It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever.

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I just started a new game and no idea what to roll, fuck it


Lawful evil dark elf spellsword born under the sign of the warrior serving house Telvanni

that's pretty generic lmao


>It's time to discuss the best RPG ever.

Baldur's Gate?

>even if you sprint you move at a snail pace and it makes you fail everything on top of it since no stamina
nice best rpg

when will you learn?

>knights of honor

Just take Steed, nigga.

>archer wood elf

>tfw Day of Defeat is dead

Get the boots man. Or just teleport everywhere and cast jump spells if you're a mage.

Been a while since we've had a good Skies of Arcadia thread.

Currently trying a no deaths/no seeds/no weapon upgrades except loot run. Did a lot of grinding, but it's not as difficult as I thought it would be so far.

Thanks for the laugh

Recently got around to playing this for the first time. It's age made it kind of difficult to get invested into playing, but once I did I couldn't stop.

I can now definitely understand why so many people speak so highly of this game; it did a lot of things better than its successors.


but Gothic 2 isn't a hub game

Remember when you first played Morrowind, how you didn't know what you were getting into, and while you didn't understand it perfectly, you found yourself playing for hours upon hours, forgetting everything else?

Except you have the option to not walk in Morrowind because it's an actual RPG with various build options and good player agency.

Quick, post your characters in whatever RPG you are playing!


*Walks slower than a snail*

*Reads through 8 novels worth of text just to accept a quest*


I member

Was 13 or 14 at the time

I couldn't figure out where to go or what to do, so I just stole stuff out of homes in the first town so that I could sell it and buy gear at the shop

Morrowind is fucking boring as AIDS


I still don't get why witcher 3 is that loved.

it's a full game with 150 hours adventure, amazing characters, amazing sidequests, amazing stories.
you don't have npcs repeating a city's history your face.



About the kind of response I'd expect from Morrowind fanboys desu


More like 150 hours of "follow this red trail" and awful combat.

What game?

Gothic 2 NoTR

Darude - RPGStorm :^)

morrowind aged horribly

>walking in Morrowind
I mean sure if you're role-playing as a pilgrim or something I guess that makes sense, but almost any other type of character would at the very least use the many transit services and carry a few intervention scrolls. The only part of the game that might involve repetitive walking is visiting the ashlander camps for the main quest, which is actually completely skippable if you have enough reputation. If for some reason you want to do them anyway you still only have to walk to each camp once, as you can return instantly to good old travel-networked civilization with recall, almsivi, or divine intervention scrolls or potions.

Hell, if you want to manually travel despite all the other options available you still don't have to walk. Get 200+ acrobatics from enchantments or spells and jump over mountains like the Hulk, or fly around with levitation. Or drink a bunch of skooma and/or equip the boots of blinding speed and go full sanic mode. Very few RPGs can compare to Morrowind when it comes to the mobility options and how extreme the difference is from how you move at the beginning compared to the end.

Also the scale is way off. Either make the Morrowind side 10x larger or the Gothic side 1/10th as large. Both the orange and green parts of course.

Why walk when you can ride?

We make a special trip, just for you. Same low price.

i love these

morrowind is terrrible i hate it die

What did he mean by this?

I heard that dialogue when my fame was low and at towns I had never been before. Does they just say that to everyone who stops by?

>not walking everywhere because it's fucking comfy

Doing it wrong.

Yeah they're just shady salesmen did those chink hats they wear not make it obvious enough welcome to the silt strider fields motherfucker.

Morrowind is a weird kind of game. It's hard to put my finger on what's so good about it. I can think of a thousand individual flaws, but it all comes together to form something bigger. I love it.

Git fucking good



It's called worldbuilding.

but that's not ps:t or arcanum

yeah user, that's why it won tons of awards.

>tfw too poor for TESO
I still can't tell if I enjoyed it after that free weekend, I need another try

>Video game awards



No one is dumb enough to actually take video game awards seriously... right?

ayyy lmao

Morrowind is a great game, but often i think "soon i will be strong enough to hit enemy every time", and then i become strong, and kill multiple hard enemies easily, and i lose interest.

I even have to roleplay "can't sleep on ground like animal if low health, nope, gotta head to bed and rethink my strategy".

Anyway im rattling nonsense, Morrowind is the greatest game ever, wish some God would come down to earth and craft morrowind again, with even bigger depths, and new engine. I love morrowind.

>Ald'Ruhn was a Velothi holy site
That's neat. It's cool if much of the expansion revolves around interacting with the ashlanders. That Seyda Neen shit is so lazy though.

Part of it is probably just how much shit there is in the first place. The game's got so much content and mechanics that even if you hate 90% of it the 10% you do like could easily be a full game. One play might play it like a poor man's Thief, sneaking and stealing and amassing wealth and a collection of rare and powerful artifacts. Another might want to just explore the world as an adventurer and do all the miscellaneous quests, probably freeing enough slaves in the process to learn about and work for the Twin Lamps. Another might just play a simple warrior, doing the main quest, fighters guild, Redoran, and maybe the Imperial Legion and calling it a day. Another might go for the Morag Tong and end up legally assassinating some key figures of those factions who gave the other players a bunch of quests.

Any one of the above playthroughs could have given somebody 50+ hours of enjoyment, with very little overlap between them. Then consider the expansions and different ways you might approach the same challenges with different characters. That's not even counting the powergamers who aren't afraid to break their immersion to do so much crazy shit you can only do in Morrowind, like bringing all the fast travel NPCs to your own house, enchanting all your gear to give you a permanent respawning army of skeletons and daedra, or killing a god so you can take his stupid main quest plot device for yourself and bypass the entire main story.

