New Tales thread

New Tales thread.
This is a Japanese witch (female).

Other urls found in this thread:

VELVET IS FOR ________

Sharing apples with

le wacky spontaneous witch who has lived 5 billion years and knows EVERYTHING but you.. have... to... ask first!!

How's the PC port for Symphonia?
Currently on sale for 5 bucks or so, was looking into a ps3 copy but might consider it if it's decent.

A lot of these PC ports/remakes aren't.

Filling each hole with Sup Forumsirgins cum

If you download the tsfix, looks great.

Everything is just making me appreciate Graces more.


doggie doo is my favorite berseria!

I heard the fix fucks your framerate, and my FPS did improve after removing the fix but still has slowdown sometimes, which sucks.


Was Graces your first Tales game?

Always steady for me, and the outlining looks great.

Magilou is literal perfection and I want to marry her.

I'm like 22 hours into this game. Is the swimsuit for Eleanor any good? I saw it as a prize for the second to last expedition when I looked up the rewards. I have the DLC (based CPY) keeping me busy while I work up to it.


Do these look good to you, Laphicet?

Velvet is a miracle of this known universe


Get that old hag away from me.

6th or so.

I didn't bother playing it until it was on sale, and I haven't played Xillia 1 or 2, but I just do not like Zestiria or Berseria as much as Graces, even though they use almost every core concept that Graces introduced.

She's like 30.

>Old hag
What matters is that I'm young at hearth, baka user!

Doesn't she have a line about how much Grimoirh has changed from when she was younger or something? That'd imply that she's at least a few centuries old.

>used goods

I want to impregnate Velvet

Not that i can think of but she was he apprentice for over 10 years.
A lot happens in ten years. Ask Velvet.

better than 1000 year old loli

She only takes the oath after the end of the game.

Magilou had the hardest life, if Bienfu was dead or wouldn't come back even by force, then she would probably just have killed herself.

I want to protect her smile and spend the rest of my life with her

Why didn't you save her, anons?

>enjoying the English dub quite a lot so far
>meet Kamoana

Please say this little shit gets killed off soon.

I want to impregnate magilou and raise a family with her

She's there for the entire game unfortunately, and only gets worse.

She's plenty annoying in Japanese too, so I'm sure the dub is no better.

>Please say this little shit gets killed off soon.


Young where it counts

Does she at least not sound like a 40 year old chain-smoker in Japanese?

No, but the voice actor hits the spoiled little girl role too perfectly that I want to die.

>a voice actor does a good job at making you dislike the character therefore they're bad somehow

are you the same kind of person who thinks Lenny in Watch_Dogs2 was somehow a main character and someone you're supposed to sympathize with

>Japanese dub is so good you have to mute it

I never said the voice actor was bad, she does a great job at the role. I just hate the character.

I have nothing to contribute to the thread.

How do I play Magi or Phi effectively?

I want to contribute my semen to Velvet's womb

ps3 emulation is moving along nicely thanks to patreon, so maybe in 1-2 years I can play Xilia and Vesperia.

PS3 has no games

PS3 Vesperia really isnt that good, i found Xillia to be much better.

Never had that problem with TDFix back when I played it. The game is locked at 30 FPS because Namco's retarded limiter. TSFix makes it the best version of Symphonia you can get, especially if you use the 4k textures.

Why do people keep putting Magi and Velvet together, is this some lategame thing?

I want to watch them do horribly lewd things to one another

I think its because they are the two most popular girls. I think Velvet forcing herself onto Elanor would be cuter/hotter.


she looks like she smells bad. not in a good or erotic way, just nasty.


I want to lick her clean

>I think Velvet forcing herself onto Elanor would be cuter/hotter.
While Phi and Bienfu are watching in secret?

They're just the two most popular characters. There's nothing more than very, very vague at a possible romantic relationship between them or any other characters as far as I'm aware, except for Laciphet's possible crush on Velvet, but it's hard to tell whether his I love you meant a family sort of love, like Velvet's, or a romantic one.

>I think Velvet and Magilou forcing themselves onto shouta would be cuter/hotter.

Violent consensual shota breeding



A cool, aloof, and serious person with a boisterous, extroverted, and silly person is a pretty common relationship archetype for virtually everything.

No Velvet is showing Phi how to please a woman and Elanor is the test dummy.

I need more Velvet/Magilou

I didn't know I needed this until now

>She's plenty annoying in Japanese too, so I'm sure the dub is no better.

It is a night and day difference. The English version is embarrassing bad.

Well she's the therion of greed, so that's not a surprise. The English VA sounds like a 50-year-old chain smoker.

When you first meet her in the temple is especially egregious.

Velvet says she considers Magilou her best friend before the final battle.

>no demon arm
This picture is shit, delete it.

I want to breed Velvet while holding both of her hands

>can't even think of a nickname for her
Terrible friend desu

>Velvet says she considers Magilou her best friend
>not Phi


more than friends

Jesus fuck, I'll never understand dub fags.

>Magical mirundo du do doddery dou Mayvin

Magilou is already a nickname senpai

I want to do Magilou from behind

But her real name is Magillanica Lou Mayvin

That's fucking horrible. I guess they were trying to give her a gravelly voice for the whole demon thing, as evidenced by Dyle, but they failed horribly. Do they do something similar for Medissa?

>I want to do Magilou from behind
>from behind
user isn't that being redundant?
Thats the only way you can have sex with a boy

lmfao that's the dub? it sounds terrible, which is strange because i finished vesperia last month and that had a great dub imo.

her real name should be Magnificent, because that's what she is

Magillanica is dead

Despite her awful voice, the subtitles made me tear up. Crying children tear my heart to pieces.

I want to cum inside her asspussy

You can definitely do face to face sex with a boy. It's tricky and your height has to line up perfectly with the bed or whatever he's laying on but it's definitely possible.

The dub is actually quite good, it's just this one character is intolerable. I had to skip all her lines.

I checked, only samurai and reaper man sounds good.

Magilou is for the kind of breeding that leaves your legs numb and the sheets a mess

remake of zestiria with improved battle system berseria had when?

Make it so you can play any of the Seraphs and then be able to make sorey or rose fuse even though you're still seraph, similar to how you switch blast in berseria.

Give Berseria's equipment style or improve it.

From the small part of that that I watched Dyle sounds pretty bad too. Eleanor sounds good but kind of off? I can't really explain it.

Why is a boy in the hot springs with girls?

>you will never bury your face in this armpit
>why live?

Why? Is she the kind that doesn't let you go until you've come 4 times?

I was more talking about the backdoor being the only option, not the orientation of partners. I'v taken it in the butt that way before myself though not with a dude

Jesus the dub is a disaster.
I actually pity dub fags because I was one a decade ago.

Their really good gay friend.

she's the kind where you wouldn't want to stop until you physically have to

No, Medissa sounds just fine.


>one badly voiced minor character ruins the entire thing

What the hell were they thinking when they designed the meteor storm spell?
On Chaos it literally instant casts and oneshots everyone.
I had to countercheese that motherfucker Innominat with mystic artes chaining, and even then I barely made it (was level 85+).