Stop buying Japanese games

Stop buying Japanese games.

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you mean stop buying western games?

Soros is a shapeshifter. Soon he will take over the body of his son to live forever

Fuck off, Moloch. Kek is the way.

Stop being a jew

Y-you g-guys are going to buy more western games, r-right?

Make a Western game worth buying

hi microsoft

Stop supporting isolationism

Hes just old

don't worry dad
jap games are dying
weebs are minority here



I havent played a japanese game since ninja gaiden 2 stopped after trying 3 japan couldnt live up

Fuck off Soros you arse. Nobody wants your bullshit anymore.

Fuck you, you aren't Trump
Next time use a Donald Trump image, op

Just how old are you? Also
>weebs in the minority
>on an imageboard founded to be weeb central
top fucking kek

it's fucking ridiculous how the pedophile ring was literally confirmed and no one talks about it
>shut it down goyim know

follow the money

normies dont care

So what is this thread actually about? Is it really vidya related?

>Implying the current normalfag generation isn't trying to embrace it

Can I get an expedient recap?

merely a (((coincidence)))

Make me

>dedicate your life to generously donating to charitable causes to make the world a better place
>somehow get seen as a bad person

Yeah let's just shuffle our money around until we rot away and die on this rock it's more inclusive and stuff.

top kek

Spreading chaos and division is a charitable cause?

>dedicate your life to generously donating to charitable causes to make the world a better place
>somehow get seen as a bad person

>bitch about Soros non-stop
>don't give a fuck about the Kochs

Dedicate your life to funding professional agitators to instill artificial chaos within nations to make a profit*

His son doesn't fall far from the tree either.

He also generously donated children to sick fucks.

underage kids aren't allowed here

So the alt-right's OK with him now, then?

Go ahead and make me, buster.

Who even is the alt-right?

>Alt right

As much as i disagree with the faggot at least get your facts straight.

Since when does Sup Forums support milo?
literally fake news argument

The hackers on steroids, Sup Forums man.

Anyone who disagrees with the left.

wrong vid, nerd.

how do we fix stupid, Sup Forums

>The most evil man on the planet is a Jew


Take the enchilada pill

worl wo' triple

Trump has been showing more interest in funding for NASA than Obama had, more importantly a manned mission to Mars.

You could try suicide.

people on the right who dont conform to normal republican values, generally those values tend to be quite extreme.

But of course the problem is that description describes disparate groups that are on vaguely the same side but will often disagree on specific issues. Exactly the same problem with describing people as sjws or femenists.

Who /bogpilled/ here?

You're dumb as bricks


modern politics seems almost entirely composed of the "its literally ok with my side does it" arguments

haha well memed fellow teenagers ;)

>Trumpcucks will defend this

>Libshits desperately trying to convince everyone Milo is a pedophile

He's a professional shitposter, if you want him to go away stop reacting to him.

But asking a liberal to stop shitting their pants and tearing out their hair is futile, I realise that.

Bad goyim! Know your place goy animal.

Nah, so far this year I had more fun playing japanese games than with western swjs games.

interest is wonderful, but if he wants to prosecute more wars ("bomb the shit out of them and take out their families" as he said) build a wall, reform healthcare again, and lower taxes then putting more funding to NASA is all but a numerical impossibility regardless of intent

t. pedophile

>disinvited from CPAC and fired from Breitbart

He already went away, and it's because we kept reacting to him.

Stay salty.

You're denying pedophilia. You must be involved with Pizzagate.

The thread that saved Sup Forums

yeah let's just outright refuse to be competitive with each other and stagnate as a species until the sky falls down it's the logical and reasonable stance for smart gamers like me

I read a nick land book that one time I'm a fucking noosphere thought-leader on alt-reddit

What? You're not talking about pizzagate are you? You know that's ridiculous right?

>But asking a liberal to stop shitting their pants and tearing out their hair is futile, I realise that.
so have you been enjoying the constant threads of people triggered by a female black roboitics expert in overwatch? Boy it sure is great that Sup Forums never takes any obvious bait and always stays perfectly cool and collected, never ever getting triggered

Hurry up and die, you evil bastard.

Yeah, you are dumb as bricks.

Banning you, for starters

he did nothing wrong other than losing

Anyone right of Stalin apparently

t. Ben Garrison

lol what the fuck is this

Right now he's generously donating a never-ending diarrhea dump of migrant waste into every first-world country possible until everything is a giant pile of shit.

>You know that's ridiculous right?
t. kike

His son is already trained to take his place, literally nothing will change.

>tfw SorOs lost 1 billion because of Trump

Hmmm criminals use degrees of separation and absurdity to keep the general public out of their business??? Wowee those are some silly and uniformed opinions user. You should read more HuffPo.

>nuh-uh you're dumb
the elevated discourse of the right wing

Liberals hate homos and pedophiles now?

looks like a webm of someone playing the "president reads mean tweets, particularly the one trump sent him and says trump will never be president" at trump's inauguration

>Someone who actually stood up to Western retardation and tyranny is now portrayed as evil
I swear, Clapburgers should just be erased from the face of the earth.

>lels if you dont agree with my you are le kike XD
>i sure do love our secret club where we can be racist teehee, its so edgy and funny

Ben Garrison thread?

>I don't know what they're doing, therefore they must be doing this
seriously man how stupid are you

>makes a non-argument
>gets a non-argument reply
>gets mad
not an argument

>Banning a moron like you is right wing
Ok kiddo.

One step at a time, my man.

Why do humans have this desperate need to see themselves as superior and others as inferior?


do you know anything besides memes
are you a literal teenager

Ben Garrison is not a normal Clapburger.

>le stand up to globalism!!
>country is a shitheap for 50 years

wow he did it what a champ

you want to extrapolate your stance there broski?
how is le one world gay weed communism going to save us

Can I get a rundown?

>Someone who actually stood up to Western retardation and tyranny is now portrayed as evil
And then became that which he fought against, even boicotting his own comrades

This whole thread

How is the 1% owning everything and everyone else becoming homeless going to save us?