XIV thread

Come up with a new action for your favourite job/s in Stormblood.

Hard mode: Doesn't boost personal or raid DPS

Savage mode: Doesn't do damage at all

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Rend Power.

Combined Rend Mind and Disassemble into one ability.

Ninja loot, ignores loot rules and gives you an item of your choice from loot list

Generic Power Up
Using this Ability calculates all the boring oGCD buffs and gives you a 10min equivalent.

Bladebash : stun 3 seconds and lowers def of mob by 10%. for 10 seconds. Recast: 30 seconds

50 floors of potd and I came out with +9/+10 gear. Thanks based RNG gods.

Dark Arts Shadowskin for 30%

>Savage mode: Doesn't do damage at all

That's not Savage mode. That's just no fun mode.

Consumes all remaining Enochian time to do 800 Potency or some shit.


Solar Flare: Instant cast AoE healing ability with a potency of 300.

Range of 15y.

Malefic III: Ground AoE with a that deals a potency of 75 per tic for 30 seconds.

I want to be useful what should I play? BRD, MCH, SCH or something else entirely?

MCH or SCH. MCH does everything BRD can do but better, and then even more.


It's because most people when asked to come up with something just give themselves more free oGCD damage with absolutely nothing interesting at all.

Is it just me, or is nearly everyone that plays this a brainless piece of shit?

That's why Savage mode should have been something interesting, not an arbitrary restriction that prevents some potentially fun concepts.

A new song for BRD that boosts physical damage.

That's because that's all this game is
Do as much damage as fast as possible
Stack-unstack-turn away
Add phase ultimate rinse repeat
Ice goes to fire unless it doesn't

Post whatever you like then, it's not a real contest ya dingdong

>lancer level 60

Shield Surf: Gap closer for Paladins.


Lv.60-70 MCH skill

Ink Grenade

Reduces the targets chance to hit by _% for _ seconds.

PvP: Covers the targets vision in ink blots for _ seconds.

Basically just make AST even more like the other healers then

The butthurt over dancer is amazing.


>Samurai was not fun in FFXI
>Wants Dancer

Fuck your hard and savage modes: I want Flood, Tornado and Quake for white mage.

>Savage mode: Doesn't do damage at all
NIN action, x second buff
increases movement speed by % and lets you use shukuchi repeatedly until the buff wears off

The only YT videos aboout XIV worth watching are those 1.0 documentaries. Why is this community so crappy?

If anything, MCH need some personal defensive moves.
They have nothing, no shields, no back jump, no self heal, absolutely nothing (and no a 5% damage reduction isn't what I call a "defensive move").

A forward roll which would let them get some distance would be a great start.
Some kind of self heal tool would be nice, not Blood bath since it would be way too OP on them, nor a gimped second wind like BRD, but maybe some kind of new turret that could heal a little bit?

Numbers I guess. The smaller the community, the less likely you are to have a talented and interesting youtuber be part of said community.

Im a sucker for lore shit and all he videos I've seen are boring trash other than those 1.0 ones you've mentioned.

>If anything, MCH need some personal defensive moves.
Just don't get hit lmao

>been putting off crafting for a few days
>end up with mats for 500 pies
thanks retainers. fuck.

Isn't it weird that dancer caused much more salt than blue mage when dancer was definitely extremely unlikely even compared to BLU.

But every job in the game can either heal themselves or shield their ass, why can't MCH be able to do it?

I'd rather get a skill that isn't useless or catering to playing badly

>gone the way of Warlords of Draenor
but WoD didn't even add any classes


I insist on my opinion that Sophia was harder than Zurvan and PF is full of horrible shitters.

Actually the echo chamber in the OF was 100% for DNC and was sure it was getting it.
Talking about BLU, let alone SAM was basically frowned upon.

It helps with boss' super attacks that cannot be avoided.


How much salt has "she" produced yet?

Sophia EX was cleared by a group of 4 players.

It IS easy.


Not really. Dancer appealed mostly to the attention whores wanting an excuse to glamour like a slut, be they waifufags or ERP sluts.
Now they're just using the lack of Dancer as an excuse to attention whore.
There was no way to win after the ball got rolling; whatever happened, they'd be smearing some flavor of shit everywhere.

You forgot divebombs

How about call it Money Shot?


I'm a newbie about to play the game. What healer class is good at healing but isn't too reliant on help from others?

Sophia EX is easy, specially compared to Sephirot and Thordan, but Zurvan is even easier. Zurvan is a very slow fight with very fixed patterns of movement whereas Sophia is at least a bit more chaotic and more difficult to learn at first. Both would be the easiest heavensward primals if it wasn't for Bismarck, though.

>he plays au ra
>he's a drk


I would play a DRK if I wasn't too beta to tank.

The only thing you need to learn in SophEX is the trick on her balance move and where to go to place meteors.

I wouldn't call it "chaotic", there's nothing random about it at all.

>astrologian begs for assize
you can't have it, it's all we have left

who even writes this much about literally nothing
is this by chance that rp dancer/lancer with a huge wiki page, a fuck-ton of commissions, and all those rumors/commentaries by other rpers?

If you're gonna play healer, then there's really only three options: Astrologian, Scholar and White Mage. Scholars do have their pets to help, but DESU I don't really play any healing classes so I guess I can't be much of a help. Queues are nice tho


Job Trait: Halloweder Ground
Causes Hallowed Ground effect to proc immediately upon use, instead of after finishing the animation.

