Enjoy your inferior version of Zelda, piratefags and CEMUfags
Enjoy your inferior version of Zelda, piratefags and CEMUfags
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nice bait
wait, nintendo is giving wii u review copies too?
>switch version superior
>chugs in tv mode
Gotta justify that Switch pre-order somehow, right OP?
does anyone even have the wiiU version
The switch version is the port,
aka the reason I'm not buying a Switch and hopefully never will. Sick of Nintendo's shit.
I don't see any chugging.
That faggot is a 18yo attention seeking whore. He even made a video crying because Nintendo wouldn't send him free shit anymore, kek.
>p-p-plz buy a s-s-s-switch
lol no nintendo.
>yfw when BOTW's metacritic score is brought down because reviewers take off points for the wii u version
Enjoy your 3 hour Zelda on the go
This. He says he'll review Nintendo games "fairly", but he mentions nintendo every other video just to shit on them because they hurt his feelings.
They are the same fucking game, idiots.
So its either
Pay over $500 Canadafunbucks (plus tip) for a slightly better version of the only game the switch will have for a year or longer.
Or pay $90 Canadian for the Wii U version of Zelda and wait until the inevitable switch price drop and or bundle package.
I think the answer is obvious.
Wait why would cemu fags get the "inferior" version? We will actually have the best version. Eventually it'll be completely locked at 60fps with higher res textures and draw distance
Pretty sure metacritic has separate pages for separate versions.
Pay $0 for the Wii U version?
>a fucking leaf
Nintendo games do not have price drops. Many are still full price.
>the only game the switch will have for a year
Bomberman R, FAST RMX, Snipperclips, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon, Xenoblade, Project Octopath, FE Warriors, Mario Odyssey
And that's only from the top of my head and only the things they've announced so far.
I'm not buying a Switch for a slight performance increase. I'll think about getting one in a few years when it'll hopefully have a dozen decent games to justify getting it. Until then I''ll stick with my PC/PS4/WiiU/3DS.
>inferior version
The version that can potentionally play it at 4K and/or 60fps?
>Or pay $90 Canadian for the Wii U version of Zelda
thats like 50 bux in real money
>le 4k60fps meme
You could potentially not be a virgin loser, yet here we are.
I thought cemu runs like ass?
>investing +300 shekels to be stuck with ONE game
>trying to justify it
How does it feel to be this pathetic, nintenyearolds?
>le obnoxious whiny voice guy
I'm amazed people like you exist.
Wouldn't you fit better in with gamefaqs?
>Price drops
o am i laffin
>ultra high end PC, top of the line
>pirates video games
It's not worth buying a piece of closed end hardware for a single game.
Says who?
I actually own all the Wii and GCN games I emulate via Dolphin.
You shouldn't assume so much, nobody likes people that talk out of their ass.
wouldn't you fit better in with Gaia?
same as ps4 and better than xbone at least
I thought graphics didn't matter, consolefag.
Boy, that's some shit I haven't heard in years.
Kinda disgusting that you're an oldfag, yet act like a pure shitposter.
Yeah and nobody likes autistic assholes either
shut the fuck up loser
And I should trust this guy because?
literally who?
is the wiiu version completely mirrored from the Switch version? or vice versa
>autistic assholes
What's the point of shitposting this hard?
I may be a shitposter, but your posts are shit.
who cares about a fucking leaf?
This. I made this mistake with the Wii U.
I regret nothing in this case, though
doubt it
We know they didn't send out Wii U review copies though, literally no one got them. They got a Switch and the Switch version
How so?
I thought the only difference was a lower resolution and some minor graphical differences
Why not just pirate it?
>paying for the free version
>Trusting Haedox
>Not our boy Arlo
Shaking my head
I thought he got blacklisted by Nintendo. I doubt he has the game.
>720p 25fps
THIS... is the 9th generation....
Nintendo does it again
I don't think Xenoblade will release this year.
Why is there this bizarre rivalry between an underage fuckboi and Cookie monster?
Would it be safe to assume that the Wii U version will look basically the same as the Switch version running in Handheld mode? At 720p?
If so, not bad - I was worried the Wii U version would be horrible, but that doesn't look so-so bad.
Wii U version looks significantly worse in comparisons though. It basically has no draw distance and texture filtering
I dunno, I just hoped that my post would be so deeply profound that you wouldn't question me.
captcha: Liberty aids
>Wii U version
I'm a huge Nintenfag, and would never listen to this guy's opinions, he is so over the line it hurts. You can sense in every video he makes how much cum from Reggie, Miyamoto and previously Iwata he swallowed, he will defend any shit as long as it's from Nintendo. Star Fox Zero, Federation Force, now the Wii U version being shit so he can help push more Switch units, because he knows people settling on the Wii U version will make some of the Switch sales drop.
jesus christ those frame drops from link just walking in some tall grass.
