolerant of vidya at best since women into video are literally never single for more then a week.

>tfw have the one on the right but she pays my bills and buys me games so i can't complain

That's 100% a guy but since you posted an anime pic I'm guessing you don't care.

Sounds like a lose-lose to me.

Which means he should dump her. If you have to hide hobbies from your gf, You're a pussy whipped faggot

Your mom doesn't count, user.


So long as she's not trying to prevent you from playing vidya who cares? She talks shit about your hobbies, ignore it or talk shit about hers.

OP you should do it like me. Find a combination of both.

This is my gf and she plays a lot of games with me. Many times it ends in cuddling and sex of course.

Why are you even on this boar right now?

Gender relations are so fucked right now you don't even have to be a girl to attract a guy. Cook him a lasagna and challenge him to a game of Puyo Puyo and he's yours. It's easy to come up with no homo rationalizations when we have the internet and guys are sharing the real behavior of women, like user whose story is as old as time--a reformed fat girl who dumps him the second she gets attention. Men want loyalty above all else, and who can give that to them? There's a reason civilization oppressed women for thousands of years. They're adult children who need to be disciplined like children for the rest of their lives. You can't look away for ONE second.

Damn, she's cute. Nice catch.

Your brother might not have the most attractive gf, but I bet she's a lot more fun to be around than yours, and that counts for a lot.

I've been on here for so long that even though I've evolved past this phase of my life I'm not ready to leave it all behind.

That's a roach, dude

>implying there are people who dont know anzu

i dont even

>know few legit gamer girls
>they are looking from painfully average to straight up ugly
>single and either don't give a fuck or just accept it for the fact
>always pretend to be guys on internet

Always be aware anons, there is always a chance a guy with whom you erp is a girl.

Fair enough.

Both are wrong.

>Better stop now before she cucks you by fucking chad

>implying that isnt already happening

Good luck sustaining a relationship like that, especially when she's such an imbecile.

Why aren't you a MGTOW yet Sup Forums?

neither, find a normie girl who isn't a moron who thinks that one of the most popular and commonplace hobbies in the world, enjoyed primarily by people in their 20s, is just for kids.


Because I'm not fat.

What's the point when I stopped bothering to pursue women years ago? Why swear off what I can't have anyway?


> MGTOW means you don't fuck women

Fucking pleb

Bitch I'll cut you before my diabetic seizure.