Call me faggot for watching him, but fuck me if this isn't savage.
Call me faggot for watching him, but fuck me if this isn't savage
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a faggot
The only way PDP redeems himself is if he literally starts the Holocaust.
Thank you
He's gonna start it alright, i mean he's already got that superior aryan master race looks going on
Pewdiepie is redpilled af
Saying "af" is blue pilled
I'm offended at something, I'm sure of it
fug boh
The red pill is a suppository.
Anyone who insults The Based Ones deserves whatever comes their way.
This whole recent fiasco has actually made me a fan of Pewdiepie. I watched the original video and laughed my ass off. People really need to just get over the joke. If Louis CK had made a joke like that, no one would have cared.
Here I was thinking Pewdiepie still did shitty let's plays where he screams like a girl and every other word is "rape."
If you're with /vpol/, you have to defend Pewdiepie.
What this thread reminds me of:
Savage? If you want to sound like a 12 year old edgelord than sure.
Also enjoy your 3 day ban.
Is WSJ gonna get sued or is pewds too much of a pussy to sue them?
oh why coz you´re the adoring neonazis he mentioned once in the channel?
bunch of sticks
Nothing to do with video games
Before i get ban, can you explain what rules do i broke for starting thread discussion about the most famous LP-er on youtube?
More videogames than these LOL and clickbait off-topic thread
You already saw the answer when you tagged the second guy. I've been banned for talking about youtubers no matter how much they are involved in vidya. There needs to be a different board for it or at leas allow it.
Take these 3 days and make something of yourself. You're the only one of us who can now.
Not only a faggot, I also doubt you're older than 14
shit is getting hot af
Is there any e-celeb that completely sticks to their own content and not to fuck with politics?
Louis CK is a comedian for adults.
Pisspie is an eceleb for children.
fuck off e-celeb cuck this isn't vidya
This. Brainwashing children with nazi propaganda is not okay.
Never watched any of his videos before this shitstorm and aside from that response one I doubt I will in the future but he seems like an alright guy that just happens to pander to an obnoxious fanbase made up of children since that's how you get youtubebux.
Pewdiepie hate will not be tolerated in this thread.
I am tracing your IP adresses as we shitpost.
He's popular with kids because he has "mature" (Family Guy) tier humor when he's not freaking out at bad horror games.
all kids watch South Park and it has made numerous nazi jokes
doubt the kids are turning to little hitlers because of an eceleb
How do we stop Sup Forumsdiepie from redpilling the next generation, Hilbros?
It actually is, you filthy jew.
I just hope he starts soon.
But telling children that they can transition into the other sex because "feelings" is fine?
I'd rather my child grow into a healthy Nazi than a Frankenstein gender studies monster.
>mfw veterans who fought the nazis get to see retarded edgy teenagers think nazis are cool
Any energy put in the wrong place is time and energy wasted, you don't even know the meaning of brainwashing anymore. The Nazis will make a comeback, but it wont be because of pewdiepie, it will be because of your incompetence to recognize the true enemies.
Either way brace for impact, because after the sandniggers they are coming for your jew ass.
it's not a new thing
even back then US had people that thought Nazis were cool but it was more underground after US entered the war
veterans who fought the nazis dont exist anymore
If you're a good parent your child should be neither. Retard. Just because one thing is bad doesn't mean another thing isn't. Like holy shit, you are dumb.
>Louis "the cuck" CK is a comedian for cucks
Eat two spoonfuls of shit, fagtasmo.
Or you know, just an impartial faggot who is tired of watching the cucksquad cry about pewdiepie while the nazis don't have to do shit because there are no viable alternatives to nationalist political parties since they're the only ones discussing actual issues and not crying "pewdiepie missgendered me UWAWH"