So I wanna buy this but I heard many bad things about it
ITT post things that MGSV did right so I can look forward to the game
So I wanna buy this but I heard many bad things about it
ITT post things that MGSV did right so I can look forward to the game
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The first 20 - 30 hours of MGSV are amazing. But the final act makes you hate the game. I don't think I ever want to replay the beginning chapters just because I hate the end so much.
What end?
I have no idea how they got away with releasing it unfinished
The first hours will be the best of your life.
Late game sucks horsedick for days.
Multiplayer (FOB and MGO) is cancer.
Grab yourself the Infinite Heaven mod and make the game a comfy desert stealth game
The vanilla game is just not fun to play and the way it progresses leaves you bullshit OP a few hours in
With just one mod it basically becomes the most exciting stealth game this decade
It'll be fine if you haven't hyped yourself up with the trailers.
Best gameplay in the series by FAR. Looks fantastic. Great atmosphere. Lots to explore and do.
Just remember to play Ground Zeroes first.
Also, turn off reflex mode and aim to use every weapon at least once.
It's a wonderful game and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it to the end, but the ending was so maddening I uninstalled it and have never looked back. I literally never want to play it again.
Wasnt it the same ending as MGS2?
Don't play dumb, the game has an end and it's not very good, but it's still the ending the game was always planned to have.
>it's still the ending the game was always planned to have
this is factually incorrect
Gameplay is absolutely great, the controls are fluid and generally every game mechanic has been polished to perfection. No bugs, and the game will run 1080p 60fps on a pile of dirt attached to a monitor.
>chapter 51
The entire fucking thing was clearly supposed to be gameplay, they ran out of money and just made it a cutscene. They made the last mission in the game a fucking cutscene. Thank god there were 140 side missions though. I sure loved extracting those armored vehicles
>They made the last mission in the game a fucking cutscene
You must hate the MGS series then
The mechanics are pretty nice but the level design is basically "open fields of nothing" with some small buildings here and there so it doesn't really feel satisfying infiltrating and exfiltrating areas. The enemy reactions to being shot are really good though. They did a good job with the animation and animation blending of that. It's got some cool little details too. It might not sound impressive but there was one time I tossed a smoke grenade into a building and the smoke was being confined to the small building and actually being affected by the low ceiling and such. Doing that and grabbing my target in the process was the single most satisfying moment of the game.
If they (or someone) could port MGSV's mechanics into a game with good level design it could be an amazing stealth game. The levels also get really repetitive.
what really fucks me up is that the world is empty
not a single secret, easter egg, random missions (like in RDR) or some shit
fuck you kojima, i'm still mad
Stop defending that shit ending, you got to fight the Boss, you got to fistfight Ocelot and walk down the microwave hallway. The other games had endings
>tfw you used that spetsnaz officer for more missions than you did the boss
Amazing as is. If you're autistic, then you're already buying into the spergy comments in this thread about modding and literally deluding yourself to ignore certain parts of the game, and I can't convince you to not. But it's amazing as is.
I think the ending works in some clever ways. It's good.
It's great until you realize you can just slow motion tranq everyone and fulton them
Yeah I wish it was like Farcry 4 as well my pleb friend.
I literally said the ending isn't good in my first post. What I'm trying to tell you is that "mission 51" isn't in the game and was almost definitely not supposed to be the story's ending regardless. The story ends in mission 45, which is still arguably a bad ending but it's the ending the game was meant to have.
It wasn't even rendered and you're defending it
christ the entire thing should've been gameplay, snake holding eli at gunpoint and the mission fails with a time paradox if you choose to shoot, instead we got a cutscene.
>the game ends before quiet leaves
but that's not what happened
There's plants you can pick and animals you can capture. And diamonds you can pick up. The open world doesn't seem to have been implemented with any purpose outside of giving you more freedom to how you do missions but the world is too big and open to actually make missions satisfying, like 's image.
>not turning the reaction mechanic off
You still have plenty of time to kill someone before they trigger an alarm with the slowmo off.
