Welcome to the Fallout General Thread (aka Hell)

Welcome to the most cancerous and unlikable thread on Earth, the Fallout General Thread!

Post shitty memes, make fun of the exact same things, complain about "deathclaws," whine about how New Vegas was the best, whine abotu how there should be a New Vegas 2, whine about how there should be more New Vegas mods for Fallout 4, and more!

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't wake Todd!

>fallout general

4 has better gunplay, physics, character creation, character design, and animations, but it falls flat as a vanilla game, and needs heavy mods and DLC to be enjoyable at all. It has a great settlement crafting system, but that was really overused and became an annoying chore instead of a luxury. The story isn't as open-ended as New Vegas or 3, being that its already predetermined what your occupation is before the war. There aren't that many ways to roleplay. The only speech-checks in the game rely on charisma which is the new speech stat. The perk-skills system is just a clusterfuck and very unorganized(basically they combined skills with perks instead of making them separate like before). A ton of NV fags were angry about that and the speechchecks.

That being said, overall it's an okay fallout meme game, but it's not really as RPGey as the other two 3D games. I like the DLCs more than the base game. Tbph I have more hours in fallout 4, due to the DLC and fucking around with settlements.

Personally I rate the games:

But only because I hate NV with a passion for being a boring yellow turd in the desert. Also all the NV characters look like a potato with jaundice dipped in urine.


I agree on literally everything you said.

One thing I think we both can agree on, is that NV has a much better story than 3 and 4. In 3, you don't even truly have the option of not killing anyone, unlike the first 2. Same goes for 4, you're gonna have to kill someone in the story no matter what. I won't say who you're forced to kill in the story, because spoilers, but lets just say that the story could be a lot more diverse with an option to not kill him.

read the fucking rules nigger

None of the Bethesda fallouts are good. New Vegas is bad too.

NV is the same shit as FO3 and I sincerely hope NV2 is just a working project title and takes place in a more interesting locale than the boring ass mojave

Anyone who hates fallout 4 hates fun, new vegas is tedious and draining.

The fucking gunplay is so shit jesus christ i can't hit a deathclaw with a plasma rifle and when I do sometimes i don't even know if I actually did


>read the fucking rules nigger
I suggest you do the same.

Fallout General = All Fallout games.


>Welcome to the most cancerous and unlikable thread on Earth, the Fallout General Thread!
Can't possibly be more cancerous than /vg/

>2 minutes in

I'm not saying I disagree that Fallout 3 is a giant turd, but holy shit this guy is the biggest faggot

lmaoin@urlife Todd-San

He does bring up some good points later in the video, watch it if you've the time

If its literally called new vegas 2 its going to be in the mojave again retard. I wish they would make it in california though, sort of a boneyard/battle LA setting. If bethesda is making fallout 5 it should be in detroit.

Two other settings I'd like to see are new orleans and chicago. A fallout chicago could be a really good mob themed game. The triggermen and goodneighbor were really undercooked in fallout 4 and they could have done that alot better.

Why is nv so much more anime than 3?

>Fallout General = All Fallout games.
So is /fog/ on /vg/:

it's not

>walk into room
>see this
what do you do?


Ask him if his wife needs a bull

I love this pic, who here else built a Trump Wall around their settlements to keep illegal mutants the hell out?

wank furiously

Ask him to ravage my ass desu

I started doing that before realising just how tedious it all was

Tell him that, according to my calculations, his FNV mod makes the game unbalanced.

go back to elder scrolls 6 production todd

Yes it is

>Also all the NV characters look like a potato with jaundice dipped in urine.
stopped reading there

Where did I put my garbage bin?


>stopped reading at the very end of the post
what did he mean by this?
