Death Stranding will be only a shitty rip-off of this movie

Death Stranding will be only a shitty rip-off of this movie.

Was this film any good? I tried to find a stream of it online and there was only one really poor quality recording from a cinema.

I'm really into space and alien shit, and heard it's meant to be a very good film..l

It was decent, but its like Interstellar, a science fiction films that pretends to be "smart" so the audience feels better about themselves.
I liked it but it was too hype.d

Personally, I loved it. It was a welcome change from the typical alien encounter movie.

like a lot of sci-fi/mystery movies, it builds up to this big conclusion. said conclusion is a major letdown.

Death Stranding will be multiplayer survival.
That's why they weren't planning to have a sequel.
That explains the multiplayer aspect.
That explains open world.
That explains action.
Every player has an umbilical cord etc.

Good buildup, crap payoff. The last ~20 minutes of the movie are an absolute asspull.

I love the "I didn't understand it, so there is no more meaning to it, therefore it's shit" attitude

It's a film about film/film theory. I'm serious. Something something film and the manipulation of how we perceive time something something.

I saw the trailer and expected serious linguistics. Got nothing but linguistic themed quips.

It was okay. I pirated it.

Knowing how Kojima just copycats ideas from movies, might be true

This movie bored me to tears. It took so fucking long to get going I ceased to give a fuck.

Also pretentious as fuck plot.

Not really an asspull. It just tried to do a Usual Suspects type of curveball. Watching the thing having known the twist made me enjoy it a bit more.

You can definitely see it coming if you rewatch the movie, but the issue is that nothing really seems to indicate it if you're going in blind.

>Dude non-linear narrative lmao

We are making you aware of the future and there is nothing you can do to change it
Should have nuke them when we had a chance.

>hating Abbot and Costello

They just wanted to help.

>Implying it's not a shitty rip-off of Angel's Egg

they uses the same fucking font!!!!

It had potential but it reminded me of alike a rom-com. Shit-tier dialog

>Abbott is in death process
get fucked illegal alien, next time learn the language before coming to earth and stealing our jobs

I recommend reading Story of Your Life, the literary source of this movie.

>Kojima is a hack who only knows how to rip shit off
didn't happen before

Nah, it's kinda shit.

Watch Contact instead.

From what I heard, Nolan pretty much required that anything dealing with science in the film agreed with current scientific models, as long as said thing wasn't going into theoretical shit, like the tesseract in the fuckhuge black hole. As far as I know, it did.

>look up spoilers
what a load of horse shit

I thought Kojima said that he was ripping off some book this time?

If Kojima is gonna be inspired by any SF movie - it's gonna be this one.

Project Itoh is the only guy who understood Kojima-philosophy after all.

Thanks for info, will look into his works!


Don't read his books if you're looking for a normal story. It's more like this guy threw all his crazy ideas into a single book about military soldier stuff. But those ideas are all about the same thing that Kojima deals with - like meme control and consciousness etc...

Itoh is probably smarter than Kojima though - too bad he died.

it's ok
all the time I thought the daughter was already born and those segments were flashbacks

>received "the message"
I'm gonna need a quick rundown

That was done on purpose to drive home the point that time becomes just one ring or blob once you understand ayylmao.

It's the best alien movie in a while. Whether you like it or not will heavily depend on how much you like to think during cinema.

It's pretty good, but the scientific elements are a major letdown.

The thing that was surprisingly interesting was Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner's relationship. There was a twist about that that was actually pretty clever. The two of them actually had really great chemistry too.

Not as good as any decent science fiction book but a serious step above what Hollywood typically releases. Worth a watch.

I'm sure Sup Forums will shit on it because everything sucks but it was a good movie.

I just really, REALLY fucking want to be able to use technomancy like that dude from the second trailer.
Having a squad of combat suits with the skelingtons still inside them at your command sounds rad as fuck.

at the beginning of the movie there is a scene with the daughter being dead or something. How could that be when the squids didn't appear yet and she had no contact with their language to become ayyylike. Pretty cheap trick.

>He didn't get the plot-twist when the the mother describes the father as a 'Scientist'

Are you retarded?