That user is kind of retarded because open worlds are rarely any good. Even RDR's open world felt empty and devoid of content despite the random missions. This game had no business being open world but it was an experiment on Kojima's end because he supposedly always wanted to do it.
Turn off reflex mode and don't hyperfixate on non-lethal.
Even if you don't do this it'll be 10/10, but if you want an 11/10 then do that.
Also, they want you to go back to Motherbase a lot. Don't bother, it'll warp you there for important stuff.
>did right
You no longer have to play pacifist to get the best ranks.You can get S ranks while being silent and lethal, and that feels right.
That's all I've got.
I think what he's trying to say is that the "final mission" just comes out of fucking nowhere
>you defeat Skullface
>Quiet leaves
>Liquid leaves Mother Base with Mantis, Sahelanthropus and the niglets
>TRUTH mission appears out of thin air
>it's the ending
They even shove the missing content in your face as a preorder bonus
>hey look there was supposed to be a continuation to Liquid's story but we didn't finish it because...reasons!
It's a fantastic game that is hated by Rising faggots.
>great performance while still looking good
>great soundtrack
>great voice acting
>good story with great cinematography
>fantastic gameplay
The main game ends at mission 31. The rest is an epilogue, sort of like Chapter 5 in Peace Walker. Unlike these literal retards tell you, you do not have to play the REPLAY mission in order to continue the story.
The game is broken.
You can literally crawl along the ground 2 metres infront of npcs and they won't see you.
It's fun if you like Assassins Creed.
Somehow I am able to not be bothered by "it not being rendered" (whatever you mean) as much as you are and I was able to like the ending for inserting the player into the MGS mythology. But waaaah it wasn't rendered, right?
>appears out of nowhere
confirmed retard
I'll remind you that the entire game is a fucking flashback. The game starts with Venom putting the casette tape in the Walkman and listening to it. The casette tape "ends" when you've seen every story related scene and listened to every golden tape.
some might disagree but I liked how you can't miss interesting codec calls anymore
instead you get tapes after each mission which are the exact same thing, but more organized.
It has some issues in that regard but that isn't how it happens most of the time.
The game does have problems even compared to MGS2 and 3 (and maybe 4). Criticizing a game for its problems isn't a bad thing and not everyone who dislikes V only played Rising. For the record I liked V but it isn't a perfect game and it went in a direction that MGS shouldn't have gone, even if it's not completely terrible.
because it's boring as fuck. missions are basically all the same
>destroy this
>extract that
and the map is bland with nothing in it. there will be a single outpost with like 2 guys every couple of miles but nothing in between. the writing and the whole quiet thing is fucking cringe too.
unless you can get it for $5 it's not worth it in the slightest.
Do you not even know what rendered means?
I'm saying they should've designed the area in-game and made a cutscene of Snake going through the mission instead of using flashcards of concept art.
The story of it is irrelevant at this point, they thought they could get away with showing us a powerpoint presentation with subtitles.
That's true, there should've been a cutscene to show how Venom found out the truth instead of "he is playing a casette tape, timeskip to 10 years later". Maybe have Ocelot's hypnosis wear off or BB himself contacting mother base.
They played us like a damn fiddle
>it went in a direction that MGS shouldn't have gone, even if it's not completely terrible
who are you to decide this?
This. The game doesn't have story issues, it has structure issues. If the game split its chapters better and made the player understand that Chapter 2 needs a different mentality, since it was completely different in nature to what the player had seen so far, fewer people would be butthurt. Imagine how people would see chapter 2 if it was instead titled "Epilogue"
>It's about graphics and level design and not conclusions or resolution or lack therof!!
Such a stupid MGS fan desu.
You have to be trolling.
Why not just write a book then?
>who are you to decide this?
Someone who has played 1-3 over and over and over again and has played V. It's something that Kojima wanted to do and finally got his chance to do but it didn't do much to improve the game and has quite a bit of issues. I doubt people would care too much if V wasn't the last official MGS game but it is.
That's a very dumb ass question. It's okay if you didn't like MGSV, but don't try and discuss it like you are intelligent enough to comment on anything about it, because it's clear you don't have what it takes.
