Let's have a comfy Original Xbox thread. What were your favorite games for it?

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I really like how moddable it is, it's like a PC in a box with a controller. My favorite console definitely.

PATA drives are expensive these days.

The only reason i bought a xbox back in the day was so i could play Dead or Alive 3, DOAX and DOA Ultimate. The console had a few good exclusives but sadly not enough to stand a chance against the PS2.

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath and Munch's Odyssey
Shenmue 2 (I know it wasn't originally on the system, but I played it on XBox)
Crimson Skies
Jet Set Radio Future
Ninja Gaiden Black (Still like it better than any of the DMC or Bayonetta games)

It was a cool little system, and the controller was really good. Best thing about MS family of systems is their controllers.

How did Microsoft sink so low?

halo, shenmue 2, fusion frenzy, breakdown, steel battalion

They hire Indian pajeets to anti-shill the competition because they can't make good games? Bethesda's shill network also helps them. They are the only company who anti-shills

Playing KOTOR 2 with my bro on xmas day

So much cancer

Why would they shill themselves when people do it here for free? You might have noticed, but everything here is console war bullshit.


Here's the latest update on them trying to antishill Sony's new ip.

You never see people spamming how recore, quantum break, gears of war or whatever is bad.

Only Microsoft dose this kind of shit, they aren't good people.

Its weird to play half-life 2 on the OG Xbox. shit goes to like below 10 frames in ravenholm


Republic Commando

every day, I wake up and think "maybe today is the day sega pulls their head out of their ass and remakes JSRF" I don't even care if they sold off the IP and let someone else make it. I just want this masterpiece on modern systems, holy fuck

burnout 3

I mainly played Fable, Morrowind & GOTY edition, Baldur's Gate DA, Deus Ex: Invisible War. Can't really remember what other games as it's been so long.

Eventually all the original Xbox's will die, and along with them the original exclusives.

One day.

Perhaps one day we will get an emulator. We would have one already IF THAT RETARDED FUCK DIDN'T WRECK THE DEV KIT HOLY BALLS

I feel like you can convert from SATA to IDE but I'm not sure

What retarded fuck?

you can get a converter, but for my part I still buy into the false economy of just buying used ide drives

Some dumbass Redditor had a original Xbox devkit along with what might have been a copy of the original Arena Shooter HALO in alpha.

He killed the drive and turned parts of it into a PC because PC MASTER RACE XDDDD

Why the fuck did this idiot faggot do this and how do people know about it?

Game was dope, no one ever talks about it.


He proudly posted it on Reddit for Karma.

I saw this for a few dollers in a second hand store, picked it up and it's been in my backlog for a few years. Is it worth playing? How about the other one, KuF Heroes?

the worst part is how stubborn this faggot is after he got called out. He literally refuses to sell any of the parts for it despite having no idea how it works.

He posted it on reddit with proof. His dad was a literal guy who worked at Microsoft. He did it because of pc mustard race

I have it, tried it out and the impression I got is that it's a European-flavored Dynasty Warriors. I didn't enjoy it.

What do you mean? Tell me the story please?

Fuck I hate when people ruin historic items like this.

>Eventually all the original Xbox's will die
You'll probably die before that happens so who cares

Every other KuF is pretty shitty. The crusades is a neat mix of brawler and rts that is very much worth it.

microsoft was never good

This image makes me legit mad and I hate Sony but any company who dose this is really fucking bad, we should be able to examine games without a bias and without shills making our opinions for us. I dont like this. at all.

I looked it up. On Amazon 250GB drives are actually fairly cheap. 500/750 drives are listed as $100+, which still isn't that bad but way more than I want to pay for what I'm using it for. It's not the end of the world to just delete games in the unlikely scenario that I fill up a 250.

There was a teenage redditor who's dad worked at Microsoft. Literally.
He was a PC master race fuckhead. He got his hands on an Xbox devkit, which included a bunch of data he couldn't read and trashed without making a backup.

The first game on all Xbox devkits was the HALO prototype Bungie made, and it is possible that the prototype game was on the system.

He killed the devkit and refurbished it into a PC he doesn't really know how to use due to PC Master Race memes.

Without the devkit (Only 50 were ever made) we will never get a proper Xbox emulator.

Should I just go ahead and get Steel Battalion off of eBay? That game looks like it's the top of the mech genre.

I've still got my copy, holding out for Microsoft to add in Hueg compatibility to the bone.

>tfw have hexbox
>watch TechTV
>kevin rose or someone talks about modding your hexbox to use as a HTPC and play "back ups" of your totally legit games
>spend the next week learning how to solder just to make this real
>rent games from blockbuster/hollywood video to copy games to HDD since internet was shit at the time
>still have my lil big black baby

Mechassault 2

Now I play MWLL.



The game itself isn't worth it. It only stands out because of the controller required to play it, but you'd just be paying all that money to say you own it since playing the game isn't all that enjoyable

that game sold like hot garbage, it doesnt surprise me at all sega ditched it.

>Should i play Kingdom Under fire?