>trusting either
Not really. It's more a matter of compatibility. If the game boot, chances are it will run fairly well. Fuck everyone saying otherwise, I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles at 30 fps (100% speed) using a i3 3.1 GHz, anyone with a decent rig can run most compatible games at 4k fullspeed without problems. The only question now is: will Breath of the Wild be compatible soon enough ?
Wouldn't the switch version be the actual port? They must have started development for the Wii u way before switch right?
1) The OP is a huge nintendrone, even by nintendo fan standards
2) There is no footage of the final build of the Wii U version, everything shown so far has been from an older build and all the review copies Nintendo sent are on the Switch
>Wii U
But the Switch version is the port...
Why pay ? It's Nintendo after all
Ask him to leak tik and post here.
Texture filtering I can solve in Cemu with just some lines of code (using the Graphics Packs). Draw distance I can't, but for sure it's not that hard for someone to do
>He even made a video crying
Did he think it would help? I'm sure the Japanese heads of Nintendo have watched men be murdered for business decisions, and Reggie doesn't give a fuck about anything online unless it memes more money.
Keep in mind we don't know how Nintendo develops their games or what software they use for it, they always keep that hush hush
The only thing remotely like that was Super Mario Maker which was a commercial version of the software they use to design Mario levels
Plus the Switch was being drafted even while Iwata was still alive so they most likely knew what they were working with
I bought a ps4 for Destiny. I only recently got into Bloodborne, and games like Nioh have only just started coming out
I honestly can't think of a single, non-Nintendo system that I've bought that wasn't for a game or two. At least with the Switch I already have 5+ games that I'm interested in getting.
>Inferior version
>can emulate it up to 4k 30+ fps
Shit, OP, you're a special kind of retard for sure
Which makes sense
It's okay when Nintendo does it
New 3ds all over again
We can already dump the textures too, and you know what this mean...
>say generic things like the game is good on wiiu and what you would expect
>0 retweets 1 like max
>say some bait shit like the wiiu version is terrible
>several hundred retweets and likes
people say shit like this on purpose you know.
>The OP is a huge nintendrone, even by nintendo fan standards
That's why he publicly denounced Nintendo as the worst modern gaming corporation.
Shit Im gonna wait a couple years and pick up a Switch for like 200 with some stuff included. Been thinking about getting a Wii U now but people are trying to sell em hugh in hipes of having enough money for a Switch.
Also, why the fuck is the Switch "pro" controller so expensive? Doesnt even look that great.
Does CEMU work well?
Kinda of ironic for the ninty fanboys to be all graphics fags now when not long ago 720p/30 was fine.
From the few gameplay videos available, The Wii U seems to look better for indoor segments, while the Switch version looks better outside. Don't see where he's getting his information from.
>hd rumble
>actual battery power
Also when the ps4 controller came out it was only 10€ cheaper and most of the big retailers still want 50-60€. Just wait it will go down after a while
it runs a lot of games better than the console does but most games are unplayable
>Don't see where he's getting his information from.
His ass, just like everyone else.
I've never seen a controller go cheap
Every single one remains full price
The steam controller went down a few times but we know why that is
Does that guy have a single fact to actually back up that statement? As far as I know Nintendo has only sent out Switch copies of the game to press, and the last time we actually saw the Wii U version of the game was more than half a year ago
Why is he making up shit to try and sell people on a Switch?
>Why is he making up shit to try and sell people on a Switch?
He's trying to do quite the opposite
Anyone who isn't the media is waiting at the moment to play it, being the media allows the authority to comment on the game before anyone else plays it.
Those who are glad to play it soon can wait but if you couldn't care less you'd pretend you were.
This is why the media is the unbias party.
Points will be deducted for the awful framerate on Switch
Look harder the fps clearly stutters before he even makes it in yhe grass. If you don't mind that then good for you.
he means the switch, which i could see pulling a 3ds and dropping price after launch.
LoL wut?
dont need 3 hours bc i'll only be undocked when i have to shit
I can pirate the Wii U version with an undub, so that makes it the better version.
Enjoy spending $300 + $70 pro controller + $60 game + $20 DLC for the full Zelda Experience™ while I pay $0 on my Wii U + the superior pro controller
dont trust this fucking baby that cried when nintendo stopped giving him free shit
nor arlo
let these two guys fight
>P-Please buy a S-Switch, guys!
Why wouldn't you just pirate it?