But I played 1-PW over and over and over and I loved V. You're not the one who gets to decide where a story should go.
Fuck off with this kind of entitlement.
I'm not talking about story, I'm talking about the open world. I also liked V but it isn't a perfect game and the open world does negatively impact the gameplay to a certain extent.
Here let me invalidate you: I'm from a similar origin as you and think that MGSV is the best expression of Metal Gear Solid ever. The sandbox style of V is invaluable and the greatest element of the game, and the series.
But it's the best part of the game and it gives you a large amount of freedom.
What about the open world do you think drastically improves the game? I would be fine with more open levels and such, maybe similar to GZ, but V is way too open and the settlements way too small and this takes away from setting up a strategy of how to do things as you rarely have to worry about the layout of an area as the majority of the time it's basically a big flat circle with a couple buildings.
Freedom doesn't always add to gameplay. You can see this in every game being open world these days and it not adding too much other than the short live interest of "cool, I can go anywhere", because the open worlds aren't very well designed and are mostly just wide open fields with very little thought up into the designs.
MGS would benefits from more open levels, but in the vein of Thief (explicit design that services the gameplay), not in the vein of GTA.
I don't agree with you that the distance "takes away" from strategy. Maybe YOUR strategies you mean?
Freedom. The game, even before release, was based around the concept of FREEDOM OF INFLITRATION. It worked. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's not good.
Freedom is the opposite of design. A sense of freedom is one thing, but actual unstructured freedom makes a game into a toy, and people not interested in toys will be understandably understimulated.
I just started playing and I'm enjoying it so far, the missions are well designed and there's lots of attention to detail, interesting premise and environments. Just play it and enjoy and don't do too much side ops once you get to the target practice missions if you don't want to repeat the same locations.
>I don't agree with you that the distance "takes away" from strategy
So you're fine with the map being a mostly flat open field with barely any buildings and you think that sneaking around in that is fun?
I don't even know if I'd call it infiltration. There's rarely anything to infiltrate other than on a handful of missions, which could have been done as explicit levels and not "go through this barren wasteland to get to the actual good part". There is merit in being able to do things in various different ways but MGSV didn't do it as well as it could have been done and the open world doesn't serve the game any better than large, explicitly designed levels would have.
>get through barren land
You're literally always dropped near the big base you're supposed to capture or near the objective. Not a single mission makes you capture the small outposts so you can just ignore them
I was never once bored by MGSV so I dunno what to tell you. Each mission I somehow managed to make exciting and challenging.
I didn't use things like the sneaking suit, or OP boons like Quiet. Sounds like you failed MGS rather than MGS failing you desu.
all the bad things you heard are irrelevant
Wow, you're such a creative kid, you'll even find a way to entertain yourself with a stale peice of shit, let alone a mdoerately well made MGS sequel.
nice analogy! you seem very smart to me :)
See, that's part of the problem. There's no point in having the rest of the area outside the big base that's the focus of the missions. But yeah, there are side missions that require you to go to small outposts still. The big bases still aren't as well designed as they could have been and I imagine this is partially because of the focus on open world. The giant cave system base and the mansion base are really the only two that stood out to me. Maybe the one mission where you have to go intercept Skullface on the helipad too.
My point being the open world is mostly pointless and it could have been done just as well or better with a more level based structure as that would still allow freedom of infiltration.
>+Characters (DD, Kaz, Huey, Venom)
>+Character Dialogues (Kaz & Venom)
>+Original Score
>+Red Band Trailer
>+Voice Acting
>+Weapon Variety
>-Chapter 2
>-Characters (Codetalker, Eli, Man on Fire, Ocelot, Quiet, Skullface)
>-Enemy AI
>-Level Design
>-Overworld Design
Solid 4/10. Some of the scenes are great to rewatch, Kaz is the star of the game with a fantastic and varied performance by Downes. Gameplay is obviously hampered almost completely by how poor the AI and Level Design is.
maybe on a ridiculous Sup Forums scale
>more postives than negatives
ok kid
OP, the last thing you have to do is to listen to the melodramatic neckbeards that form the autismal MGS fanbase.
