Playstation is dying

>Playstation is dying
What do we do sonybros?

>that pic

And Sup Forums says the shitposting doesnt come from yuropoors, go back to fuck your goats Ahmed

This! Sup Forums is a board for WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICANS ONLY! You have to go back MAGA

>Implying being gangfucked by trump and putin is not worse

>Best selling current gen console by a mile
Sony is fucked.

t. nu-male libcuck

t. fat inbred american

>What do we do sonybros?


Hispanics aren't white, there are no whites in america.

Pointless to do this now OP, its the sonygger hours right now.

>sonygger hours
>catalog full of Zelda shill threads and threads shitting on the ps4/Horizon
What did he mean by this?

>PC games had a greater decline in the same time frame.

Gee, with your own argument I guess PC games are also dying

It still stays above the playstation.


if you identify as a sony bro you should actually kill yourself.


Top kek at WiiU.


>eastern europe, russia, 3rd world latin american countries
why am I not surprised?

>why am I not surprised?
Without those "PC gaming" wouldn't even exist anymore.

>He says this while eastern europe, russia, 3rd world latin american countries go on console because they can't afford a PC


Everyones already got one thats why.


Why Europeans have such great taste?

Did you even look at the graphic?

But Trump is already in power, why isn't America great again?

For starter, use a real language.

>not a real language

more real than languages spoken by dirty slavs or world destroyers.

They fell for the MAGA campaign by that reality tv-star/ corporate scum.

Loving every laugh.


>Russia wants HL3 the most

It's a work in progress.

You don't build a wall in a single month.

What's your point here? Why are you comparing Steam who been around since 2003 to three and half year old console? is it because you're retarded and biased? it's pretty obvious that Steam always have a larger well established user, Everyone knows that, you Mongoloid

PC gaming is a joke at the moment and people are finally realizing that running multiplats at the highest res isnt worth missing out on games like bloodborne, nioh, horizon, yakuza, final fantasy etc. Especially when they realize console plebs are playing multiplats too albiet at lower settings.

PC gaming is dead, there's no games on it at all becies indie stuff lmfao

speak AMERICAN you gommie

>isnt worth missing out on games like bloodborne, nioh, horizon, yakuza, final fantasy etc.
Then why aren't sonyggers playing them?

I am though, I bought bloodborne, tlg, nioh and yakuza and ffxv too while you play indie games on a dead platform with no games LOL

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

It already is greater than any day under Obama/Bush W/Clinton/Bush senior and it will be better than under Reagan any day now I think. Pedos and criminals getting the rope. Americans getting jobs and econ back. What a time to be alive.


Shut up spic

How's Civ and Total war running on your PS4?

Also show me your sollection of PS4 "games"

What the fuck are you talking about? Bloodborne sold only 2~ million copies.
Only 1/26 of all PS4 owners have this game.

>How's Civ and Total war running on your PS4?

Running fine on my $200 PC LOL

I bought Bloodborne and the Old Hunters expansion, and TLG, and Yakuza and FFXV. They were really great games. I bought Nioh too

PCuck, they run on my 2013 laptop just fine. Mad?

At 20fps maybe

You still haven't shown me your collection of PS4 "games"

>implying you were even alive when reagan was president
Who am I kidding
>implying you were even alive when clinton was president


Civ is 45-60, Attila is same on medium. I get to play all the best PC stuff AND console exclusives. Meanwhile, your GOTY are indie games that can run on a fucking smartphone.

You're right. I wasn't alive when Reagan was president. I was born just after Bush senior was sworn in. I would have gone back further to juxtapose how Trump is superior to even earlier presidents (carter especially) but I wasn't around then.

Yet you can't get anything that looks better than this

>world destroyers
What did he mean by this?

Yeah, cool graphics, dude! Too bad I enjoy playing actual games. Good visuals are just a nice bonus.

But whatever, I am probably arguing with an insecure underage, who can access only PC games, since his parents bought him one "for study purpose only".

PS4 has no games, what the fuck are you going to play?

I'd play on console if every game had a 60fps mode and every shooter let you use m+kb. (Yes I know there are m+kb adapters but they're expensive and most games still have tons of acceleration making it less fun to play)

>PS4 as no games
>PCfags always beg for them

Really turns those cogs

I have never even signed one of those petitions

Aside from that, they have negligible numbers of signatures