What are some dead genres that you wish were less dead?

What are some dead genres that you wish were less dead?

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Rail Shooter


Double Dragon IV came out last month and River City Ransom Underground comes out next week.

No genre is dead. Stop misusing this word Sup Forums, the hyperbole is killing the board.

It's okay though, Double Dragon IV brought it back.


Does it hurt being this much of a pedantic autist? It should.


I seriously would pay an absurd amount of money for a proper wrestling game not made by Yuke's.

Still don't understand why did they used nes style graphics. Instead of arcade style. Makes no sense and is just lazy.

I love having every thread start with "This is the worst game EVER" and "Name a better x game, Protip you can't". Really elevates the public dialogue. Better kill myself, etc, since I'm a cuckold/nigger.

It's cheap + It gives people nostalgia.

Another Def Jam game would be neat, too, but all the rappers would be shit. Def Jam Sissy would be no bueno.

single-player open world post-apocalyptic first person rpgs, that's not fallout

Vehicular combat.

What SPRG series are there still going on that aren't Fire Emblem?

Arena shooters, or "FPS games that aren't fucking garbage."

I hate having to put up with the sluggish boredom of crap like Overwatch.

Chucklefish is making an Advance Wars clone.
The FTL devs are making a Tactical RPG.

There's a bunch of Quake clones that crop up, just play one even if it's not massively popular.

It would just be the A$AP Mob and the Odd Future guys flexing their Supreme pieces at each other.

Fighting games

RRRU is finally coming out?

About fucking time.

>River City Ransom Underground comes out next week.


Wouldn't class XCom as an SRPG and I've never been a fan of Advance Wars but the last game seems interesting

>Arcade Beat'em ups
Damn I want play them again. What's the best MAME for this?

Anything in this pic

Thanks doc

>Rail Shooter

The only reason I got a Wii was for the rail shooters

That garbage doesn't pertain to something being a dead genre. Just because one good game comes out in a decade doesn't mean a genre is revived. It just means that one good came out in a decade.

Next you are going to tell me the text-only adventure game is not dead because some indie developer made one within the new century.

whats source of this?

I'd like to see some more original Resident Evil-style survival horror games again. Not this hide and seek kind of shit, but the scavenge ammo and supplies and pick and choose your battles kind of shit.

Non-bullet hell shooters

>post contents

Here, have a meme older than you.

Mecha fighters. Especially 1v1 mecha fighters. Doesn't have to even actually be mecha, just has to play like it.

What do you mean? It's the new Double Dragon game, Double Dragon IV

Platformers and racing are not dead, user.

MAME is the emulator... but actually you can play them and other old console games online. up to playstation. the newer consoles don't run very well. if you do want MAME, just download it and the roms. should be pretty self-explanatory w/ google.

>tfw no more Final Fight games

I've tried a bunch of times but I could never really get it. I'll try again. It gets a little confusing with the whole CHD's.

Maybe he means arcade racers

>Yakuza 0
>Yakuza Kiwami coming out soon
> New river city ransom
>Sleeping dogs

Beat them all are still alive famalam

um no it isn't. I have the official Double Dragon IV that was released recently. this looks like a fan game.

There are rumors a new firepro game is going to come out soon

Thats it. I am sick of the attempts to outlicense the other genre in a penis measuring contest.

This isnt helped with Porsche spreading their legs now that EA license expired

just use this instead if you still have trouble.

Dungeon Crawlers
The only game worth mentioning since Dungeon Master was Legend of Grimrock

Action Platformers are alive? How? Where?
Last relevant release was a new Strider in like 2014.

wouldn't mind more games like phantasy star online.

So we came from this youtu.be/2faFoT9bk5I
to a fucking kunio game and you're telling the genre is somehow alive?

Yakuza 0 is pretty much a 3d beat em up whether you like it or not.

final fight 3 is shit though

Not him, but Monster Boy getting a remake is pretty good

What killed beat 'em-ups?


not making a reliable transition to 3D outside of Yakuza and arguably DMC styled games, and basically all playing the exact same as final fight and streets of rage with gimmicks added

There are two sequels to Double Dragon 3, Super Double Dragon(1992) which most people called Double Dragon IV and 'Double Dragon IV'(2017) came out. Now lurk the fuck more and educate yourself.

The Dark Spire and Mary Skelter, yo

That's not Super Double Dragon, you fuckface.

This so much
Crisis zone i miss you so much

>not playing street of rage remake

>street of rage
Remake was shit anyway

Why remix a tune just to make it inferior?

kinda picked a bad example. Here is Go Straight: youtube.com/watch?v=JWBf7Ncd8UE


THIS is a proper remix.