>tfw erp slut
>legitimately just wanted a buffer/debuffer class, or evasion tank
>no one will take my opinion seriously

samurai looks great though

>Wanted SAM and DNC because they're both fun DD jobs that could spam SCs with DNC bringing in utility and heals
>OF only wanted DNC so they can be sluts
Thanks Balmung

From what I could tell playing the healer classes, the only one that feels like it needs other people around to do better, particularly during questing, is AST. Then again, I only played it before any of the patches when the job was new, and it got a lot of buffs since. All healers are good at healing and have some dps capabilities. WHM is pretty straightforward in both healing and damage dealing. SCH does damage over time and has slightly weaker heals, but potentially strong shields and a fairy co-healer pet. AST is a lot like WHM, but can switch between regen and shields, while having some RNG buffs.

Evasion tank can never work because evasion is "all or nothing". They would either be relying on RNG for their mitigation which means if they failed a roll they'd die and fuck up the run, or they'd get "guaranteed dodge" skills which would make them OP as fuck by allowing them to flat out ignore massive attacks.

Does anyone at all take DNCfags seriously?

I just wanted a DPS with party wide utility that wasn't BRD or MCH. I wanted a DNC like FFT.

How do we turn BLM from a pyromancer job to an elementalist, utilizing fire, blizzard, and thunder equally for damage-dealing in their rotations?

No elemental resistances and weaknesses.

An answer to Unchained for Deliverance.

Eats 5 stacks to give + threat while in Deliverance. Depending on the threat boost, it might be worth it in some situations.

Make ice phase more interesting and longer.

Make the BLM AoE rotation actually include Freeze instead of having zero ice spells.

I'm not sure how to make thunder more frequent, though.

>I'm not sure how to make thunder more frequent, though.
Thundercloud doesn't already do that?

Ninja: Shadowclone Jutsu

Creates a clone of my character which performs my rotation flawlessly so I can afk.

It's still an occasional thing. The goal would be to make Fire a bit less prominent in the rotation and increase the role the other two elements play without a cheap and broken elemental resistances system.

An ability which recreates the last 5-10 seconds of actions you performed would be pretty cool actually.

>save it for a string a good crits and watch yourself do it again
aww yeah

>3 months ago
>sam will not added because it has nothing with muh ala mhigo
>the expansion is about othard
Eat shit monks

I wish Yoshi P would just come out with the older job changes and the combat changes. I assume he hasn't set anything in stone but just some teasers about what he wants to try to accomplish would be nice.

>sam will not added because it has nothing with muh ala mhigo
This was always a stupid argument anyway since Garlemald controls both Ala Mhigo and Doma, and has been shown to incorporate styles from conquered territories into their army.

The two main intentions with the combat changes is to close the performance gap between mediocre and good players, and reduce the overall number of actions while still maintaining current levels of complexity for "optimal" play. I reckon that there's going to be some inevitable dumbing down though.

yeah, a pure buffer/debuffer likely wouldn't either but I quietly hoped they'd figure something out

Personally I'd like to see a removal of ogcds like +10% damage for X time and just have potency increased somewhere to make up for it. But I figure most players wouldnt want that to change.

>erp slut
Man you need to find someone in life.

>equating textfucking with real life
maybe you should, my friend

Yeah, because functional people who have real human beings in their life are "erp sluts".

Of course. Good luck with that, failure.

Guys help, I can't stop listening to the SB theme

I agree. Shit like Blood for Blood isn't interesting since you just use it on cooldown. You might argue there's some skill in it on BRD/MCH who have to align their cooldowns for Barrage/Wildfire but honestly those rotations are a clusterfuck as it is and they wouldn't miss one or two oGCDs.





>mfw can't beat T9 even unsynched

I'm glad I wasn't around when it actually was considered hard. Really can't imagine it.

Imagine it like a pretty annoying dance you can't really mess up on.

Do you think the Stormblood story crew will be as comfy as Ysayle,Estinien & Alphinaud?

>spin the boss
>win without ever seeing meteors or any mechanics at all

3 incredibly boring characters. I sure hope so.

>Watching someone fuck up meteors yet again

I think T9 is why I don't want to do savage content.

>tanking baelsar's
>at mr. sloppy
>jumps to opposite side of arena, know i won't be able to make it in time
>holmgang him
>still get knocked back anyway
besides the lifesaving effect, does this fucking thing work at all?

I just want the story to get off Alphinaud's dick. He just barges in out of nowhere after Titan and he has practically been the main character since then. He is an annoying faggot and I'm sick of him.

I have One Ilm Punch, don't fucking talk to me about abilities that don't work.

The Heavensward story fucking sucked ass. I hated Ysale the moment I met her, and I hated every single story quest with her in it. The only enjoyable part was when she got rocked by Ravana and obliterated by the Garleans
Why couldn't we just have a good ol' fashion dragon hunt instead of "muh draguns, muh noble beasts"

Recommend mature stories for mature players such as yourselves.

Some knockbacks are set to always go off, regardless of any counters used like Tempered Will, Holmgang, etc.

Also it's possible you just activated Holmgang too late for the server to register it anyway.