Pathologic thread

Pathologic thread

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haven't played this yet but i'm very interested in it
i like masochism and suffering, so i've heard this game would suit me just fine


>tfw you realize that pathologic was only successful thanks to russian fujoshits

Reminder that Haruspex is the best doctor and Aspity is the best waifu
He wasnt as wrong as Clara, but he wasnt as right as Artemy

>waifuing the Abattoir bike

I was gonna sleep but whatever.

Is there any news on a release date for the remake?


>the personification of suppressed working-class anger and death

Horrible taste.

Like it or not, fujoshits save a lot of stuff from obscurity. Some of it even ends up being not garbage


I just completed day 4 with bachelor. After talking with Lara about the water supply, she sends me back to aspity. Turns out aspity was just stalling so the guy who destroyed the water pipes could get back inside the termitary.
Now here's my question, aspity says the termitary will still be open if I hurry, but by the time I get there, only guards and closed doors, as usual. Can I actually enter yet if I do it earlier ?


Not that i know of. I hoping that they're going to show something new in Pax East.

No. You got purposefully misdirected.

It's still surreal as fuck
The amount of grllll gamers makes you think that females can't enjoy videogames, and then you have a bunch of fujos who somehow managed to get into a clunky game like pathologic
The fact that the majority of pathologic youtube videos made by females is also surprisingly high


I arrived at Isidor's house and after talking to the guards I saw a huge bonfire then a cutscene played where they burned a woman at the stake. I get that that they are trying to fine the maneater something but who were the two corpses that were also there? I got ammo and a revolver so I'm not really complaining...

How can Death or Shabnak even compete?


Something must have gone deeply wrong in your life.


Patrolmen who tried to stop them, IIRC. Hence the revolver.

>How can Death even compete
>Get fucking handled the seccond you enter the Abattoir

I love you, Danill, but get your head out of your ass

I remember you from yesterday, that's not how you say Maria.


What is this game even about?



Fuck if I know, man

Suffering, pain, disease, exhaustion, hopelessness. You won't have fun playing it.

>no reaction

Spooky plague breaks out in a rural town in the middle of a huge fucking steppe in NotRussia
You play as either a famous doctor who researchs how to ressurect people, a shaman or a piece of shit chuuni worst girl

Clara did nothing wrong.

>a piece of shit chuuni worst girl
I wonder who might be behind this post

gb2capital, snakeskin

Literally executed > ambushed by filthy brutes

well shit, I should have shot them

>it's not like you have a degree

Maximal hue.

She was pretty autistic when playing as Bachelor or Haruspex and she keept insulting them when they were trying their best to get shit done
I know that canonically she prevents districts from being permanently infected in other routes but she is still worts girl

I thought Marble Nest had a great theme

>get to the ending
>hey that song is also cool
>mfw I realise it's a cover of Sound of Silence

It's just the music used in the trailer of the russian HD relase
Check it out, it's a solid 10/10 trailer

Damn you're right, why wasn't this in the game ost?

Where are the two characters you don't play as ? I'd like to talk to them. Are they roaming the town and I've just been unlucky so far, or are they in fixed locations each day ?
No spoiler pls, I'm only on Bachelor day 5

You'll meet them in time. Don't forget to check your letters.

You do meet them. They're NPCs with their own storylines, basicly

But from her point of view the Bachelor and Haruspex are both being idiots and ignoring the truth in favor of whatever petty shit they think is in their interest. You spend the entire second half of her route babysitting the two and making sure they don't kill each other out of spite.

People who haven't played as Clara shouldn't cast judgment on her.

Is Vlade dead as fuck? Any news from that fag?


I think they only spawn in fixed locations on certain days when they're relevant to a quest.

Has anyone seen a dog though? I saw one on the first day and never again.

life in russia

My save got corrupted on day 6 so I gave up on her story
I powergamed so hard in her route I wasn't either feeling stressed or having fun so I will probably just wait for the remake
Also you just can't just say that the Bachelor or the Haruspex are petty
They both try their best and risk their life daily
It's normal they were on edge

Who is she?


Most memorable moment?


Bachelor going nuclear on the last days and fucking up 2 armed soilders and a pack of dogs with his bare fists and a knife and a battalion of soilders with a shitty rifle

Dogs are real, but they're really fucking rare outside of that one time they ambush you in the cemetery.

I started this game twice but never managed to get very far into it. There is something strangely appealing about it but the actual gameplay seems like a slog. Should I give it another try and if yes, any tips on how to make my life easier?

