Thoughts on Brutal Doom?

Thoughts on Brutal Doom?

Doom is the only thing that would have to go back and I don't think that the two sides to be the first half of the year and I don't know how much you mean to you in a while ago but the fact I can get it.


v20 is ok. not the definitive way to play doom like many game journalists say

Doesn't deserve to be more popular than the better gameplay mods.

Never played it. All I know about it is that it puts ADS, jumping and reloading where it doesn't belong, and the creator is a piece of shit who told people to kill themselves.

Not sure whether this or NuDoom is more offensive to the franchise.

It brings an archaic game into the modern era.

Unbalanced. I've only had a decent time with it when I played through Doom 1 and the megawad that was designed for it.

A lot of fluff that doesn't really add anything to the actual game.

Also spawned a shitty vocal minority of people who think that it's the "true" DOOM experience.

You're the most ignorant motherfucker I seen in years.

i like how the creator of this mod drops mods in a year to make a new one.

I'm "ignorant" for thinking Brutal Doom and Nudoom are a disgrace to the Doom IP?

Also, I forgot headshots in that list.

holy shit its a fucking mod.
get a fucking life. you don't have to play it.


Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Yeah, you're a fucking moron

I don't care for it all that much but I don't think it's bad either. People put vanilla Doom on a pedestal too much I'd rather play build engine shooters or id's later games.


It's pretty cool. I can't pretend I know a lot about vanilla Doom beyond playing it as a kid, so I'm not a purist and I probably let a lot of shit slide in it that would annoy a really big Doom fan. It lets me shoot shit with stupid levels of violence at high speed though and that's all I really want

The original Doom on one of the modern engine rebuilds is fine as it is. Brutal Doom seems more for people who have already played vanilla and want something new and modern casual gamers who heard that Doom is cool but the original is just too retro.

Theres some variants that improve updon it with balancing changes and better feeling guns like J's Brutal Doom. My biggest complaint is the animations are too long and reloading breaks the pace of combat.

Are you implying Doom is hardcore? Literally everyone that had basic computer knowledge played it in the '90s and its designed to be playable with just a keyboard. Sure there's map packs like Scythe but those came way later.

I like Project Brutality more

Of course it is. Most people who played Doom when it got released already quit video games as a hobby. People who get into Doom nowadays either grew up with consoles and only later got the opportunity to play it or just got into video games way later.

Not like I blame either of those groups. I have always much sympathy for people who try video games of every age, no matter their experience. The biggest cancer are places like Sup Forums where everyone just plays modern games.

It's real fun as its own game. People get butthurt calling it "not traditional doom" but it's a mod and meant to be a mod. Project Brutality is better than it though in every way.

I really enjoyed the map and the ones before and after this one too. Why does everyone say Doom 2 had shit levels?

geez what an irritating clusterfuck

>mad that a game modification is a modification of the game
i will not stand for this

>People put vanilla Doom on a pedestal too much

This is correct. I think a lot of the later 90's FPS games improved on the formula a lot, I'd much rather play them, hell even some of the early 2000's shooters.

Doom is not hardcore. What's next, commander keen is hardcore too?

Meme propagated by underage doombabbies.

Yeah, Demonsteele is amazing but you can't really compare it to Brutal Doom.

Ignorant retards think it's the definitive "version" of doom because equally retarded e-celebs told them so.

Brutal Doom is shit. Brutal Doom 64, however, is fucking brilliant and everyone should play it.

Fuck off Tom, Commander Keen was never good.

Project msx/Russian overkill > brutal doom.

What's the difference? I've only played Doom 1 and 2 with ZDoom?

Why is Brutal Doom bad but the 64 version is good? Also should I play BD64 instead of Doom64 vanilla?

>Russian overkill + Reelism

Brutal Doom is pretty meh tier.

I personally prefer LCS doom with scaling difficulty. That shit can get so intense.

I think BD64 is the superior and definitive version of Doom 64, but they're both worth playing.

