Have you tried the most recent UBISOFT GAME® yet? Its everything you have ever wanted from UBISOFT GAME® and much...

Have you tried the most recent UBISOFT GAME® yet? Its everything you have ever wanted from UBISOFT GAME® and much, much more.

I had such hopes for this one

That as a counterpart to The Division with it's retarded loot drops and sponge enemies they would have set this up as a nice slowpaced tacticool, stealthily dropping bodies in tandem with some buddies

Instead it's just the worst parts of all their already shit games combined

This UBISOFT GAME® is 90% of driving with horrible handling

It was a sad day when i find out how bad this was

The lightning and shadows seriously makes the game look bad. I also get fucking weird rendering errors where everything suddenly turns off and then loads again.

Easily one of the worst games I've ever played

Who the fuck playtested the vehicles in this games?
It's like driving a jeep in battlefield 4 but worse.

you must be 18+ in order to post lad

>get into helicopter
>go up
>and forward, please
>lol no, one thing at a time goy
>stop rising and go forward
>about to hit a mountain
>go up, please
>stop the fucking helicopter and go up then

thats an insult to bf4
at least in that game you only have to drive it for few seconds, or do some very fun jihad jeeping
this one is straight out garbage

it feels like a shittier version of MGSV

>flying a helicopter
>cant look downward

why even

if you don't think this game is awesome youre an underage cuck

>>go up, please
>>stop the fucking helicopter and go up then

you were right until about here, this is normal for helicopters, the propeller gives lift unless you angle the chopper downwards to make it go forward

you dont understand physics, every chopper in every game, and choppers in real life, all behave like this


I'm unironically enjoying the beta, sure the vehicles are terrible for a number of reasons but I get hard whenever I play games with leveling and character customization

You forgot

> okay i'm finally over the mountain, i'd like to nose dive down the slope and gain back the momentum you stole from me
> lol pour que, stay at the same altitude and awkwardly rock bck and forth at 2mph

Has nobody else at Ubisoft even played another game with helicopters in it? Fuckìng EDF has more intuitive helicopter controls (except EDF is actually a good game).

Driving is ass, rest is pretty comfy.
Going stealth and planning an attack on a location with the AI bro-ops is pretty neat.

If they fix the driving might pick it up on sale.

>Its everything you have ever wanted from UBISOFT GAME® and much, much more
A good game?

>try to jump off a cliff in a bike
>character falls off the bike and goes into a static dying animation while losing all forward speed
>plummets directly down
i have seen higher effort in gta 4 which came out in FUCKING 2008


these controls are very intuitive and easy to learn, thats the fucking problem, they're dumbed down so you cant do any real maneuvers

GTA V has better flight controls for people who arent completely retarded, but then again apparently most people are

>got an enemy with sub machine guns
I can't be the only person who noticed this and it's annoying the everliving fuck out of me.

the problem with this game is that you can't continue your forward momentum while gaining altitude
it forces the chopper to pull up like you're coming to a complete halt if you want to go higher

>implying the heli physics are realistic, let alone playable

Wildlands has possibly the worst heli physics I've ever seen in a game. Its so unresponsive and chaotic it feels like your keyboard/controller isnt even plugged in. You cant even pitch your nose down, you just sort of make the helicopter go forwards as if it's a ground vehicle and sometimes it'll vaugley do what you want it to.

Some of them do carry 2 MAC-10's or whatever they're called.

>can't customize AI squad mates
For what purpose?

Well shit, I didn't notice that. Thought it was just badly written.

Yes, it runs like shit at 2160p even with 1080 SLI and didn't seem interesting enough for me to get over that fact.

I hoped this would be an improved multiplayer version of it.


Is it me or do none of the graphics options make any difference? Most of the settings I can max without even getting close to filling the card memory, but even with ultra textures (which the game says puts me over budget) my frame rate is identical to lower settings (which are all fucking trash).

This game has bo excuse to run this poorly.

Also whats up with the hillariously awful static gun flash sprites?

its literally about exactly as shitty as the jet controls in just cause 2

i dont know why you guys are acting like this is the first game to casualize flying

Because everyone would change the nigger to a white guy.