There are a lot of games that do some of the things Morrowind did a lot better than Morrowind did them, but none that do everything. To a lesser extent this is why Bethesda's more modern games are still played and talked about today, because despite toning down a lot of the above they still offer a lot more ways to interact with their worlds than their contemporaries.

>That Seyda Neen shit is so lazy though.
it's just for nostalgia, so calm down.

Good luck with that mate. I wish I was playing Skies of Arcadia right now instead of shitposting in a faggy Morrowind thread.

so we don't take seriously awards, userscores, review scores, we ignore everything.
only bunch of Sup Forums faggots decide which is the best rpg ever.
yeah, i get it.

lets go, i need something to do tonight

OpenMW is pretty much Morrowind on a new engine
It's pretty playable already too, what's left to implement are things like distant terrain and shadows

>and kill multiple hard enemies easily, and i lose interest.
Have you tried using the difficulty slider?

Maybe you should come up with actual arguments instead of screeching "muh awards muh userscores muh reviews"

Oblivion was a really good game, it's atmosphere and some of its quest lines were far ahead of its time and it all came together to paint the best game in the series.

It didn't suffer from the workaround garbage DnD mechanics morrowind had to use and it still remained internally consistent to the universe unlike Skyrim.

It was the best game in the series, and there's absolutely no way I'm wrong.


Hmm.. no.

But still it's more fun when you have a new character for some reason.


>Lionel Richie or Billy Ocean?
>Billy Ocean. Come on; Lionel wanted to wine and dine the women, but Billy just told them to get the hell in his car.

Is Todd our guy?

I'm not playing this. Probably the most boring roll possible.

A great setting + the construction set

>retarded as fuck level scaling
>every fucking dungeon is the same
>quest markers
>less enemy variety
>like 5 voice actors
>everyone has a potato face
>dumbed down the magic
>dumbed down the equipment
>generic medieval europe setting
>shit action combat instead of passable dice rolling combat
>shit main quest
Fuck you, Oblivion is shit

>internally consistent

>5000 lines of recorded dialogue

Jesus, Todd, youwere lying even back then?

People who say that oblivion is good are trolls, man. Just ignore them.

>retarded as fuck level scaling
I'll defend Morrowind to the fucking grave but don't pretend it didn't have the same problem

When in Morrowind would you ever find randomly spawning bandits with glass or deadric armor?

Morrowind has level scaling?

Full retard

As opposed to 150 hours of reading Wikipedia dialogue from Morrowind "characters"?

>you will never live in a timeline where the TES games continue to follow the really cool lore and build upon the heavy RPG elements

>Oblivion was a really good game

does unimportant additional text scare you?
Are you afraid of lore?

There's 610 male Dunmer voice files, so 5000 doesn't seem like a stretch. All the clips are real short though of course.

playing it for the first time right now to be honest, never really 'got' the elder scrolls games until now, always found them boring and preferred fallout but the lore is so rich I'm this universe and the main quest in morrowind is very good

playing a katana weilding spellblade atm

>Are you afraid of lore?
No if the lore is interesting, sadly this isn't the case in Elder Scrolls.

>suddenly cliff racers all over Seyda Neen at high levels
>only enemies in Sixth house bases at low level are zombies and slaves making them piss easy to clear
>no daedra harder than a scamp at low level in daedric ruins making them piss easy to clear
>have to grind levels for atronachs to even start spawning so you can get a soul for the Telvanni
Among other things

I'm the guy you're replying to and Oblivion IS good. Not my favorite TES game but still good. We just can't pretend it cared the slightest about internal consistency or worldbuilding.

He's talking about the greetings and stuff. Glancing in the construction set, I can see that there are 6179 lines of voiced dialogue in the game, which includes all of those greetings, combat chatter, and the few voiced lines for the intro and certain major quests.

It does. Not even close to the retarded extent Oblivion had it, however, so I'm not sure what >368507912 is talking about. In Morrowind stronger creature types would populate the landscape as you level up. It peaks around level 15 I think when the Golden Saints and Winged Twilights start appearing everywhere around Daedric areas. Some random loot in containers and carried by certain NPCs scale as well. Oblivion did that too but for literally everything, then went a step further by scaling NPC levels and the health pool of every high-end enemy to your level. It even scaled the stats of fucking quest rewards, which includes almost every artifact in the game. Oblivion also had very little in the way of handplaced loot and enemies, which Morrowind had in spades in addition to the level scaled content.

I think he might have been talking about the leveling system itself, with the multipliers and shit. Morrowind and Oblivion had very similar systems there and it was equally retarded in both. You just didn't notice as much in Morrowind since there was so much less level scaling.


That's nothing like Oblivion

meme my life into memes
this is my last meme

second meme

That's a pretty consistent one

I know what you mean, eventually you just get too powerful
It was actually pretty fun when I went into a bandit cave and got my ass kicked because there happened to be an Orc in heavy armour, or multiple foes in one room, or just one mage that you don't wanna fuck with.
I remember one specific instance where I had to go into a Daedric ruin and cure someone as part of a Temple quest. I really wanted the stuff in the shrine, but the people guarding it were way too tough for me. So I use an Invisibility amulet, run over, and nick a whole bunch of scrolls and shit as fast as I could. Then I ALMSIVI'd right out of there.
It felt good back then because I had to use all my skills and items as well as I could to succeed. The scene in the shrine wouldn't have been nearly as memorable if I'd just gone in and cut those guys to pieces using a Daedric Broadsword with a 40 point Go Fuck Yourself enchantment

underrated post

what self-imposed rules do you use to keep yourself from breaking the game too easily?

>no trainers
>no int potion stacking
>no selling the potions i make
>no soul trap glitching summons
>no creeper/mudcrab

sometimes i allow trainers up to a certain point, maybe level 30 or so, just so i can actually cast something and level it normally from there

>le no jungle face