I don't even know what to say. I am fucking livid. I want to find this little useless fuck and cut his arms off so he can sit and watch all the cool games for the rest of his life without ever being able to play them himself. This fuck needs to be punished with mental and physical torture for his reckless acts of stupidity. I fucking hate this fuck.

It was bundled with the console in 2002/2003. No one needed to buy it.

yeah, and the original xbox was such a success microsoft didnt completely abandon it when the 360 came out and they definitely didnt lose a shit ton of money on the original xbox!

Calm down, autismo.
Just buy a HUEG, they're cheap

I've got 2 already and modded. I want to emulate them on PC already you faggot.

Heroes is great and really cheap.

This gem, as well as these seldom remembered titles:

Raze's Hell
Blinx the timesweeper
Grabbed by the ghoulies
Voodoo Vince

What happened to the guy who said his dad had a backup of another alpha tower in his garage?


that game is boring as fuck

>Grabbed by the ghoulies
It's in Rare Replay
>Voodoo Vince
HD remaster releasing before E3, in case you're interested
Literally a meme game within the twitter Xbox community

Was Phantom Dust good, should my lowly Xbone loving ass be excited for the HD remaster?

I always wanted to play Blinx as a kid...

I don't have an Xbox One, so looks like I'm still using my old huge for those games.

As for Blinx, I'm honestly not sure if I'm remembering correctly. I could be thinking of Taz the Tasmanian tiger or Conkers. I can remember playing one a lot after it turned out the next gen Crash Bandicoot game was a load of shit.

this. blinx is fucking terrible

>twitter Xbox community
The what?

>should my lowly Xbone loving ass be excited for the HD remaster?
>he doesnt know


My nigga

I know the reboot was trashed, but the Remaster is due before E3.
I don't know if the game was actually good tho

My friend picked up Blinx 2 for me, it's like someone forgot to release an N64 game and finally found it in their closet one day. Shit's weird.

Why does Legendary Halo on the MCC feel easy as fucking shit compared to the OG halo Legendary?

Blinx was alright, but having to get the time crystals in the correct order made it a fucking RNG nightmare especially for boss fights. The sequel addressed this and was actually pretty fun, especially multiplayer. Stubbs and XIII came to PC, so you can probably pick that up somewhere.


Because the game runs at 60fps and the Xbone has a better controller.

Halo 1 was easy. You either haven't played it in 15 years and forgot or you're just bad.

>that room where you fight every type of enemy at once on hard mode
>cant kite big guys because invisibles stun lock you
>cant roll dodge because laser guys knock you flat on your back
>bruisers just keep beating you
>try to eat ration
>big guy catches up and one shots you

took 14 year old me 6 months to complete on. solus was a joke after that.

It was a different time.

Of the three main games, 1 definitely had the easiest legendary.

2 was retarded in how unforgiving it was, and 3 had Cortana and those needle firing flood forms which had better aim than jackal snipers.

Good luck trying to find Stubbs on PC.

I'm sure it was on Steam and the Xbox 360 arcade store for a while, and then it was removed on both.

How easy is it to mod?

I got one last month with Halo CE, had fun with it but it's the only game I have for it and wanted to try some other shit. Tried googling some tutorials but it all appears either obsolete, seems very complicated or requires some weird accessories.

i loved urban chaos it was the shit for me

You'd have to find a cracked version, but it's out there.

Not saying its not easy, just a lot easier on the bone compared to the hueg. I feel as if I take less damage and do more damage to others

How does this game hold up?

I never tried it back then, but I know I ended up with a copy somehow. Worth hooking some old shit up?

Exclusive? Breakdown, Otogi, Project zero 2:director's cut

It's mostly fun just for the music and art. Gameplay is decent enough.

Actually, I'm going to mod one of my old giants tomorrow to have something dedicated for emulating games.

crimson skies, no contest

you're not talking about this are you?

That's exactly what he was talking about. The worst part is that he put a SHITTY PC into it. He literally could have sold it for over a grand and bought a much nicer PC.

>nobody likes Blood Wake

This was packaged with my console. Did nobody else get it? It's pretty fantastic.

>word for word same as a comment on that link
>excessive line breaks
Kill yourself.

you can either solder a usb female port to a xbox controller cord or buy one premade, then it is as simple as buying an exploit game on ebay for a few dollars and uploading the exploit files via usb drive. replacing the stock 8gb hard drive with a larger one is a different story though, and I think more complicated than just plug in and go.

>tfw was a top 20 ace in multiplayer

I miss that game so fucking much.

i played a demo of it and then rented it at blockbuster. had really good looking water and was pretty fun, but the repetitiveness of the open waters got boring.

NFL2k5, SoF2, and Rainbow Six 3/BA.

I miss those days so fucking much.

The sequel was great too

I had never heard this before today. What a horrible mixture of anger and sadness to be feeling. I didn't respect the original xbox when I was a kid, but it really was a competent piece of hardware.

It was. Sweet Phillip Glass soundtrack.

I really liked what I heard of the music when I watched a gameplay vid.

>Halo 1/2
>SW Battlefront 1/2
>Harry Potter 2/3
>LoTR 2/3
>Spider man 2
>SW Republic Commando

master race coming through