>Wanna shitpost about how bad this game is
>Haven't played it yet
>Open beta right now
>If i play it i might find something i can shit on 100%
>Don't wanna play it
Shitposters dilemma

ultra only fills up my vram by 2/3rds, but i have a 6gb 1060

also i get almost constant 60fps at 1080p on like medium/high

and the game looks completely different from low to ultra, its actually a way bigger difference than most, looks like a ps2 game on low, looks better than just about any other game ever on ultra

>machine guns spray all over the place after 5 shots and can't hit the broad side of a barn
So much for being a realistic, tactical game.

I've got the meme card unfortunately, but even then with maxed everything and high textures I only hit 3gb (so I'm not hitting the 3.5gb meme limit according to the game, and the oerformance is no different even if I increase or decrease the texture quality.

>those fucking turrets
It's fucking absurd, literally no reason to use a mounted machine gun over your AR.

i swore this game was using at least 4gb vram on ultra doe mayne

>all these cucks shitposting for a beta
>not knowing what a beta is

I was talking about the LMGs but you're still right. I just want to be a bearded, tank-top wearing oper8r with an M249 but they handle like ass.

Exactly my reason for confusion. Theres literally no difference in framerate for me whether I'm using low settings or using settings my card shouldnt even be able to handle.

What did yall find on the outskirts of the map of Montuyoc?

>T-theyll fix it
>2 weeks before release
>Ubisoft fixing things ever (read: rainbow 6 blitz and ash hitboxes)

>not knowing what a beta is

You mean a glorified limited access demo with a convenient excuse for being hot garbage despite the fact it releases in about two weeks?

Cos thats what a "beta" is these days and has been for years.

mixed feels about this. I've played every GR so i feel a little obligated to give it a shot, but everything i've read about the beta makes me super skeptical. Will try the open beta tonight and see what it's like!

Tried the beta, it suffers from the same problems every other ubisoft game that uses open world.

Play Siege or For Honor. The teams behind those actually fucking care about the product IMO

It feels like a worse version of JC3, and that's getting multiplayer anyway, so what's the point?

Good question

>helicopter rotors don't shred the flamingos on the salt lake

I can't even start the damn game, I always get to the "Coop/etc is unlocked after intro movie mission", and when the game tries to load said mission, it crashes

Why is higher magnification on your binoculars an unlockable skill? This game is fucking retarded

>floaty driving
>Terrible downgraded graphics
>Controls worse than MGS5
>terrible empty map
>glitchy mess

Yup, it's Jewbisoft alright.

The only good games from Ubisoft were Far Cry 3-4, Ass Creed 1-brotherhood and Rainbow Six Siege, and even then they suffer from terrible lag

Something feels really off about this game, like not how it plays more like how it handles, feels like I'm playing crackdown.

Really loving how you can't use the rudder on planes in flight but you can use it to taxi on the ground, so you have to haul the entire plane around to turn, Just Cause 2 style.

me too, the controls/interactions just don't feel tight

Can you disable all of the markers and shit?

The game looks good but everything is displayed witth markers everywhere. I hate this shit, it ruins emersion.

Do the bullets seem slow as fuck for anyone else?
It feels like I am shooting airsoft rounds.

a demo, full game will be the same with minor bug fixes and the rest of its content.

>literally about exactly
Fuck man

I really, really like the game for co-op fucking around. However it will get boring very, very fast.
There's not enough different things to do and it doesn't have the mmorpg elements worked out like quests and stuff that would make it better.

I have the same feeling...I like it tho, makes it feel so much better when you see it dragging through the air and drop on your enemy.

You can. The hud options are pretty decent. Not Horizon Zero Dawn level, but you can pick and choose just about every element.

This game is basically, what if Call of Duty developers tried to make Metal Gear Solid V.


The game sounds more appealing now.

They are slow as fuck and have huge drop. Most likely to show how "cool" the tracers look.

Did you play the closed beta?

Is there more content in the open one?