I mainly don't like Brutal Doom because I feel like the iron sights and reloading ruin the pace. BD64 has neither of those.

Oh okay, also how different is BD64 from regular Doom64? I don't want to burn myself out on them as I already burned myself out on Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 plus the Master Levels by marathoning them all in a row.

I'm alternating between Quake 1 and Thief fan missions right now, but looking up BD64 on Youtube it looks really interesting. Is it okay to play just that? The regular Doom64 looks to similar to 1 and 2 which I am still burned out on to feel like playing right now. Otherwise I will just chuck them on the backlog and wait till I feel like playing Doom again.

Gets annoying when i shoot a demon and he wont stop screaming.

DoomRL is definitely my fav doom wad, but guncaster, russian overkill and trailblazer are pretty fun aswel when you want to blow off some steam

That's when you shoot him again to stop the screaming, hence the "brutal".

and I have 50+ hours clocked in Hatred and Postal

>rather play some 2000s shooters

name one faggot.


Douk 3D

splatter of gore is least brutal thing you could show to a man

Return to Castle Wolfenstien, Republic Commando, FEAR, Battlefront 2, Jedi Outcast, MOH Allied Assault and it's excellent expansion packs, No One Lives Forever, Max Payne 2, Red Orchestra, Far Cry 1, COD United Offensive, Brothers in Arms, just to name a few.

>Shadow Warrior

What's the verdict?

>this word salad
Time to take your meds schizo

if Blood didn't scale enemies HP it would be an easy choice

Not him but Tribes 2, Elite Force, Soldier of Fortune, RtCW, NOLF1, various HL1 mods like TS, firearms, NS, AHL, and AvP2.

Shadow Warrior>Blood>Duke

Shadow Warrior>Doom=Blood>Duke>Hexen

This is final.

>Pistol-starting Doom 1 with D4D
>Get to E4M2
>Pinkies jump over the starting gap.

Why do so many people dislike Hexen? I thought it was considered a classic game until I started actually visiting these old school FPS threads only to see people shitting on it or putting it in last all the time. Is it worth playing?

Also I played Shadow Warrior and liked it but from what I gathered everyone says it's the worst of the big 3 build engine games. I liked it but it was inconsistent quality. When it was good it was god tier, but when it was bad it was really formulaic and uninspired.

>tfw just recently found out that 3DRealms developed Max Payne first but sold it off to further development on DNF.

toppest keks

It's fun but its not like Doom and more like a dungeon crawler FPS so people (subhumans) rare it lower. And I totally agree about Shadow Warrior. You need to keep in mind Sup Forums has shit taste whenever reading tier lists.


How did this and Blood happen? Apparently 3DRealms started both of them, and then sold the idea off to at the time random unknown devs? Why would Remedy and Monolith buy an idea or a concept of another dev team instead of doing their own thing? At most they got a few assets out of it and basic design ideas. Or was there a publishing deal involved, you make this game for us we fund you and publish it for you? Basically they were contracted out?

Most of Blood is done by Monolith anyways. The reverse engineered the build engine because they weren't happy with it which is why we still don't have an accurate source port of blood.

Quake is still better


If you like it then good for you, really. But claiming it's the natural progression of Doom is fucking stupid.

I don't dislike it, but it's obviously flawed. Same with Hexen II which is even worse.


What's wrong with Hexen 2? Also may as well ask what's wrong with Heretic 2 as well.

He probably got lost on the egypt levels lmao.

Retards always existed and always had to force their shit opinions onto everyone. This excellent mod has no responsibility over that.

Newfag here. I only played (and LOVED) Doom

Does Exhumed belong among these ? If yes, how should it be rated and if no, why not ?

>they added "STAMINA" for sprinting and kicking in a December 2016 patch of BD64
Annoying as fuck in a FUCKING DOOM GAME.

If you ask Sup Forums why you should still be playing Doom in 2017, they'll say you can mod the game any way you like. If you ask why you shouldn't play BD, it's because vanilla Doom is fine as it is.

