What happened

what happened

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jon left

Jon slammed that ayyyy lmao pussy Arin's married too with his big Persian cock so hard she could never get off on Arin's tiny white cock ever again and so they fell apart because Jon ruined their marriage which they now have to keep up just for appearances.

Arin sold out. Jon sold out too, but not at the same level. I can only assume Suzy is a sort of Jewish succubus that has possessed him. Maybe that's why Jon hit her?

The bad one left and the good one joined

Aren't succubi supposed to be attractive?

>good one

Game Grumps turned to shit when Jon left, and it was already kind of "meh" at that point as well.

Dan and ARIN were good for the first 6 months but then it has turned into shitty yes men humor with both of them never challenging each other. Re watching sonic 06 makes me depressed because ARIN and Jon were really good together and had real opposite g viewpoints on games. Now Dan just goes along with everything and it's boring as fuck. Oney Plays is the spiritual successor anyway.

Jon goes to Sup Forums now. I'm serious.

An in-the-closet tranny and a alt-right iranian don't get along for a significant period of time, who'd have thunk it?

Jon wanted to make more Jontrons because he didn't want to play video games every day and his relationship with Arin was strained because they were spending so much time together creating content. Arin saw Game Grumps for the cash cow that it was and tried to force Jon to be more active in it. That with a variety of other factors including Suzy not liking Jon caused him to leave so that he could work on his own content.

Flash forward a couple years and you can see that Arin's raking in the big bucks but is totally fucking miserable creating shit content, and Jontron's a bit happier but his new content is shit. Newsflash Jon, nobody gives a fuck about shitty straight to video movies from the early nineties, people subscribed to you for video games.


it's because until GG Dan hadn't played a game since the NES

Arin left?

He was in a youtube livestream about 3 weeks ago talking about it and talking about hitler and how he did nothing wrong and how he wants to lead the new hitler youth.

Suzy is attractive physically, just look at her qt sister. There's just something about Suzy that throws me off.

I'm convinced.

I give a fuck about straight to video movies from the early nineties.

What's really killed Jon's content is pouring Disney money into it. I remember one video where he setup an entire french restaurant set and waiter and everything for like a ten second cutaway gag. That's not even funny. His vids peaked when he had good camerawork and production but was still basically containing everything within his apartment. Basically pre-Starcade.

I remember Sup Forums did nothing but shit on jontron when game grumps started for being an unfunny spastic tryhard. Wtf happened?

Arin found out about Jon's alt-right tendencies

Danny happened and we realized what true unfunny really is.


Danny is funny when he's not with Arin. Danny + Ross is genuinely funny.

I wish we lived in an alternate universe where Arin was the one who left and the show went on to be ran with Jontron with Dan.

>Jon and Dan singing duets together

If only...

>Jon leaves to workk on Jontron full time
>makes like one video every three months

the way Arin turned GG into a weird media empire that makes all its money off of teenage girls who worship nonthreatening 30ish let's player guys is weird as shit

It's so crazy to me that there was a time when they referred to each other as Egorapter and Jontron on GameGrumps because they were Egorapter and Jontron, internet personalities who came together to play vidya for a "show".

Does Arin even do shitty flash animations anymore?

No he got kicked out of normal boots for supporting trump.

He only started supporting Trump when Bernie was kill.

No. He has other fucking people make animations for his 'band'.

gamegrumps was never good

Bernie was kill from the beginning. He talks about it in the long ass livestream I linked above.

No, he makes a Sequelitis like every 3 years and made a couple animated Starbomb videos which he hired animators to do 95% of the work, but that's it.

To be fair, if I had the option to spend a couple hours making let's plays or spend weeks of dedicated work making animation and get the same amount of views, I'd choose the let's play too

99% chance of Disney dropping him soon

It's technically not even his band, it's just Dan and his band with Arin screaming shit lyrics in between

Man, they don't even TRY to play the game well in Oney Plays, they just dick around and manage to stumble through the game.


