Does Bioware know that Asari are supposed to be Space Elves?

Does Bioware know that Asari are supposed to be Space Elves?

They're supposed to all be incredibly attractive.

>All biotic means they burn carbs incredibly fast, so they never need to actually exercise to maintain their form.
>Release special pheromones and/or use biotic mind control to secure with perception and make them appear beautiful.
>Extreme xenophiles mean they love to research what other people find beautiful and copy them look painting fucking eyebrows on.

Bottom line is that the Asari were genetically engineered and culturally uplifted to be the leaders of the galaxy that everyone respects and loves.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Release special pheromones and/or use biotic mind control to secure with perception and make them appear beautiful.
That's not actually what happens, its merely how different races perceive asari features differently.

This is Bioware. Do you think they give a shit?

They're also gigantic sluts, just like elves.

claimed the second from left

I know contrarians on Sup Forums say ME1 is better than ME2, but ME2 is probably one of the top 5 comfiest games in existence with the sexiest aliens as well

>pencil eyebrows
This will never be attractive.

bioware thinks elves and orcs are the same. it's most obvious when you look at sera who is supposed to be an "elf".

>unironically linking to reddit
Get the fuck out.

>tfw you enter club afterlife
>tfw you enter lower club afterlife



Looks better than femryder.


>Asari are supposed to be Space Elves
asari are space bioware-elves

I wish i could purge the Asari, Batarians and the Quarians. A beautiful dream.

Why would you want to purge all of those beautiful suit cuties?

Batarians aren't that cute.

When Bioware became this shitty? Also, i just saw that main people of Andromeda didn't do shit in other mass effect(other than the director were writer of the third. And the writing\storyline of the third was the worst of the series. lel)

That's a goblin, son.

Get your facts straight.

I was only talking about one of those races.

Oh, they've got AIDS. That's why they need the suits.

you can really see how they turned to shit at that point
worked on ME1 without EA, then everything afterwards was dogshit

>painting fucking eyebrows on.
They are not painted.

>recessive gene
He's making shit up, completely unreliable source.The asari do not have the genetics to grow hair.

Beauty makes ugly women sad.

They don't give a shit about their own lore anymore.

For example there is fucking AI on Ark developed by humans. They of course forget that AI are illegal.

No, it makes catty attentionwhore women angry. I'm hideous and I love beautiful women because they are nice to look at and I always make my character hot af so I can self-insert and be a beautiful sexy badass woman.

Someone please post THAT webm.

humans are the best species in the universe and their super potent genetic material can make their asari offspring grow hair

Something something I want a goth chick, something something I can't handle a goth chick

It's fucking stupid because asari don't take any dna from the father.

that's one redpilled reddit thread