If you ask Sup Forums why you shouldn't play BD, they'll tell you that SgtMarkIV told someone to kill himself. If you tell Sup Forums you want to play Brutal Doom, they'll say kys.

impressive rhetoric, dude. next you'll get mad at an elder scrolls thread when they tell you to not install bad mods

Maybe you should kys,

Literally a Doom for Gen Z. Lots of useless retarded mechanics that shouldn't even be in FPS. Surprised that they didn't add microtransactions yet.

is there a "Brutal Blood" mod that makes Blood playable with mouse & keyboard?? I got blood off of steam but no way in hell am I playing it with just keyboard



>brutal doom anything more than a meme

Yeah I recommend not being retarded because blood natively supports mouse and keyboard. BMOUSE.exe makes mouselook feel more like 3D games of the time.

why the fuck do people even talk about brutal doom when project brutality exists and is basically improvements on all fronts when compared

Dude, get help.

It's great.

I know people who hate it because they hate the dev

Because Doom 2 has too many mediocre or bad maps compared to the few good ones. Probably the maps that qualify as good or great would be:
>Tricks and Traps
>'O' of Destruction/Circle of Death
>Industrial Zone
>The Abandoned Mines
>The Spirit World
>The Living End
While some of the bad or awful ones are:
>The Factory
>Downtown (one of THE worst official maps)
>The Courtyard
>Barrels O' Fun
>The Chasm (another one of THE worst official maps)
And then the rest of the maps are generally just rather mediocre in quality or not fun to play, or just come out average. Compared to Doom 1, Doom 2 just falls short in level design, likely because Sandy just burned out too much and Romero wasn't making enough levels himself. You have a couple of good levels sprinkled in the early and mid game, but the mid game is littered with bad and mediocre levels, and then the end game is fronted by bad or mediocre levels before getting to some of the better levels at the very end of the game. It's not to say that Doom 2 is a bad game, it just falls short in comparison to the others because good level design is really important to a game like Doom.

When is Shihong going to be fixed
>Sprite isn't done (meh)
>Needs a way to dump shotgun ammo quicker. Its my main wep most of the time and I still never go under 60%-70% ammo
>Punching straight up inferior to lightsaber, even when unarmed
>Ragesphere doesnt affect kick or melee specials
>movement mode has no worthwhile specials besides invis. Would be fine if changing modes didn't take ages to do, so you end up just sticking in either gun or melee style instead of switching between them. This in particular enforces a much slower style of play than Hae-Lin since Shihong cant adapt to new situations as fast.
>More of a personal gripe: Forward melee special and back melee special are both high-damage single target attacks. There never seems to be a reason use the back one over the front since the front launches. I'd make the haymaker either launch enemies or make it a dash attack like Hae-Lin's front special

Exhumed is a great game, I have it for PS1 and love it
for rating vise, I would say it's up to Duke level

Blood > Doom 2 > Duke = Shadow Warrior > Exhumed > Doom > Hexen

do not buy the PC version of Exhumed, it's way worse then the console versions
I think there was some kind of Exhumed HD release for PC some time ago

>When is Shihong going to be fixed



You admit that you never played it.

pretty fun

did this guy just have a stronk in front of us?

Most memorable megawad?

Post Doom wads. Some eat ones not on the list are
>Dead.Air and Dead.Wire
>Chainworm Kommando.

I need to update that list. It's been a little over half a year.

We do, some good shit has come out, but I'm too lazy to do it today.

Plutonia 2.

I play Doom 1 or 2 almost everyday (great for watching a show and playing at the same time).
Brutal Doom is fun, and can have interesting results when combined with WADs that weren't designed with it in mind.
The new weapons and demons it adds change the feel of the game drastically to something more challenging and frantic.

It's not "the best doom", but it's a very well crafted alternative playstyle that definitely livens things up for someone who has been playing Doom since it was released.