>ONEY: This game looks like a poopie doodie

I love that gay dude's laugh so much

He's outright said that he has zero passion or interest in animating anymore.

Sequelitis was actually fucking good, too, at least in comparison to GG. At least it's better than Extra Credits.


Jon was on Game Grumps for less than a year. The channel's been around for about 4 years now.

You need to stop.

Does he still even work with Disney?

I think that ended after the Star Wars videos? If you watch PsychicPebbles podcast with him on it he goes into it a little bit, how Disney tried to control the production of it and that's why it feels so different.

t. Danny

>Starbomb becomes a Jon/Dan super group instead of literally NSP but with Arin's terrible rapping.

grooouiiiiiiiiiiiirgoweu orgurgorgu rgoeuorgugorgrougroeuihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrgo euhrgherhgeororgrergwouhiouireghw ewrigjho heowrit

jon is a jew user

i-i really like Danny... When he first joined it was a little awkward but i think their dynamic is a lot better now! Plus Dan is c-c-c-cute

Disney owns the Multi-Channel Network that he is a part of.

Aids is better than Extra Credits.

He's said multiple times that he never had a passion for animating awesome series and whatnot, it was just easy to make a living doing shitty flash because idiots like you ate it up. Now it's not worth it.

Jon is far too alt-right these days for Disney to have anything to do with him. They dropped fucking Pewdiepie for making a Hitler joke, they'll certainly Jon "Hitler did nothing wrong" Jafari

Danny is fine, it's Arin that's the problem.
>itssss just baaddd gaem design goyim

>The Jon is alt-right meme

This shit has gotten to Mcarthy era levels of paranoid.

Watching those guys struggle at fucking Wind Waker proves they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. That was the line where I stopped watching them.

Darin got really good for years, then sometime last year they became bored of their own gimmicks. Fortunately games that actually amuse them like Paper Mario (even if Dan is an RPG retard and Arin hates nontraditional Mario) have breathed some energy into Grump kind.

Eh... The animation videos are actually really good, but the rest is shit.
>We're insiders!
>Made a game once
Even Nu-PA dropped them.

Mcarthy did nothing wrong and his ghost is in the white house now through he's bros cohns ghost, a jew hating kike faggot who hated gays who worshiped frogs who was trumps mentor. We're gonna purge commie scum baby.

As insane as what i said was, it's all true.

He invited Lauren Southern to come hang at his apartment and has talked about Sargon and whatever.

>it's a Sup Forums pretends it's 2013 episode

She happened

Can someone shill me on everything else on the Grumps channel? I currently only watch Arin & Dan because it's what I know.
>who are the others?
>as entertaining/are their videos any different from the Dan & Arin episodes?

Dan > Jon. Easily. It took me awhile to realize that Arin is the worst part of Grumps. His humor is atrocious.

Laughing at people throwing temper tantrum isn't alt-right, you child.

I decided to start watching paper mario and holy fuck Arin is stupid


5 episodes later

>"Oh thats a really cool thing they did"

Literally next episode

>No this game sucks i hate it

Arin is a fucking retard and its become far to clear he hates games just because it's the edgy thing to do when your whole channel is based around playing video games.

If you ever doubt that he can't follow basic game design that he cries about so much then watch his OOT livestream with Oney. The game flat out tells him what to do and he sits there sperging out going "SHUT UP NAVI I KNOW WHAT TO DO." then proceeds to walk round a corner screaming "WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO THIS GAME SUCKS DICK"

Why does there awful content get so many views? I guess children watch that shit?

>Mcarthy era levels of paranoid.

I guess you haven't found outy that the vast majority of people McCarthy accused were in fact communist spies.

>Even Nu-PA dropped them

Even though I still stopped reading I really have to respect PA for realizing where they were taking their brand and purging everything from the site that wasn't a comic.

Steam Train can vary from shit to kino, really depends.

Ross is easily the best person currently on it and his Pepsi Man series alone is better than anything that the regular Grumps have made ever.

her ass is so much better than the rest of her; is there more?