Go get it, maybe install the mod Infinite Heaven.
And no, the other MGS games are not worth playing, the gameplay is garbage and so are their plots.
The only thing I have a serious problem with about the game is that there's an online connection needed for your FOB stuff- meaning unless you're online, you're going to have a really hard time getting the money and resources necessary to research the best weapons and gear.
Other than that, it was a nearly flawless game that I put tons of time into. I think you'll be safe getting it, OP.
The game is phenomenal, the only problem is the divisive ending, which probably 9/10 people dislike.
The last 10% of the game could have really done with being properly finished, that being said if you can detach yourself from the role of what you though was big boss and playing the character you thought you were, it ties up some loose ends from the other games, and is a fairly substantial ending.
Why the fuck would not not be online while playing? How is that a fucking problem?
how about you check some reviews yourself?
Why do people feel the need of input from every possible angle to play a game
it just shows how much of a massive faggot you are to play a 2 year old game
>it just shows how much of a massive faggot you are to play a 2 year old game
was with you up until this point. huh??
Pls, the post story content for this game is great
>a fantastic and varied performance by Downes
Lol no
The open area is for freeroam and the variety in land scape makes side ops feel different
how could I be so right with the faggot part
game is 18+ too, so. Yeah.
you are so confused and confusing.
It's not about how many, it's about what they are. As I said the gameplay is rendered moot because of the Level Design and AI, so there it is. Gameplay is scrapped, Story is unfinished and was shit regardless.
Good graphics and character designs. Interactive gameplay with many options and approaches. Unique story telling and soundtrack. Basically the same stuff that has always made MGS good. Oh, and it also has cool horror and atmospheric sequences for some reason.
The worst thing about the game is the level design. Some of the compounds are so simple they're basically just flat areas with a few towers and one small building. And it's unfinished but that's not really a big deal in my opinion.
>level design
It's great in the bases. The rest is a fucking desert, you mindless moron.
>gameplay is scrapped
>story is unfinished
wow, one post game mission was cancelled? shit story huh
>shit regardless
if you're five and have the attention span of a monkey, sure
The problem with the story is that a lot of missions that are important to the game are listed as side ops, while extra missions that are about you building up Diamond Dogs financially and doing things like taking merc jobs are main game missions. Side ops should have been COMPLETELY different.
Imagine this system: You'd deploy a soldier to do side ops with your iDroid and you switch to him and he's already on the battlefield getting ready to start the mission. The transition could even be similar to like GTA V. Then when you return to motherbase, you'd have a tactics room that shows how all your missions relate to your plans. Finance building, soldier recruitment, Cipher and how each mission that does relate to them even if it's fuckin side ops like destroy the walker gear. You could have Ocelot there talking about how we now have a lead on where the walker gear are getting manufactured from and all these points could be effected by how you play the missions. If you find intel or extract an officer who knows something it could expand the game.
The insane part is you wouldn't even have to change this game that much to make it be coherent and more appealing, the pieces are all there. They just needed to be tweaked to show what it all means. IMO.
>So I wanna buy this but I heard many bad things about it
First thing you learn on Sup Forums - don't listen to mere Sup Forumsermins as Sup Forums is one of the absolute worst boards on Sup Forums.
Next - listen to an expert opinion of people who post anime images such as me.
MGS V is a good games, one of the best stealth games, well optimized, gameplay is smooth as fuck, it's just enjoyable and comfy to play it.
Now "bad" things about it is unfinished story by a hack Kojima.
Blame a dumb hack Kojima for pretty weak scenario, plot and unfinished story. Don't be a drone who mindlessly jumps on a KOJIMA DIN DU NUFFIN train with retards like Del Toro who blames Konami.
He could finish the game if he wanted to, instead Kojima fucked up and got booted from Konami. I don't care if Konami is good or bad, they can sell their pachinko shit as much as they want. But I clearly see that Konami allowed and enabled Kojima to do anything he wants with MGS V and he fucked up like a little talentless bitch.
>he doesn't know that mgsv was 95% filler and unfinished on purpose
laughing out loud