>Decided to ERP for the gold on the neo nostr, because 10g on the 10lvl can't hurt, right?
>Feel terrible after
Decided to ERP for the gold on the neo nostr, because 10g on the 10lvl can't hurt, right?
Congrats user, you're a prostitute. An e-prostitute. I don't know if that's better or worse.
Somebody else had a great time. You are helping!
At least you're not a healslut
What's wrong with you?
You just want the emotional stuff that happens after sexual sex like like pillow talk and cuddling.
Fuck off
Healers are manliest role
>Want to ERP
>Find a few outlets, eventually shuffle through the shit and find decent people
>enjoy custom pornography of all my weirdest fetishes whenever
Just need to look harder, user.
How are you able to get over the fact that you're probably chatting away with 34 y/o neckbearded neets? Or is that your fetish?
oh that makes sense then, user
Like what weird stuff user
add weebs from /r9k/ on skype
>be horny teen
>drop out of highschool to ERP all day on Moon Guard
Oh man did I have a lot of fun BC-WotLK
It don't matter.
None of this matters.
Literally who cares?
If it's hot, jerk to it.
Haven't found anyone there into puke and shit.
F-list has a fucking mountain of shitters, but the decent ones make it worth it, imo. Biggest thing is make yourself something you'd want to fuck / fap to instead of some boring self insert. Am I going to prefer to contact JustYourAverage McAnimeAvatar or the person with interesting ideas and an infectious enthusiasm for their favorite kinks?
Significant enough disconnect, I guess. I fap more to the prose than the idea that I'm doing the fucking.
Heavy emphasis on /d/ish stuff with some embarrassing nastier stuff you'd have to go to gurochan or /trash/ for.
Nice, the extreme stuff is decadently entertaining.
If you don't mean gore care to drop an email? I'm desperate.
darknestfantasyerotica used to be my shit
I, in fact, don't mean gore
Sure thing user.
sent, thanks