One day one of these will be real and my dick will be so red raw from the punishment i give it.

Yes. the fanbase is mostly minors and teens

Ross as in RubberRoss? Also used to be an animator?

Haven't watched GG in a long time, but I remember thinking Ross and Barry were okay. Definitely better than Arin. Brian has his moments, but I think he wears out his welcome quick in a lot of episodes. Suzy is a little bland but I think she gets more hate than necessary. If you wanna get a feel for old school GG with Jon, watch the Goof Troop series.

If the animation would actually pay the same amount, I'd choose animation because there at least you have work you can be proud of later in your life.

>Ross originally did Steam Train with Dan, now he just does whatever
>Barry is the original editor he's a nice guy
>Suzy is Arin's wife and unfunny
>Kevin was the new editor but he quit, he sucked at editing and at being funny
>Brian is the second part of Dan's band, he's cool but not a good fit for the show

I unironically like listening to dan because he's an old school regular guy who grew up before the internet became a thing and can talk about something else other than whatever wikipedia article he read 5 minutes ago like the annoying millenial spastic he works with.

>they start playing Battle for Bikini Bottom
>Arin immediately starts shitting on it because he thinks the joke is that it's bad
Arin's opinions are purely based on what he thinks will make him seem intelligent. He knows shit all about vidya.

Friendship simulator.

People give Suzy shit for having a unique face, but goddamn if she did porn I think she'd be one of my faves.

I've legit jacked off to her Hot Pepper Gaming vid a few times.

>drinking the AJ koolaid
>alt-right MEME


I think Jon has taken the criticism that his videos are overproduced (which they are) in a bad way, in that he somehow thinks what he has to do to "win fans back" is not make effort, which isn't what he did in the old days at all, he made loads of effort. I unsubbed from him when he released some video of him sitting for like 10 minutes just talking a load of boring unfunny shit about some garbage tv show or something. His current videos have no heart, you can have high production value and still make great content, Jontron's problem is it seems like he doesn't give a shit anymore and tries to cover it up with a big budget.

Anyway Game Grumps has been shit since 2013, not because of Jon leaving but because the show generally got worse then imo, the early days with Dan were decent, but it's been going downhill for years. Jon leaving made me realize how much of an insufferable cunt Arin is, and there's only so much Dan can do to save the show.

thanks user!
So much this. Sucks that they stopped playing that
Dan's voice is soothing

I'm not 100% sure but I would assume so. He's not consistently funny but he's entertaining and also the most normal

I wonder if he got Lauren so suck his dick.

Havent kept up with this shit.

Did he go full alt-rightard or does he just have some vaugely not left wing political viewd and is subsequebtly being groomed by cuckgon of cukgad?

Suzy has like a meter of makeup on at all times I dont even know what her real face looks like

A bit of both. He's probably the definition of a centrist but he's been leaning right due to being harassed by the left.

you don't want too.

Ross and Barry playing Undertale was such a nice series since they're actually competent at games and appreciated the humor

If it had been Arin and Dan playing that game it'd have been such a fucking trainwreck of Arin having no clue how to beat enemies and shitting on everything

> cringing at dude bro comedy show
fucking hell, isn't he a comedian, he should be able to laugh at that sort of stuff

I think it has to do with all the makeup she uses. It's probably fucked up her skin/complexion. Her sister looks exactly like her but also somehow much better.

Egoraptor is dead

I've eaten so much junk food my semens probably like paint thinner, I'll strip it right off in one load


What the fuck her sister is so hot. She looks like she so doesn't want to be there as well. Hnnggggggg

make up + fatter + neck cancer

i dont think suzy is fat, i am 99% sure im way fatter, but compared to her sister she is


fetal alcohol syndrome

>His vids peaked when he had good camerawork and production but was still basically containing everything within his apartment.

>tfw jon will never top the skeleton in his closest

Why is Brian the only one who's genuinely funny?

What was this?