Literally a worse MGS V with brain dead AI

so its pretty much skinned the division? pathetic

What is the point of this game, I don't mean it in a demeaning way, I just can't figure out what the fuck thegame is. It's like a single player game with some coop elements, so why is there a "Beta". If it's like division, than what is the end game. I'm just so confused, it's like a bastard Just Cause mixed with Farcry, in 3rd person and autistic gun customization and bad AI and wierd coop

Pretty much. The game is driving to a compund, killing couple guys, killing/destroying/interrogating a guy/thing and then spending 5 minutes finding resources in the base and then driving to the next one.

The division: MGS lite edition

No thanks.

They honestly have two guns. I don't know why they just do

It's nothing like The Division, it's just third person Far Cry with co-op.

Meh, I played the tech test like 3 months ago, it was shit then, played the beta yesterday, it's still shit.
Still just as clunky, still just as boring, still just as generic, still runs like trash.
I also found it hilarious when I drove a motorbike off a cliff, landed, and literally went flying a good 100 meters.
Pic related.

he's right though faggot stop nitpicking

the point is JC 3 sucks too

pretty fucking bad

that said I'll pick it up when its like £20 to play with 3 other m8s, thats the only way it'll be worth it

Honestly I had tossed the idea of ever playing this from my mind, but I spent 4 hours with two buddies last night dicking around doing nothing in general and it was a blast. These are 2 dudes that I had to babysit mind you, hadnt really played much in a decade.

It's a gem if you've got a crew, it's absolutely pointless to play alone. You will be bored 3 hours in once you've done the core loop of the game for the 100th time.

That being said, my favorite moment was when we all packed into an suv, me in the trunk. My buddy drove us up a mountain and dropped off our passenger to spot and snipe, and he drove off the cliff and dove out before flying off. I stayed in the trunk until I hit the ground, popped up out with my rifle and took out 4 guys before I ever climbed out.

>It's a gem if you've got a crew, it's absolutely pointless to play alone. You will be bored 3 hours in once you've done the core loop of the game for the 100th time.
So it's literally the division all over again

>anyone who disagrees with me is underage

How come nobody ha said anything about how if you rapidly click to fire instead of holding done left mouse you will shoot 2 bullets at once and empty your mag super fast?

It comes out in 2 weeks, this isn't a beta.

ubisoft does this thing where they release a game without any significant amount of content in it, and then also sell a season pass that fails to add in any significant amount of content.

fucking retarded cocksuckers continue to buy it. so they do it again.

I actually enjoyed the division quite a bit alone. It had a certain lonesomeness to it I enjoyed.

This game is 3rd person farcry 3/4 with a Just Cause sized map. Sprinkle in the tinniest bit of arcadey realism from something like battlefield 3/4. I can't really say that it FEELS like The Division, but you definitely can't deny that The Division was just a jumping off point for this series.

In a bad way? Because MGSV controls amazing.

The Division was absolute unadulterated dog shit, so if that is the jumping off point, no thanks.

I don't like the controls but I have yet to really play the game. It's impossible to play stealthily with randoms who are driving around guns blazing or in a fucking APC just rolling into bases.

remember all that shit they fixed after the 2 for honor betas?
me neither

>can lie on your back like MGS5
>try to move and your character suddenly flips into crawling on his front

as soon as I saw that I knew this game would be a shitshow

only cool thing is going in the trunk of a car

>I can't really say that it FEELS like The Division
I'd say it does considering they've recycled weapons and animations from it.

The game tries to copy the controls of MGSV, but fails miserably. They are unresponsive and some actions use the same button. Like Z changes firing mode when aiming and otherwise brings out your drone with lenghty animation.


aaand /thread

I hate how the PC talks to himself like in some E3 promo gameplay video.

The shooting is only similar to Division in that it can be done from the third person. This isn't the game where you lock into cover and shoot a rando thug in a sweatshirt 400 times before he goes down. This is gonna sound strange but I REALLY appreciate how long some of the reload animations are, especially the sniper rifles.


the division had a beautiful world though, i should go back and finish it

I heard they fixed meleeing Mira's windows through the other side.

You're literally lying here. The drone takes no more than 1/1 1/2 seconds from pressing the button to controlling it. Your character literally puts their hand up and it goes.

Spot the Shill

>shooting in third person

You're all fucking plebs that played the Division that's why you think its so similar. Stop playing shit games for once and maybe you won't be so bitter. Just Cause has always been mediocre too.