>ctrl+f "stealth"
>0 replies
Fuck you Sup Forums. All I have now are Thief fan missions. Actually I still haven't beaten Hitman Contracts so there's that I guess.

Remove the stick out of your ass and play Etrian Odyssey.

I respectfully disagree with you. The instruments sound really muffled actually. It's not terrible, but it feels....lazy and lacks any sort of punch.

>and basically all playing the exact same as final fight and streets of rage with gimmicks added
t. retard who knows nothing about the genre

good games

Alright show me the magic "Not streets of rage with maybe dashing beatemups"

>new Panzer Dragoon NEVER EVER
Also, Sin & Punishment 2 was the last great rail shmup.

do your fucking homework, there is no reason to be this uneducated when emulators exist

Shitty collectathons.

It's a BOR mod called Enter the Double Dragon.

Don't worry, Yooka Laylee and A Hat in Time are coming out soon.

I do play emulated games, faggot.

Most of them play the exact fucking same, and denying it and pretending there's hundreds of creative beatemups is ridiculous

Oh shit. I heard about Hat in Time a couple years ago, but I thought it was just gonna die in development. Is there a release date yet?

The romance simulation genre is so dead that people these days don't even know there's a difference between a sim and a novel.

monster world games are action-rpg's though

3D graphics killed gaming

The official reason is that the NES versions were the most widely played versions of the games and since the series never really had a consistent art style, they modeled it after the second NES game since that was most popular game on consoles and used the same boxart for every region.

While that seems like a sensible excuse at face value, it's much more likely that the NES style is just much easier to ape than the arcade version's original art style and DD4 seems like a game that was churned out in a few months. It's not like the two arcade Double Dragon games were obscure back in their day or anything.

It's still an action platformer ish hybrid


Play Mother Russia Bleeds


it's shit

nothing quite like it nowadays

It was okay. Lots of questionable design decisions, really bad writing (It doesn't even change based on which character you play?)

Curious decision to give you a move that throws enemies behind you instead of fixing the game's problem of throwing enemies off screen and slowing the game to a crawl.

>S&P2 in 2 years will be 10 years old

where the fuck does the time go?

DDIV is shit tho, and so is RCRU

Fighting games. It's really easy to look at 2016 and 2017 and think "wow, a lot of fighting games are coming out," but in reality there aren't that many. Every major company while have two or less fighting games published/supported by the end of this year:

>Capcom: MvCi & SFV
>Namco: Tekken 7 RIP Soul Calibur
>Nintendo: Smash 4 and Melee
>Microsoft: KI
>NRS: MKXL and Injustice 2

I'd like to say Aksys too, but I forgot when Dengenki Bunko and Nitro+ Blasterz came out. If not recently, then include them too for GGXrd and BB. I just want more fighting games in general.

I honestly enjoyed it. Fun and challenging but it's true I've never been that much into brawlers so can't compare with many other games.

That's quite a large amount though, compared to tons of different genres it's still getting wide support, not even MOBA garbage has that much variety

It honestly seemed better single player or two player than 3-4 players, which is odd

Hack and Slash/Character Action

>No genre is dead.
How does it feel being retarded? A genre is dead once it stops being a genre, it doesn't matter if there is a game coming out for it every now and then, especially if that game is IN RESPONSE to the genre being dead. See Yooka-Laylee

On that note:
3D platformers are basically dead. Nintendo usually shits one out once a console lifetime, and that's basically it outside the indie scene.

3D fighting games that actually use the 3rd dimension as something more than an aesthetic. Tekken barley counts and Soul Cal died on a sour note I think, but there used to be a dozen+ games like this and they're fucking long gone.

Vehicular combat games.

>you've never heard of indie games.

>River City Ransom Underground is going to get bad reviews because journalists suck at beat em ups
>people will listen

>3D platformers are basically dead. Nintendo usually shits one out once a console lifetime, and that's basically it outside the indie scene.

>what is Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
>what is Ratchet & Clank PS4
>what is Knack

the screenshot is neither Super Double Dragon nor Double Dragon IV(2017). SO I ASK ONCE AGAIN. source?

Collectathons like Mario 64 and Banjo

Here's to Yooka Laylee

>what is Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
Remakes made because people miss 3D platformers
>what is Knack

>what is Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
A remaster.
>what is Ratchet & Clank PS4
An unworthy remake/cash-in of a 14 year old game. Also a TPS hybrid.
>What is Knack
Not good.

Armored Warriors plays nothing like Final Fight
Knights of the Round plays nothing like Final Fight
D&D plays nothing like Final Fight
Shadow Force play nothing like Final Fight

You are an uneducated piece of shit, even Capcom games themselves have different gameplay styles