Risk of Rain

Risk of Wurms
Discuss dank new strats while we wait




can I bump this now

Nice, I can. Now it's time for the wait to truly begin

I would host but it's too fucking hot to play this game

I like the Red Whip on Acrid but people seems to underestimate it.




Can it end now ?





Can you notify when restart?

Of course.


open soon

I did my first double recurse run yesterday.

That's a lot of elites. I'm just saying.

New player here.

Gib tips pls.

Will it open before hl3 release

desync is a real issue, things are not as they appear sometimes.

>time your jumps
>don't edit your saves for unlocks
>practice a lot
>learn enemy attacks/patterns


It's open again.

>that character you play when you don't want to look at a man's ass

No infusion/dagger/meteors
Cc means clover count
First green boxes should allways be clover until 8 is reached
Dont be a jew and get a tooth
Stack them goat hoofs
Jetpack is meme item

Half the end quotes don't even make sense.

>Jetpack is meme item
Delete this

is this thread still up? I can host


What are all the stack limits?

Please read the thread.


Why no editing for unlocks?

But he's right. We only forgive you because your waifu is cute.

Because you should the play the game and earn the characters/artifacts.

lol that's gay I just unlocked everything and practised the complete game

next time dont be a bumbling retard

alright, I'll host

Hold spacebar for higher jumps
Behemoth is excellent on all characters
Get shield

>being this bad at the game

>not enjoying unlocking things in games
Literally worse taste than normalfags.

keep it open cuh

There are some sort of exceptions tho.
Behemoth can kill other characters including yourself with Sniper's steady aim, and on-hit items on the Chef are mediocre because they don't proc on all of the hits.



>when you miss the server by 2 minutes

A new game is open.

welp, thanks for hosting

>server is open for one minute

Probably filled up

New one open.

Sorry, i'll stay a little bit longer now.

It was a big crash.

The game is open again.

For you.

That's odd, sudden disconnection.

Someone say when open.

It's open here


>I like the Red Whip on Acrid but people seems to underestimate it.
Doesn't the MS boost from Red Whip stop once you use a move though?

>coalescence starts playing

It boost your speed outside of combat, so using most moves or getting hit will nullify it. I havent tried out every variable like enemy fire trails or Acrids acid trail affect it

It comes up again after 1.5 seconds, since Acrids sludge and epidemic stay a long time around you can just use them and dodge everything coming at you.

It also helps surviving early wurms, overloading Vagrants and finding the teleporter quicker.

So yeah, why would you use Red Whip when Goat Hooves will extend the acid trail?

What a piece of shit, beat it in under three hours.

Would've beaten it in under two but some motherfucker thought it was hilarious to make the button that brings you to the next level bring you back to the first level before the final level.

The final boss had like three attacks in total, what the fuck?


>Beat it in under two.
Oh man, fucking badass alert. Not like most runs aren't within 30 minutes....

>taking the bait
why, man.

From never having played it before. The first 90 minutes were spent trying to unlock a real character.

It's only fair because you idiots tricked me into playing this. At least I didn't buy it.

Why not? If it's not bait, I just said the guy is complete shit, if it is bait, so fucking what?

I'm sorry I tricked you into playing I game I really enjoy user

>if it is bait, so fucking what
You wouldn't last long as a fish, friend.

Well thank god I'm not a fish then?

It's getting a little bit too late for me, thanks for playing with me again.

It's closed for now.

thanks again deiteh

Thx for hosting mate

Thanks for hosting.

reeeeeeeeee HATE FISH


I always get home too late from work to play :(

Are we hostless right now? If so, I can spare a couple of hours


Actually won't be able to host for another 30 minutes. If there's still no host by then, I'll host



Frrrrrriday night RoR niggas


Host in US when?

No one cares about you eurofags.

In game but 4/10, we need more players



host when


IP? Anyone?


Anybody know where to put your save at on the Linux version?

Why is she so perfect bros.


That smug bitch with the brown hair, glasses, and purple plugsuit gets me harder than Asuka does.

In other words, where the fuck is the host?

We need a new host-

That's because Mari is supposed to be a slut, Asuka is pure

Rebuilds are shit.
Asuka is shit in general.

reee remove rei