Sybir was/is a fucking horrible place. I don't know if Rufin Piotrowski's diaries were translated to English, but I highly reccomend giving them a read.

Days 1 and 2 of Bachelor are honestly a tutorial that really drags. Aside from that, pic related

Get used to looting every bin you come across and dispatching vigilante justice every night.

my fucking face when

in-game? hard to say, there's too many. an early one would be day 4-5 the colossal shitstorm caused by the hunchback's fucktoy getting murdered and de-hearted. you show up to meet the girl to find Artemy standing over her corpse with her heart in hand, the hunchback loses his shit, the next day crazed arsonists are roaming the streets chucking molotovs everywhere. really nailed that 'oh fuck everything is terrible now' feeling.

yes, of course.
learn the town, learn where everyone important is, learn the best dumpster dives, learn the shortcuts. walk speed will never get more fun but at least you won't get lost. being more efficient in your travels makes things a lot less annoying.

Stock up food in day one and take a look at the cemetery near Crucible. Hunt for thieves at night for money, they're really easy to deal with once you get used to it.

god that one warehouse was a nightmare
even if you headshot 6 of them in a row there's still enough left to shank you pretty badly while you're reloading.

only played Bachelor but
Danill and Rubin getting excited about eradicating the plague through attrition for shit to hit the fan in several places at the same time on the next day

As Haruspex you can choose whom you are going to kill. Are arsonists still appearing if you choose someone else than the hunchbacks daughter?
I killed her, because I played Bachelor first and wanted to do it canon way

remind me why I should take a look at the cemetery near Crucible ?

Food, if you can live with stealing offerings to the dead.

You will do worse in the coming days anyway.


I did the same so I couldn't tell you. I suspect yes, if only because she had the plague and was going to die anyway. It's likely that regardless of how she died, the hunchback would've still flipped his shit. Even if it's a railroad, I still have to applaud them for how well they made it seem like it was a result of player fuckup.

Scrolling out too far on the map.

The milk bottles ? First time I went there it looked like candles to me, and it wasn't until somedays later when I looted a house that I realised I could pick up bottles

Jumping into the pit as Burakh and afterwards.
Also this.

daily reminder this "game" needs fast travel and the spiritual sequel is going to be just as much of a boring walking simulator

Just finished the Haruspex character-with some advice:
Gathering herbs is a waste of time. Just trade with the worms from the organs you harvest from those knife-throwing bandits.
And don't worry about crafting twire for immunity. With all the pills (and lockpicks) you get from bartering, there will be no shortage.
In fact, you'll only end up crafting like, less than Panacea cures and twire from any herb combination will do.
Oyun is a joke of a boss fight

>fast travel

How to spot someone who never got past Day 1


Finding out who The Powers at Be really are

gathering herbs i found was just a thing to do while on the way to somewhere else, much like trash can looting.
agreed about Oyun though, shame the 'combat' is so barebones

>fast travel
someone get the Bachelor in here because this man is sick.

Spoil this for me please

I thought that was just a euphemism for the government

Oh man, yeah, but honestly the talk with the masks about the nature of media and how, despite being fake, they still cause us to react emotionally was poigant as fuck.

The entire game is nothing but two children playing at a sandbox. Hence ragdolls as portraits for unimportant NPCs

An 8-foot tall boy and girl that live at the bottom of the Polyhedron, and the town is a sandcastle


I've always had a soft spot when a game breaks the 4th wall like that

I already have a whole list of "things to read when I finally learn Russian", so I will do just that in a few years

That sounds kind of dumb tbqh, bordering on 'lol it was all a dream'

>Fuck Clara and fuck her """solution"""

We all agree with this statement, right?

It is.

But in the end, what does it matter? Children playing, actors on stage or a video game - none of these are real, yet do you not want to see this through?

Achievement Unlocked: This, however, is your fault

Well, the guy was a Pollack but it is, indeed, in Russian as well.

Have fun. Cyryllic is honestly rather easy to grasp once you get past the "wtf it's just scribbles" phase, same as Greek

All the world's a stage...

But it is just a dream. Keep in mind, that even if your character is just a toy in the hands of powers that be, they are just toys in your hands. Why would one layer of fiction more change anything?

it really isn't.
there's multiple layers of story, much like House of Leaves, except each one above the base story (saving a town from the plague) just adds another way to interpret it. the plague town story still "happened" about as much as the plot of any other video game "happened."

it's not really the kind of thing you should have had spoiled for you without finishing the whole thing.

I had to force myself to complete the Bachelor questline. All that endless backtracking made me question whether finishing it was worth it.